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Commander Effects

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Showing 251 - 300 of 690 Commander EffectsPrevious1...45678...14Next
* Commander Cost Commander Effect
Republic Republic Commando - Boss 19 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 follower within 6 squares whose name contains Republic Commando can make an immediate attack.
Old Republic Old Republic Senator 14 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 Old Republic follower within 6 squares can make an immediate attack at +10 Damage.
Republic Padme Amidala, Senator 23 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 Unique follower within 6 squares can make an immediate attack with a +4 Attack bonus.
Republic Aerial Clone Trooper Captain 23 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 non-Unique follower within 6 squares can make an immediate attack.
Imperial Imperial Officer 14 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 non-Unique follower within 6 squares can make an immediate attack.
Rebel Princess Leia 20 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 Rebel follower within 6 squares can make 1 immediate attack at +4 Attack and +10 Damage.
Sith Darth Sidious, Sith Master 57 Details At the end of this character's turn, 2 allies within 6 squares of this character who are the same size may switch positions.
Rebel K-3PO 20 Details At the end of this character's turn, 2 allies within 6 squares of this character who are the same size may switch positions.
Republic Captain Panaka 23 Details At the end of this character's turn, 2 Medium allies within 6 squares of this character can switch positions.
Imperial Stormtrooper Commander 15 Details At the end of this character's turn, choose 1 adjacent non-Unique follower. That follower gets +10 Damage until the end of this character's next turn, or until this character is defeated.
Mandalorians Cassus Fett 37 Details At the end of this character's turn, choose 1 non-Unique Mandalorian follower within 2 squares. Until the end of the round, that follower gains Fire Support Mission.
Imperial General Veers, Hologram 17 Details At the end of this character's turn, choose 1 non-Unique trooper follower within 2 squares. Until the end of the round, that follower gains Fire Support Mission.
Sith Darth Revan, Sith Lord 62 Details At the end of this character's turn, he may exchange positions with another ally of the same base size within 6 squares.
Imperial Joruus C'Baoth 51 Details At the end of this character's turn, one follower within line of sight may take an immediate turn. At the end of that turn, that character is defeated.
Republic Ki-Adi-Mundi 24 Details At the end of this character's turn, you may activate 1 adjacent follower who has not yet activated this round. This does not count as one of your 2 activations this phase.
Sith Marka Ragnos 76 Details At the end of this character's turn, you may activate 1 ally within 6 squares who has not yet activated this round. This does not count toward the number of activations this phase.
Republic Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jedi Master 34 Details At the end of this character's turn, you may activate 1 ally within 6 squares who has not yet activated this round. This does not count towards the number of activations this phase.
Sith Sith Blademaster 30 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 adjacent non-Unique Sith ally with a Force rating can make an immediate attack at +10 Damage.
Imperial Flim 15 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 non-Unique ally can make an immediate attack or use a special ability that replaces attacks.
Fringe Alexi Garyn, Head of the Black Sun 25 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 non-Unique Black Sun ally within 6 squares can make an immediate attack.
Old Republic Army of Light Jedi Lord 32 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 Army of Light follower within 6 squares can immediately move 2 squares.
Imperial Director Orson Krennic 27 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 Death Trooper ally may move up to double speed so long as it ends adjacent to this character and closer to an enemy than it started.

Imperial allies whose names contain Death gain Stormtrooper (Counts as a character named Stormtrooper).

Attacks with lightsabers ignore this effect:
If an Imperial ally would take exactly 20 damage from Unit Bodyguard, it takes 10 damage instead; If it would take more than 20 damage from Unit Bodyguard, it takes 20 damage instead.
Mandalorians Mandalorian Squadron Leader 30 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 Mandalorian pilot follower within 6 squares may make an immediate attack.

Mandalorian pilot followers gain Accurate Shot and Gregarious.
Sith Sarasu Taalon 46 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 Medium or smaller Lost Tribe ally may move up to 4 squares.

Lost Tribe allies get +3 Defense.

Adjacent Lost Tribe allies gain Shrouded.
Imperial Wilhuff Tarkin 27 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 non-Fringe ally within 6 squares can immediately move up to its Speed.

Allies whose names contain Imperial Navy, Death, or Darth Vader gain Rolling Evade and Cunning Attack.
Separatists Rebel Lux Bonteri 22 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 non-Fringe non-Unique ally can make an immediate attack or use a special ability that replaces attacks.
Republic Elite Republic Commando - Boss 26 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 Republic Commando ally within 6 squares may make an immediate attack or use a special ability that replaces attacks.
Yuuzhan Vong Yuuzhan Vong Executor 17 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 Unique Yuuzhan Vong ally can make an immediate attack; After this turn, characters in your squad cannot grant that ally attacks for the rest of the round.
Yuuzhan Vong Commander Sha'kel 44 Details At the end of this character's turn, 1 Yuuzhan Vong follower without Shamed One within 6 squares may immediately move up to its speed. That follower may make an attack at +4 Attack. If the attack misses, the attacker is defeated and all other Yuuzhan Vong allies get +1 Attack. (This bonus is cumulative.)
New Republic Garik "Face" Loran, Wraith Squadron Intrusion Lead 35 Details At the end of this character's turn, 2 Wraith Squadron allies within 3 squares may immediately move up to half their speed.
Fringe Chiss Ascendancy Commander 30 Details At the end of this character's turn, 3 Chiss allies within line of sight of this character may switch positions. They must be the same size, and all 3 must change position.

After initiative is determined, 1 Chiss ally within 6 squares may take an immediate turn without moving; that ally is considered activated this round.
Fringe Ewok Battle Wagon 21 Details At the end of this character's turn, an allied Medium or smaller Ewok without Flight within 6 squares and within line of sight can be placed adjacent to this character.
New Republic Luke Skywalker, Rescuer 45 Details At the end of this character's turn, an ally whose name contains Grogu can move up to his Speed toward this character.
Yuuzhan Vong Shamed Intendant 7 Details At the end of this character's turn, each adjacent ally with Shamed One may move up to 2 squares.
Yuuzhan Vong Supreme Commander Sla Tsun 23 Details At the end of this character's turn, one Unique Yuuzhan Vong ally within 6 squares can immediately use an ability that replaces attacks.

When defeated, this character may immediately move up to his speed without provoking attacks of opportunity, then make one attack at +4 Attack and +10 Damage. Damage from this attack cannot be prevented or redirected. An enemy hit by this attack is pushed back 1 square if Medium or smaller.
Rebel Princess Leia, Hero of Endor 14 Details At the end of this character's turn, two Hero of Endor allies may move up to their speed.
Fringe Maul, Hologram 14 Details At the end of this character's turn, up to three Crimson Dawn allies within 6 squares can move up to their Speed.

An ally named Qi'ra gains 1 Force point.
New Republic Prince Isolder 30 Details At the end of this character's turn, you may immediately move up to 3 Hapan allies up to 2 squares each.

Adjacent Hapan allies gain Advanced Shields 1.
Imperial Darth Vader, The Dark Lord 100 Details At the end of this character's turn, you may place up to 2 trooper allies within 6 squares adjacent to this character, if possible.
Sith Queen Amanoa 20 Details At the end of this character's turn, you may select any 1 unactivated enemy. This round, after all characters in your squad are activated, at the end of that turn that enemy is considered activated; save 16. (This includes Droid and Savage characters.)
Mandalorians Obi-Wan Kenobi, Honorary Mandalorian 40 Details At the end of this character’s turn, an ally whose name contains Duchess Satine may immediately move 6 squares.
Old Republic Grandmaster Satele Shan 120 Details At the start of each round, after initiative is determined, one ally may immediately move up to its speed; this move does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Allies with a Force rating gain Force Renewal 1.
Imperial Admiral Gilad Pellaeon 16 Details At the start of the skirmish, after set-up, you may replace one allied Imperial commander on your squad with an Imperial character of equal or lesser cost.
Mandalorians Mandalorian Training Sergeant 34 Details At the start of the skirmish, choose 1 Mandalorian ally and either Evade or Parry. That ally gains the chosen ability while within 6 squares of this character.
Old Republic Revan, Redeemed 161 Details At the start of the skirmish, choose a Unique allied character. That character may use this character's Force points. (A character still can't spend Force points more than once per turn and can't combine its own Force points with Revan, Redeemed's.)
Allies with a Force rating gain Jedi Mind Trick 2.
Sith Darth Bane in Orbalisk Armor 142 Details At the start of the skirmish, if your squad contains only one other character with a Force rating, that ally gains Sith Rage 2 and can spend Force points from Darth Bane in Orbalisk Armor. (That character still can't spend Force points more than once per turn and can't combine it's own Force points with those from Darth Bane.)
Yuuzhan Vong Yorik-Et Squad Leader 25 Details At the start of the skirmish choose a Unique Yuuzhan Vong ally. That ally gains Pilot.

Unique Yuuzhan Vong pilot allies gain Cognition Hood.

Yuuzhan Vong pilot allies gain Plasma Eel.
Separatists Daultay Dofine 15 Details At the start of the skirmish, after setup, you may replace this character with a Separatist character of equal or lesser value, or a character named Darth Sidious Hologram regardless of faction.
Fringe Hutt Cartel Kajidii on Hoversled 21 Details At the start of the skirmish, choose 1 Hutt Cartel ally. While within 6 squares of this character, that ally gains Hostage Shield.

If your squad contains only Hutt Cartel characters: After setup, you may replace one Unique ally on your squad with a Fringe character of equal or lesser cost. Neither character can have a Bribery or Reinforcements ability.
Republic Boss Nass 35 Details At the start of the skirmish, choose 1 allied Gungan character: that ally gains Bombad General (Once per round, at the end of this character's turn, choose one enemy within line of sight; for the rest of this round, allied Gungans ignore cover when targeting that enemy).

Whenever a non-Unique Gungan ally would be defeated, it can make a save of 16. If the save succeeds, that ally returns to play in its squad's setup area with its original Hit Points.
Showing 251 - 300 of 690 Commander EffectsPrevious1...45678...14Next

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