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Smoother than a Twi'lek's dance moves.

New Republic Charging Galactic Alliance 205/250
gandalfthegreatestwizard - 3/19/2018 6:47:37 AM (Created: 3/19/2018 5:01:50 AM)
Average Rating: -- Creator's Rating: --
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
LTA 29 New Republic 45 Colonel Jacen Solo 130 21 13 20 CE CE CE
WaS 25 New Republic 30 Captain Shevu 70 18 11 20 CE CE
LTA 27 New Republic 24 Ben Skywalker, Jedi 80 18 8 20 CE CE
KotOR 35 New Republic 23 General Wedge Antilles 80 18 8 10 CE CE
WaS 28 New Republic 20 Wraith Squadron Pilot 50 18 10 20 CE
AaO 34 New Republic 17 Galactic Alliance Officer 60 17 9 20 CE CE
UF 14 New Republic 17 Keyan Farlander, Jedi General 50 17 8 10 CE CE CE
LTA 26 New Republic 12 967 Commando 30 16 7 20 CE
LTA 26 New Republic 12 967 Commando 30 16 7 20 CE
UF 12 New Republic 5 Galactic Alliance Recruit 10 14 2 10 CE
Type: General
Activations: 10
Total HP: 590
Avg. Defense: 17.30
Avg. Attack: 8.30

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Charging Galactic Alliance--
45 Colonel Jacen Solo
30 Captain Shevu
24 Ben Skywalker, Jedi
23 General Wedge Antilles
20 Wraith Squadron Pilot
17 Galactic Alliance Officer
17 Keyan Farlander, Jedi General
24 967 Commando x2
5 Galactic Alliance Recruit

(205pts. 10 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0
gandalfthegreatestwizard's Comment:
Shevu and Ben get Wraith Squadron via Squad Member from 967 Commando while within 6 of the Wraith pilot (and they get Squad Assault). Shevu can charge 12 for +23/50, and Ben for +16/40. Not exactly that amazing without Twin though; it would be vastly better if they had it.

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