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Character Ratings

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Showing 101 - 150 of 2,054 CharactersPrevious12345...42Next
  * Character Name Avg. Rating
101. Fringe R7 Astromech Droid 9.27 (126)
102. Republic Elite Republic Commando - Fixer 9.27 (13)
103. Republic Null ARC Trooper Captain Ordo 9.26 (23)
104. Republic Yaddle, Jedi Master 9.25 (20)
105. Fringe Marn Hierogryph 9.25 (14)
106. Rebel Crix Madine, SpecForce Commander 9.25 (10)
107. Old Republic Malak, Jedi General 9.25 (8)
108. Republic ARC Trooper Fives, Republic Hero 9.25 (4)
109. Imperial Turr Phennir 9.25 (4)
110. New Republic Mara Jade, Galactic Hero 9.25 (4)
111. Separatists Sith Darth Maul, Sith Infiltrator 9.24 (52)
112. New Republic Kyle Katarn, Jedi Battlemaster 9.23 (257)
113. Rebel New Republic General Dodonna 9.23 (237)
114. Sith Freedon Nadd, Dark Force Spirit 9.23 (15)
115. Republic General Skywalker 9.22 (159)
116. Rebel Republic Master Yoda 9.22 (27)
117. Republic Commander Cody, CC-2224 9.22 (11)
118. New Republic BB-8 9.22 (11)
119. Imperial Lord Vader 9.21 (215)
120. Republic Yoda, Legend of the Light Side 9.21 (35)
121. Old Republic Master Vandar 9.20 (29)
122. Sith Darth Wyyrlok III 9.20 (29)
123. Yuuzhan Vong Supreme Overlord Quorreal 9.20 (17)
124. Sith Ommin, Sith Sorceror 9.20 (12)
125. Mandalorians Paz Vizsla 9.20 (5)
126. Imperial BB-9E 9.20 (5)
127. Imperial Admiral Gilad Pellaeon 9.19 (38)
128. Sith Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith 9.18 (249)
129. Separatists Series II Destroyer Droid 9.18 (39)
130. Rebel New Republic Admiral Ackbar, Supreme Commander 9.18 (19)
131. Mandalorians Boba Fett, Mercenary Commander 9.17 (275)
132. Sith Darth Bane, Sith'ari 9.17 (27)
133. Separatists Dooku, Separatist Hero 9.17 (14)
134. Old Republic Johun Othone 9.17 (6)
135. Sith Dark Force Nexus 9.17 (6)
136. Republic Master Dooku 9.17 (6)
137. Fringe Jarael 9.16 (263)
138. Fringe Atris 9.16 (45)
139. Imperial Darth Vader, Legacy of the Force 9.15 (195)
140. Imperial Darth Vader, Unleashed 9.14 (209)
141. New Republic R2-D2 and C-3PO, Galactic Heroes 9.14 (34)
142. Imperial Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith 9.14 (25)
143. Rebel Biggs Darklighter, Rebel Pilot 9.14 (7)
144. Old Republic Lucien Draay, Jedi Master 9.14 (7)
145. Rebel I-5YQ 9.14 (7)
146. Fringe Barada on Desert Skiff 9.14 (7)
147. Fringe Killik Queen 9.14 (7)
148. Fringe Tobias Beckett, Mercenary 9.14 (7)
149. New Republic Eelysa, Jedi Master 9.14 (7)
150. Mandalorians Mandalorian Scout 9.13 (219)
Showing 101 - 150 of 2,054 CharactersPrevious12345...42Next

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