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Galactic Escalation Tournament (Fall 2023) Squads, Pairings, and Results Thread (Round 4) Options
Posted: Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:14:54 AM
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Welcome everyone to our final round of the Fall of 2023 tournament of Galactic Escalation! As soon as I get everyone's squads and maps, I'll update this post with the start and end date for round 4 game #1. Game length is 100 minutes and gambit is worth 18pts. Now here are the people and squads that will be competing in round 4:


--A Hord of Sith 350--
63 Darth Bane, Sith'ari
50 Darth Cognus
48 Darth Zannah
42 Tulak Hord, Lord of Hate
40 Imperial Agent
39 Sith Eternal Emperor
18 Dark Force Nexus
17 Vongerella, Dark Jedi
14 Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit
10 Sith Guard x2
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
3 XT-6 Droid

(350pts. 14 activations)

Map: Rancor Pen


--Cinful Bliss--
66 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi General
48 Cin Drallig, Jedi Battlemaster
47 General Skywalker
39 Quinlan Vos, Double Agent
36 Master Tholme
30 Serra Keto
29 Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight
16 Qui-Gon Jinn, Force Spirit
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
8 Mas Amedda
8 Wicket
5 Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
3 Mouse Droid
2 Kneesaa, Ewok Princess

(349pts. 15 activations)

Map: Rhen Var

Darth O:
Map: Mercenary Base
--Ezbrah 350--
104 Rathtar x2
45 Kanan Jarrus
43 Ahsoka Tano, Champion of the Rebellion
33 Ezra Bridger, Hero of Lothal
35 Commander Gregor, Veteran
31 Alexsandr Kallus
25 Zeb Orrelios
26 Captain Rex, Veteran
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

(348pts. 11 activations)


--Galactic Escalation Round 4 (Nightsister Opression)--
60 Nightsister on Rancor
45 Darth Maul, Death Watch Overlord
40 Savage Opress
40 Silri
38 Taron Malicos
33 Asajj Ventress, Nightsister
31 Mother Talzin
24 Old Daka
19 Talia, Nightsister Hunter
8 Nightsister Zombie x2

(338pts. 11 activations)

map: Rancor Pit


--Inquisitorious Victorious (GE Fall 2023)--
100 Darth Sidious, Sith Mastermind
41 The Inquisitor, Jedi Hunter
45 Second Sister (Trilla Suduri)
35 Darth Vader, The Emperor's Fist
35 Third Sister (Reva)
32 Ninth Sister (Masana Tide)
27 Wilhuff Tarkin
15 Sith Holocron
8 R7 Astromech Droid
8 Teek
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(349pts. 11 activations)

Map: Rhen Var


--StEiffel Tower 350--
60 Raskta Lsu
56 Revan, The Prodigal Knight
46 Ven Zallow, Jedi Master
37 Satele Shan
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
32 Xesh
27 General Vaklu, Defender of Onderon
18 Arca Jeth, Jedi Spirit
11 Teethree (T3-M4)
8 Wicket
3 Mouse Droid
9 Ugnaught Demolitionist x3
6 XT-6 Droid x2
2 Kneesaa, Ewok Princess

(348pts. 17 activations)

Map = Rhen Var


--GE - 350 - Master Windu! You Have Fought Gallantly--
100 Dooku
85 Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker
65 Mace Windu, Legacy of the Light Side
48 Sifo-Dyas
22 Caleb Dume, Jedi Padawan
11 Jedi Holocron
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
5 Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
2 Kneesaa, Ewok Princess

(350pts. 10 activations)

Map: Anchorhead (088)

Posted: Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:16:17 AM
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Round 4 game #1 matchups:

N3rdSl4y3r vs Mando

Overley28 vs spryguy1981

Darth O vs DarthMaim

thereisnotry vs Bye

----- Generated using Oxford Croquet Round Robin Generator -----

You will have 1 week to play your matchup starting November 3rd (Friday). Please get you games in by midnight on Friday November 10th. If some people need to get a little more time to get their game in we can accommodate that. Make sure to make your squad links public prior to your game. Have fun and may the force be with you!

Posted: Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:20:40 AM
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I have submitted my squad to another player I have played against already, so everyone can send me their squad, squad link and map choices! Looking forward to seeing what people come up with for this final round of Escalation! ThumpUp
Posted: Friday, November 3, 2023 6:06:12 AM
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squads and matchups posted! have fun! ThumpUp
Posted: Sunday, November 5, 2023 12:15:14 PM
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DarthMaim defeats Darth O ( 331 to 44 ) on Rhen Var ( 2-0 ).

Maim wins map roll and Darth O chooses left side.

Rnd 1: Maim wins init. Positioning and the race to gambit commences. Thanks to Rex's intuition and the Rathtar's Wheel form ability for extra movement to open the top door to the gambit room, Darth O strikes first for points and gets gambit.

Rnd 2: Maim wins init again. Rex blasts poor little Kneesaa and an uggie. Raskta screams "for the princess", ignites her 2 blue lightsabers and charges into sexy Rexy, only to blindly swing at him, missing 3 times, connecting only once, rolling a 4, 1 (force pt re-roll), 18, and a 3, needing 5's ( battle cries are overrated ). So Satele has to lend her blue lightsaber, and hits to force Rex's "blaster" hand to invoke Presumed Ded. As Darth O's forces ( Kallus, Jarrus, and Gregor ) start marching up top past the vast pit to get a beat on flanking my forces, Revan, says "no one will outwit the prodigal night", Master Speeds to base Kallus and Gregor, slashing Kallus for 20 dmg, then Force Repulsing all 3 of them for 40 dmg each, then sending them to their dooms over the wild dark yonder of the vast pit. Gregor manages to shoot Revan 2 times thanks to Last Stand, but misses both shots, before invoking Presumed Ded ( catch ya later Greg man ). Kanan fails his pit save rolling an 8, and a 10 with his Force pt re-roll, falling to his doom. Then it's Kallus's turn, and he rolls a 6, ending his quest to flank Revan's forces, and he too falls to his doom. Darth O gets gambit once again, Maim no gambit again.

Rnd 3: Darth O's turn to win init. Back from the ded, Rex blasts Zallow 4 times ( missing 2 times, 1 is evaded, and 1 connects for 20 dmg. ) Bastila to the rescue time, activates ABM. Her great-grandaughter Satele slashes a Rahthtar twice, for 80 dmg. Rathtar strikes back with its whipping tentacles striking Rashta 4 times ( LD one of them, taking 40 dmg on two of them, and 20 dmg to Satele bodyguarding on the 4th ). Zeb blasts Satele, who LD's it, thanks to the spirit ghost. Rashta announces "Looks like meats back on the menu boys" as she slices and dices the Rathtar to pieces. Xesh fries Ahsoka for 50 dmg, and she rolls a 2 and a 7 (Force pt re-roll), so she's activated. Ezra tries to Dominate Xesh but fails. 2nd Rathtar moves past several enemy characters to be able to get to the other side of a corridor to be able to get into the fight, but goes down to all the attacks of opportunity it had to take in order to get to the other side. Revan master speeds to connect 3 times on Ezra for 90 dmg, then Zallow finishes him off with Force Push. Zeb takes 20 dmg from T3 and 30 dmg from Vaklu. Neither of us get gambit this rnd.

Rnd 4: Maim wins init. Revan ignores 2 uggies and charges in to slash Ahsoka 3 times with his lightsaber, ending her day on the battlefield, as she missed her all important LD save. Sacking an XT, Xesh moves in to slash Zeb 2 times with his lightsaber, killing him. Back from the ded, Gregor blasts Zallow twice, but he evades both blaster shots. Then sexy Rexy ( also back from the ded ), blasts Zallow two times, only to have both his shots evaded, as well. Vaklu blasts an uggie, and misses the other one. T3 blasts the other uggie. Zallow getting tired of being shot at, charges into Rexy and crits the first attack, then connects on the 2nd lightsaber swing, finally ending Rex's walking ded experience. Maim gets gambit, advancing pt total to 331, as time runs out.

Tough map for Darth O's meat shield Rathtar's, who couldn't be efficient and able to fight, because of the narrow passageways. On a different map, they would have made a much better contribution to his cause. However, losing 2 vital characters of his squad early on to the pit of deth, severely hurt his chances of prevailing in this match. We both agreed that his map would have made a huge difference in the outcome of our game. Thanks for the game!
Posted: Thursday, November 9, 2023 4:50:50 AM
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N3rd and I will be having our game on Friday at 8pm central
Posted: Thursday, November 9, 2023 9:27:37 PM
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Overley28 defeats Spry (3-1) on Rhen Var 358-189.

R1: Positioning. I was able to get into gambit.
R2: I rolled a 1 so Spry won initiative. A few more positioning moves before Serra Keto moves into the main room along with the ninth sister who force chokes her with the holocron and brings her adjacent to her and reva. The ninth sister then uses her attach and crits on Keto who fails Makashi and uses holocron force to cancel the force point reroll. Reva then doubles hitting 1 attack and the other one blocked by makashi. Using force attuned, Reva kills Keto. R2 tows up Aayla and locks half my team out of the main room. Spry moves up Wicket. Aayla uses brutal strike and hits all 4 attacks to kill the Ninth Sister. We both get gambit this round
R3: I won with Sidious CE. Reva moved and but had both attacks blocked and uses force push to do 20 damage to Aayla. Spry moves up Kenobi and kills Teek. Quinlan attacks Vader who used Djem So to do 20 back and then telekinisis to prevent the damage and further attacks. Aayla comes up and uses brutal strike to leave Vader at 20 health. The grand inquisitor uses spinning blade to attack Aalya who uses makashi and deal 40 damage to Quinlan. Then he used force attuned to push Aayla back leaving both Quinlan and Aayla with 50 health left. Vader doubles onto Quinlan and then uses grip to finish him off with force attuned. Anakin uses force push to kill Vader. My uggie kills his Spaarti. Trilla moves up and hits Anakin to leave at 40 health. Sidious gets into the action and uses lightning to kill Anakin. Spry moves Tholme up next to Sidious with distraction, but the holocron is able to dark allure Sidious with the help of a force point reroll away from Tholme so he gets his CE. R2 tows Drallig who uses brutal strike to put 40 on Sidious. Spry gets gambit.
R4: I win initiative and move Sidious away from Drallig who misses the AOO and use lightning to kill Aayla. Drallig goes and leaves Trilla with 40 health left. Tholme leaves Trilla with 20 health left after a parry. Grand inquisitor uses spinning blade to kill wicket and damage Tholme. Trilla attacks Tholme and deals 30 damage. Trilla makes 2 more parry saves to survive the round. The holocron ran out of force and died here also. Both got gambit.
R5: I won initiative with Sidious CE and used Reva to kill R2 and force attuned 20 damage to Tholme. Spry moves and kills Trilla and deals 20 extra to Reva with Brutal Strike. Tarkin moves and uses his CE to move Sidious into position. Sidious uses rage and triples onto Kenobi who fails a few SSM to get him. Some extra fodder gets killed on both sides. I got gambit.
R6: Sidious lightnings Drallig to kill him and brings me to over 350 with not much else happening this round.

Overall great game and always fun to play Spry!
Posted: Friday, November 10, 2023 3:27:44 AM
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I should have a point for the game.
Posted: Friday, November 10, 2023 6:39:43 AM
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Posted: Friday, November 10, 2023 9:28:51 AM
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I want to ask for a Slow Play warning for the Bye. I set up and moved my people into gambit, but my opponent never left his starting zone. He didn't have anyone in LOS for me to attack, so I just stayed in gambit the whole time.

350-0 (3-0) for me.

I think we should ask Bye to either leave the game or to start playing an actual squad. Just a thought.

LOL No Bloo Milk
Posted: Friday, November 10, 2023 12:44:48 PM
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thereisnotry wrote:
I want to ask for a Slow Play warning for the Bye. I set up and moved my people into gambit, but my opponent never left his starting zone. He didn't have anyone in LOS for me to attack, so I just stayed in gambit the whole time.

350-0 (3-0) for me.

I think we should ask Bye to either leave the game or to start playing an actual squad. Just a thought.

LOL No Bloo Milk

I say we give the bye a 3 point win for the last round LOL
Posted: Saturday, November 11, 2023 6:39:13 PM
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I wasn't able to get my game in vs N3rd on Friday because I had left my laptop at work on Friday and I won't have it back until monday.....dumb mistake on my part. I will forfeit my game cause it won't be a while before I can play again because of a really busy schedule next week for me. I'll try to get the next round of matchups posted tommorow. Sorry for the delay and for not being able to get my game in vs N3rd's team. He has a really cool squad and i think it would have been a fun battle to see if the nightsisters could prevail against all that tankiness.
Posted: Saturday, November 11, 2023 9:41:30 PM
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I'm not in a rush, so I personally wouldn't have a problem if you wanted to reschedule with N3rd for some time this week. Life happens, and there is more to it than SWM.
Posted: Sunday, November 12, 2023 9:17:15 AM
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I'm ok with granting extra time to play if you both are willing to play.
Posted: Monday, November 13, 2023 7:00:13 AM
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I won't be able to play a game until next weekend starting on Sunday. That is a rather long time to wait I think. I'm not anywhere close to getting into the top 4 so i don't think it makes much sense to extend the tournament length that much for my sake, who is in the bottom 2. I'd love to play my game, but i know that with holiday's coming people are going to be wanting to get this tournament completed before they travel. I normally would be able to play this week during the evening but the only 2 days that I can are taken and evenings are the only times that worked for my opponent.
Posted: Monday, November 13, 2023 7:09:58 AM
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Tourney: Galactic Escalation Fall 2023: Round 4 game #1 results

N3rdSl4y3r (3pts) defeats Mando (0pt) : forfeited game

Overley28 (3pts) defeats spryguy1981 (1pt) : (358-189)

DarthMaim (2pts) defeats Darth O (0pts) : (331-44)

thereisnotry (3pts) vs Bye

Tourney: Galactic Escalation Fall 2023
Leaderboard after round 4, game #1 completion.
1: 15 Points: Overly28 - WWWLWW
2: 15 Points: DarthMaim - WWLWWW
3: 14 Points: Thereisnotry - WLWWLW
4: 13 Points: Spryguy1981 - WWWLWL
5: 10 Points: N3rdSl4y3r - LWLWLW
6: 6 Points: Mando - LLLWWL
7: 4 Points: Darth O - LLWLLL
Posted: Monday, November 13, 2023 7:13:22 AM
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Round 4 game #2 matchups:

N3rdSl4y3r vs spryguy1981

Mando vs DarthMaim

Overley28 vs Bye

Darth O vs thereisnotry

----- Generated using Oxford Croquet Round Robin Generator -----

Last game of round 4! looks like a pretty tight race for the top 4. May the force be with you all! Except for Darth Bye....he's a Vong infiltrator posing as a Sith Lord. Destroy him with extreme prejudice. Tongue

You will have 1 week to play your matchup starting November 13th (Monday). Please get you games in by midnight on Monday November 20th. If some people need to get a little more time to get their game in we can accommodate that.
Posted: Thursday, November 16, 2023 5:50:44 AM
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DarthMaim and I will be playing our game today at 12pm central.
Posted: Thursday, November 16, 2023 6:05:11 AM
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Oliver and I are on this evening.
Posted: Thursday, November 16, 2023 10:29:32 AM
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thereisnotry wrote:
Oliver and I are on this evening.

Ditto for n3rd and I
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