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Character Ratings

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Showing 1,851 - 1,900 of 2,054 CharactersPrevious1...3637383940...42Next
  * Character Name Avg. Rating
1851. New Republic Company 77 Trooper on Orbak 5.50 (2)
1852. Fringe Human Scoundrel 5.48 (62)
1853. Rebel Hoth Trooper Officer 5.47 (57)
1854. Fringe Human Blaster-for-Hire 5.46 (58)
1855. Republic Clone Trooper Commander 5.45 (78)
1856. Fringe Mustafarian Soldier 5.45 (52)
1857. Old Republic New Republic Antarian Ranger Tactical Soldier 5.44 (9)
1858. Separatists Neimoidian Soldier 5.43 (59)
1859. Sith Keshiri Warrior 5.43 (7)
1860. Old Republic Ithorian Crusader 5.43 (7)
1861. Separatists Geonosian Drone 5.40 (77)
1862. Fringe Utapaun Soldier 5.40 (55)
1863. Fringe Boushh 5.40 (55)
1864. Fringe Aqualish Warrior 5.40 (50)
1865. Imperial Grodin Tierce's Clone 5.40 (12)
1866. Yuuzhan Vong Yorik-et Pilot 5.40 (5)
1867. Separatists Geonosian Soldier 5.38 (57)
1868. Fringe Nelvaanian Warrior 5.38 (55)
1869. Old Republic Qyzen Fess 5.38 (8)
1870. Republic Aayla Secura 5.37 (64)
1871. Republic Polis Massa Medic 5.35 (61)
1872. New Republic New Republic Veteran Trooper 5.35 (27)
1873. New Republic Leia Organa Solo, Jedi Knight 5.33 (85)
1874. New Republic Young Jedi Knight 5.33 (78)
1875. Fringe Thrackan Sal-Solo 5.33 (22)
1876. Imperial Admiral Motti 5.33 (6)
1877. Fringe Ugor Droid Scrapper 5.33 (6)
1878. Rebel Dashade Partisan 5.33 (6)
1879. Rebel Luthen Rael, Rebel Spy 5.33 (6)
1880. Separatists General Grievous 5.32 (68)
1881. Sith Sith Assassin 5.30 (77)
1882. Fringe Abyssin Black Sun Thug 5.30 (56)
1883. Republic Jedi Guardian 5.29 (60)
1884. Republic Wookiee Scout 5.29 (51)
1885. Separatists Dark Side Acolyte 5.27 (60)
1886. Rebel Wookiee Soldier 5.27 (60)
1887. Sith Dark Jedi 5.26 (69)
1888. Old Republic Old Republic Commander 5.26 (62)
1889. Mandalorians Mandalorian Soldier 5.25 (73)
1890. Republic Jedi Padawan 5.24 (56)
1891. Rebel Han Solo 5.20 (73)
1892. New Republic Wraith Squadron Recruit 5.20 (5)
1893. Separatists Red Hand Syndicate Spy 5.20 (5)
1894. Fringe Kanjiklub Gang Member 5.20 (5)
1895. Republic Captain Typho 5.18 (59)
1896. Fringe Ephant Mon 5.18 (55)
1897. Fringe Shistavanen Pilot 5.18 (50)
1898. Yuuzhan Vong Yuuzhan Vong Subaltern 5.17 (64)
1899. Sith Sith Trooper Commander 5.17 (64)
1900. Fringe Snivvian Fringer 5.17 (52)
Showing 1,851 - 1,900 of 2,054 CharactersPrevious1...3637383940...42Next

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