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The Versatility Gauntlet (pairings and standings only) (Galactic Attrition!) Options
Posted: Monday, May 22, 2023 8:54:04 AM
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The Versatility Gauntlet (Galactic Attrition!)

The concept is simple - round robin format, 1 game a week. Standard competitive 200 pt level 75 minute games with all current legal sets available to use and all balance committee rulings in place (exception below.) Every match you MUST play a different faction. Once played, you cannot play that faction again (until perhaps the finals). (All-Fringe will be considered a faction for this event)

(Side note - To declare a squad a faction, it must have at least one piece from that faction. Seems obvious right? But the reason for this rule is to prevent someone from potentially using an all-Fringe squad and declaring it any faction they want. You could still go mostly Fringe and a piece with Independent Outfit - that's fine. Because that squad is still exclusively that faction.)

*Recent balance committee ruling exception - we won’t be enforcing having to have a reinforcement/reserves list. We’re not even submitting squads (which by nature must change every single round), so we obviously can’t ask for a reinforcement/reserves list.

Legal maps will be the current restricted map list.

- Theed Palace
- Mushroom Planet
- Rancor Pit
- Crime Lord's Palace
- Modular Base aka Rebel Fortress
- Desert Palace

A few twists to how the tournament will progress-

Have 1 squad from all factions ready to go. Then just prior to your match (immediately prior to picking your squad), you get to eliminate some faction options for your opponent (just for that game), and have to choose a faction from the ones left!

Week 1 - you each eliminate 5 factions for your opponent (you pick from the remaining 5)
Week 2 - You each eliminate 4 factions for your opponent (counting the one you played the prior week, you pick from the remaining 5)
Week 3 - You each eliminate 3 factions for your opponent (counting the two you played the prior 2 weeks, you pick from the remaining 5)
Week 4 - You each eliminate 2 factions for your opponent (counting the three you played the prior 3 weeks, you pick from the remaining 5)
Week 5 - You each eliminate 1 faction for your opponent (counting the four you played the prior 4 weeks, you pick from the remaining 5)
Week 6 - You each choose from the remaining 5 factions you have left.
Week 7 - You each choose from the remaining 4 factions you have left.
Week 8 - You each choose from the remaining 3 factions you have left.
Week 9 - You each choose from the remaining 2 factions you have left.

Cut to top 4 -

Semi-finals - You must play the last faction you have not played!!!

Finals - You select 3 factions for your OPPONENT to choose from. One week to prepare the squad.
*It must be significantly different than any of your prior squads.* (How do we ensure this? Read below)

(After faction options are given, An independent 3 judge panel will go through the squads each player has already played in the tournament, and outlaw SIGNIFICANT pieces for that player. If both players played the same piece, it will either be on the ban list for both players or neither. But otherwise the ban lists will vary between players because it's based on what they already played. We are talking Thrawn, Mother T, Boba BFH, Revan SC, Han Correlian Legend, Mandalore the Vindicated, 8th Cortex Shaper, Critdu, etc, etc. Pieces that could be brought in to another faction via affinity or CE could be included on the ban list. Basic minor tech pieces will always be allowed - ie ugnaughts, mouse droids, XT-droids, Mas Amedda, etc)


A little more detail that's somewhat abstract but a way for the Judge panel to think about it.

What "type" of squad did each player play the first time they played each of the 3 factions? How would you describe it to another player?


They played a "Thrawn Swap squad with Boba BFH and Morrigan Corde" (Nix Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo), Grand Admiral Thrawn {because they play so similarly}, Boba BFH and Morrigan Corde. If the player played Mother Talzin in their Fringe squad, she could be nixed here too, even though she wasn't played in their Imperial squad)

They played an "8th Cortex squad with Shedao Shai, Tsavong WE and Khalee" (Nix 8th cortex Shaper, Tsavong Lah Warrior Elite and Khalee Lah Warrior Progeny) {I personally wouldn't eliminate a shaper or priest that may have been used, because while they are important, it's not core to how it's played. 8Th Cortex IS core. I also would not eliminate Warmaster Tsavong Lah because they play significantly different})

They played "Double Lancer" (Nix General Grievous Droid Army Commander -or- Whorm Loathsom {whichever was played, if either was played}, Darth Sidious, Lancer Droid, and IG-86 {significant attacker in this squad}. I would not eliminate the Battle Droid Officer or Gha Gnackt, etc. ALSO to consider - if the player has already played Talon Karrde, even if not in Fringe - I'd nix him too so they couldn't play him again with Sep Independent Outfit characters)

So judges can look at all pieces each player played, mainly focusing on the 3 factions they have to choose from and what squads of those factions the player played. But ALSO, fringe and affinity pieces that were already played in DIFFERENT factions, that could be used in one of the 3 factions for the finals.

The idea being that they have to be creative with squad building, and not fall back on the same power pieces. Play a different type of squad altogether.

So ideally everyone will have (at least) ONE 200pt legal squad for each faction ready to go. To be clear - I will NOT be asking for squads in advance. Since VERSATILITY is literally the name of the game, I want you to be able to pick the best squad you want to use (out of what hasn't been potentially nixed by your opponent) in a game-time decision. So I'd recommend allowing a little extra time in scheduling games to allow for you (and your opponent) to examine the other's squad for a bit before starting.

I envision it like this - you schedule a game-time with your opponent. You meet up in discord and Vassal (or whatever method you choose), and lay it out.

{Round 3 as a random example}

(Player 1) OK I know you already played NR and Separatists. I have my picks for the other 3 you cannot play this round.

(Player 2) And I know you played Sith and Rebels in the first two rounds. I have my picks ready too. Lets type it in the vassal chat and simul-send.

(Player 1) great sounds good. (types in) One, two, three, send

(Player 1 sent in type) OR, Republic and Sith

(Player 2 sent in type) I choose Vong, Imperials and OR

(Player 1) OK I've played Sith and Rebels, and you took out Vong, Imps and OR for me. That leaves Republic, Mandos, NR, Separatists, and All-Fringe for me.

(player 2) Correct. And I've played NR and Seps, and you nixed OR, Republic and Sith for me. So I have Mandos, Rebels, Imps, Vong and All-Fringe.

(Player 1) - you got it. Let's take 2 min to select squads

(Player 2) sounds good.

(Player 1) OK have mine typed in the chat with a link

(Player 2) Me too. One two three, Send

{Links simul-sent. Map selection is notated in the comments in the squad builder for each specific squad}

(Player 1) OK great - you're Mandos.

(Player 2) Yup, and you're all Fringe. OK cool - meet back in 10 min?

(Player 1) Sounds good.

Then study your opponent's squad, and meet at the agreed upon time and play!

We need all players to understand how this works very well, because there will be a bit more expected for the players to do themselves with each other immediately before their match than usual. It will throw a lot of things off if someone plays a faction more than once (I could see this happening accidentally, not understanding how independent outfit works as an example.) We also need everyone committed to the full 9-12 weeks and ready to communicate any schedule conflicts. Real life gets in the way sometimes, but clear communication is expected if that happens.
Posted: Monday, May 22, 2023 8:55:18 AM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
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Joined: 7/9/2008
Posts: 4,729
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Player List

Remaining Factions:

Used Factions:
(Lost to Overley28's Sith in round 1 {0-2})
Yuuzhan Vong (Lost to spryguy1981's Yuuzhan Vong in round 2 {1-3})
Old Republic (Lost to gandalfthegreatestwizard's Fringe in round 3 {0-3})
Mandalorians (Beat UrbanShmi's Fringe in round 4 {3-0})
Rebels (Lost to Mando's Yuuzhan Vong in round 5 {0-3})
Imperials (Beat UN3rdSl4y3r's Yuuzhan Vong in round 6 {3-0})
Sith (Beat chiech22's Yuuzhan Vong in round 7 {2-0})
Fringe (Lost to urbanjedi's Yuuzhan Vong in round 8 {1-2})
New Republic (Lost to thereisnotry's Imperials in round 9 {0-2})

Remaining Factions:

Used Factions:
(Lost to N3rdSl4y3r's Republic in round 1 {0-3})
Separatists (Beat chiech22's Republic in round 2 {2-1})
Republic (Beat UrbanShmi's Imperials in round 3 {3-1})
Yuuzhan Vong (Lost to urbanjedi's Republic in round 4 {1-2})
Sith (Beat gandalfthegreatestwizard's Yuuzhan Vong in round 5 {3-0})
New Republic (Beat Overley28's Separatists in round 6 {3-0})
Fringe (Lost to Mando's Republic in round 7 {0-3})
Old Republic (Lost to spryguy1981's Fringe in round 8 {1-3})
Imperials (Beat TimmerB123's New Republic in round 9 {2-0})

Remaining Factions:

Used Factions:
(Beat urbanjedi's Rebels in round 1 {3-1})
Imperials (Lost to N3rdSl4y3r's Sith in round 2 {1-2})
Old Republic (Lost to spryguy1981's Republic in round 3 {0-3})
Separatists (Beat Overley28's Fringe in round 4 {3-1})
Yuuzhan Vong (Beat TimmerB123's Rebels in round 5 {3-0})
Mandalorians (Beat chiech22's Imperials in round 6 {3-1})
Republic (Beat thereisnotry's Fringe in round 7 {3-0})
Fringe (Lost to gandalfthegreatestwizard's Old Republic in round 8 {1-3})
New Republic (Beat UrbanShmi's Yuuzhan Vong in round 9 {3-0})
Sith (Beat spryguy1981's Old Republic in the SEMI-FINALS {3-0})

Rebels (Lost to urbanjedi's New Republic in the FINALS {1-3})

Remaining Factions:

Used Factions:
New Republic
(Beat chiech22's Separatists in round 1 {3-0})
Sith (Lost to urbanjedi's Fringe in round 2 {1-3})
Imperials (Lost to thereisnotry's Republic in round 3 {1-3})
Fringe (Lost to TimmerB123's Mandalorians in round 4 {0-3})
Rebels (Lost to spryguy1981's Sith in round 5 {0-3})
Republic (Lost to gandalfthegreatestwizard's Imperials in round 6 {0-3})
Old Republic (Lost to Overley28's New Republic in round 7 {0-3})
Separatists (Beat N3rdSl4y3r's Fringe in round 8 {3-1})
Yuuzhan Vong (Lost to Mando's New Republic in round 9 {0-3})

Remaining Factions:

Used Factions:
(Lost to gandalfthegreatestwizard's Rebels in round 1 {0-3})
Yuuzhan Vong (Beat TimmerB123's Yuuzhan Vong in round 2 {3-1})
Republic (Beat Mando's Old Republic in round 3 {3-0})
New Republic (Beat chiech22's New Republic in round 4 {3-0})
Sith (Beat UrbanShmi's Rebels in round 5 {3-0})
Rebels (Beat urbanjedi's Separatists in round 6 {3-1})
Imperials (Beat N3rdSl4y3r's Mandalorians in round 7 {3-0})
Fringe (Beat thereisnotry's Old Republic in round 8 {3-1})
Separatists (Beat Overley28's Mandalorians in round 9 {3-1})
Old Republic (Lost to Mando's Sith in the SEMI-FINALS {1-3})

Remaining Factions:
Yuuzhan Vong

Used Factions:
(Beat TimmerB123's Separatists in round 1 {2-0})
Rebels (Lost to gandalfthegreatestwizard's New Republic in round 2 {1-3})
Old Republic (Lost to urbanjedi's New Republic in round 3 {1-3})
Fringe (Lost to Mando's Separatists in round 4 {1-3})
Republic (Lost to N3rdSl4y3r's Rebels in round 5 {0-3})
Separatists (Lost to thereisnotry's New Republic in round 6 {1-3})
New Republic (Beat UrbanShmi's Old Republic in round 7 {3-0})
Imperials (Beat chiech22's Rebels in round 8 {3-0})
Mandalorians (Lost to spryguy1981's Separatists in round 9 {1-3})

Remaining Factions:
New Republic

Used Factions:
(Beat thereisnotry's Rebels in round 1 {3-0})
Sith (Beat Mando's Imperials in round 2 {2-1})
Separatists (Lost to Chiech22's Mandalorians in round 3 {1-2})
Old Republic (Lost to gandalfthegreatestwizard's Sith in round 4 {1-3})
Rebels (Beat Overley28's Republic in round 5 {3-0})
Yuuzhan Vong (Lost to TimmerB123's Imperials in round 6 {0-3})
Mandalorians (Lost to spryguy1981's Imperials in round 7 {0-3})
Fringe (Lost to UrbanShmi's Separatists in round 8 {1-3})
Imperials (Lost to urbanjedi's Sith in round 9 {0-3})

Remaining Factions:
Sith Fringe

Used Factions:
(Lost to UrbanShmi's New Republic in round 1 {0-3})
Republic (Lost to thereisnotry's Separatists in round 2 {1-2})
Mandalorians (Beat N3rdSl4y3r's Separatists in round 3 {2-1})
New Republic (Lost to spryguy1981's New Republic in round 4 {0-3})
Old Republic (Lost to urbanjedi's Old Republic in round 5 {0-3})
Imperials (Lost to Mando's Mandalorians in round 6 {1-3})
Yuuzhan Vong (Lost to TimmerB123's Sith in round 7 {0-2})
Rebels (Lost to Overley28's Imperials in round 8 {0-3})
(Forfeited to gandalfthegreatestwizard's Separatists in round 9 {0-3})

Remaining Factions:

Used Factions:
(Beat spryguy1981's Mandalorians in round 1 {3-0})
New Republic (Beat Overly28's Rebels in round 2 {3-1})
Fringe (Beat TimmerB123's Old Republic in round 3 {3-0})
Sith (Beat N3rdsl4y3r's Old Republic in round 4 {3-1})
Yuuzhan Vong (Lost to thereisnotry's Sith in round 5 {0-3})
Imperials (Beat UrbanShmi's Republic in round 6 {3-0})
Republic (Lost to urbanjedi's Mandalorians in round 7 {0-3})
Old Republic (Beat Mando's Fringe in round 8 {3-1})
Separatists (Beat chiech22 (forfeit) in round 8 {3-1})
Mandalorians (Lost to urbanjedi's Imperials in the SEMI-FINALS {0-3})

Remaining Factions:

Used Factions:
(Lost to Mando's Rebels in round 1 {1-3})
Fringe (Beat UrbanShmi's Sith in round 2 {3-1})
New Republic (Beat Overley28's Old Republic in round 3 {3-1})
Republic (Beat thereisnotry's Yuuzhan Vong in round 4 {2-1})
Old Republic (Beat chiech22's Old Republic in round 5 {3-0})
Separatists (Lost to spryguy1981's Rebels in round 6 {1-3})
Mandalorians (Beat gandalfthegreatestwizard's Republic in round 7 {3-0})
Yuuzhan Vong (Beat TimmerB123's Fringe in round 8 {2-1})
Sith (Beat N3rdSl4y3r's Imperials in round 9 {3-0})
Imperials (Beat gandalfthegreatestwizard's Mandalorians in the SEMI-FINALS {3-0})

New Republic (Beat Mando's Rebels in the FINALS {3-1}

We do have an even number - so there will be no byes. We'll do the best we can to make the tournament go smoothly - if there are schedule conflicts just COMMUNICATE. Both with your opponent and with me.

I will do my best to keep the above list updated. PLEASE if you ever see anything incorrect, tell me ASAP. What factions have been used and remain in play for each player is the core of this tournament, so this information must be 100% accurate
Posted: Monday, May 22, 2023 9:13:00 AM
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Joined: 7/9/2008
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Let's keep this thread ONLY for pairings. Write-ups and results will be in a separate thread. Ask questions in that thread as well, that way this one is very easy to access and read and nothing gets buried

I have a completely neutral system for pairings. I have randomly generated the 9 rounds, everyone plays everyone - that's easy. But what week you play a certain opponent might be significant.

So - I have lettered the 9 rounds A-I. I have sent all those to a neutral party. Each week I'll ask someone to choose a letter. That letter will be the pairings for that week.
Posted: Monday, May 22, 2023 9:16:43 AM
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UrbanShmi ----> Please choose a letter A - I
Posted: Monday, May 22, 2023 9:19:51 AM
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Let's go with G.
Posted: Monday, May 22, 2023 9:46:02 AM
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Round 1 Pairings (G)

TimmerB123 vs. Overley28

thereisnotry vs. N3rdSl4y3r

Mando vs. urbanjedi

UrbanShmi vs. chiech22

spryguy1981 vs. gandalfthegreatestwizard
Posted: Monday, May 22, 2023 9:52:22 AM
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UrbanShmi wrote:
Let's go with G.

I have a bad feeling about this ... LOL
Posted: Monday, May 29, 2023 7:51:36 PM
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Round 1 Results (G)

Overley28's Sith over TimmerB123's Separatists 125-86 (2-0)

N3rdSl4y3r's Republic over thereisnotry's Rebels (218-60) (3-0)

Mando's Rebels over urbanjedi's Rebels (218-60) (3-1)

UrbanShmi's New Republic over vs. chiech22's Separatists (218-60) (3-0)

gandalfthegreatestwizard's Rebels over spryguy1981's Mandos 216-87 (3-0)

Standings after Round 1

3pts (1-0) N3rdSl4y3r
3pts (1-0) Mando
3pts (1-0) UrbanShmi
3pts (1-0) gandalfthegreatestwizard
2pts (1-0) Overley28
1pt (0-1) urbanjedi
0pts (0-1) TimmerB123
0pts (0-1) thereisnotry
0pts (0-1) chiech22
0pts (0-1) spryguy1981

Players - always double check results for accuracy, and double check that the faction you used is correctly checked off the master list (the colorful post second from the top in this thread)
Posted: Monday, May 29, 2023 8:03:57 PM
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spryguy1981 chose C for this round's pairings

Round 2 Pairings (C)

TimmerB123 vs. spryguy1981

thereisnotry vs. chiech22

Mando vs. N3rdSl4y3r

UrbanShmi vs. urbanjedi

Overley28 vs. gandalfthegreatestwizard

This round you will each veto FOUR factions for the other player (5 total that they cannot play including the one they played last round.)

Please double check what you AND your opponent have already played. (see the colorful post 2nd from the top)

It might be easiest to just include that one in your list of 5 "vetoed" so it's clear for both sides.

You have one week to play - May The Force Be With You!
Posted: Friday, June 2, 2023 12:40:31 PM
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Round 2 Results (C)

spryguy1981's Yuuzhan Vong over TimmerB123's Yuuzhan Vong (225-104) (3-1)

N3rdSl4y3r's Sith over Mando's Imperials (145-121) (2-1)

thereisnotry's Separatists over chiech22's Republic (199-182) (2-1)

urbanjedi's Fringe over vs. UrbanShmi's Sith (210-129) (3-1)

gandalfthegreatestwizard's New Republic over Overley28's Rebels (247-175) (3-1)

Standings after Round 2

6pts (2-0) gandalfthegreatestwizard
5pts (2-0) N3rdSl4y3r
4pts (1-1) Mando
4pts (1-1) urbanjedi
4pts (1-1) UrbanShmi
3pts (1-1) spryguy1981
3pts (1-1) Overley28
2pts (1-1) thereisnotry
1pt (0-2) chiech22
1pt (0-2) TimmerB123

Players - always double check results for accuracy, and double check that the faction you used is correctly checked off the master list (the colorful post second from the top in this thread)
Posted: Friday, June 2, 2023 12:41:07 PM
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thereisnotry chose D for this round's pairings

Round 3 Pairings (D)

thereisnotry vs. UrbanShmi

Mando vs. spryguy1981

Overley28 vs. urbanjedi

N3rdSl4y3r vs. chiech22

TimmerB123 vs. gandalfthegreatestwizard

This round you will each veto THREE factions for the other player (5 total that they cannot play including the 2 they've already played.)

Please double check what you AND your opponent have already played. (see the colorful post 2nd from the top)

It might be easiest to just include those factions in your list of 5 "vetoed" so it's clear for both sides.

You have one week to play but we can be a bit flexible since we finished early in round 2 - May The Force Be With You!
Posted: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 12:07:50 PM
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Round 3 Results (D)

gandalfthegreatestwizard's Fringe over TimmerB123's Old Republic (200-74) (3-0)

thereisnotry's Republic over UrbanShmi's Imperials (280-155) (3-1)

urbanjedi's New Republic over Overley28's Old Republic (207-121) (3-1)

Chiech22's Mandalorians over N3rdSl4y3r's Separatists (179-164) (2-1)

spryguy1981's Republic over Mando's Old Republic (219-69) (3-0)

Standings after Round 3

9pts (3-0) gandalfthegreatestwizard
7pts (2-1) urbanjedi
6pts (2-1) spryguy1981
6pts (2-1) N3rdSl4y3r
5pts (2-1) thereisnotry
5pts (1-2) UrbanShmi
4pts (1-2) Mando
4pts (1-2) Overley28
3pts (1-2) chiech22
1pt (0-3) TimmerB123

Players - always double check results for accuracy, and double check that the faction you used is correctly checked off the master list (the colorful post second from the top in this thread)
Posted: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 12:10:13 PM
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urbanjedi chose E for this round's pairings

Round 4 Pairings (E)

TimmerB123 vs. UrbanShmi

thereisnotry vs. urbanjedi

Mando vs. Overley28

spryguy1981 vs. chiech22

N3rdSl4y3r vs. gandalfthegreatestwizard

This round you will each veto TWO factions for the other player (5 total that they cannot play including the 3 they've already played.)

Please double check what you AND your opponent have already played. (see the colorful post 2nd from the top)

It might be easiest to just include those factions in your list of 5 "vetoed" so it's clear for both sides.

You have one week to play but we can be a bit flexible since we finished early in round 2 - (Side note - this is my super crazy week so I may be a bit incommunicado until early next week.)

May The Force Be With You!
Posted: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 7:06:51 PM
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Round 4 Results (E)

spryguy1981's New Republic over Chiech22's New Republic (203-33) (3-0)

gandalthegreatestwizard's Sith over N3rdSl4y3r's Old Republic (249-120) (3-1)

Mando's Separatists over Overley28's Fringe (208-132) (3-1)

urbanjedi's Republic over thereisnotry's Yuuzhan Vong (192-175) (2-1)

TimmerB123's Mandalorians over UrbanShmi's Fringe (211-59) (3-0)

Standings after Round 4

12pts (4-0) gandalfthegreatestwizard
9pts (3-1) spryguy1981
9pts (3-1) urbanjedi
7pts (2-2) N3rdSl4y3r
7pts (2-2) Mando
6pts (2-2) thereisnotry
5pts (1-3) UrbanShmi
5pts (1-3) Overley28
4pts (1-3) TimmerB123
3pts (1-3) chiech22

Players - always double check results for accuracy, and double check that the faction you used is correctly checked off the master list (the colorful post second from the top in this thread)
Posted: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 7:10:33 PM
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N3rdSl4y3r chose A for this round's pairings

Round 5 Pairings (A)

TimmerB123 vs. Mando

UrbanShmi vs. spryguy1981

Overley28 vs. N3rdSl4y3r

urbanjedi vs. chiech22

thereisnotry vs. gandalfthegreatestwizard

This round you will each veto ONE faction for the other player (5 total that they cannot play including the 4 they've already played.)

Please double check what you AND your opponent have already played. (see the colorful post 2nd from the top)

It might be easiest to just include those factions in your list of 5 "vetoed" so it's clear for both sides.

You have one week to play.

May The Force Be With You!
Posted: Friday, June 16, 2023 10:54:44 AM
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Round 5 Results (A)

spryguy1981's Sith defeats UrbanShmi's Rebels (200-10) (3-0)

N3rdsl4y3r's Rebels defeats Overley28's Republic (240 - 35) (3-0)

thereisnotry's Sith defeats gandalfthegreatestwizard's Yuuzhan Vong (200-23) (3-0)

urbanjedi's Old Republic defeats chiech22's Old Republic 212-83 (3-0)

Mando's Yuuzhan Vong defeats TimmerB123's Rebels (209-67) (3-0)

Standings after Round 5

12pts (4-1) gandalfthegreatestwizard
12pts (4-1) spryguy1981
12pts (4-1) urbanjedi
10pts (3-2) N3rdSl4y3r
10pts (3-2) Mando
9pts (3-2) thereisnotry
5pts (1-4) Overley28
5pts (1-4) UrbanShmi
4pts (1-4) TimmerB123
3pts (1-4) chiech22

Players - always double check results for accuracy, and double check that the faction you used is correctly checked off the master list (the colorful post second from the top in this thread)
Posted: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 11:07:55 AM
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Mando chose H for this round's pairings

Round 6 Pairings (H)

TimmerB123 vs. N3rdSl4y3r

thereisnotry vs. Overley28

Mando vs. chiech22

spryguy1981 vs. urbanjedi

UrbanShmi vs. gandalfthegreatestwizard

From this round on, there will be NO MORE VETOING FACTIONS! You may choose any of the factions you have remaining.

Please double check what you AND your opponent have already played. (see the colorful post 2nd from the top)

You have one week to play.

May The Force Be With You!
Posted: Friday, June 23, 2023 8:43:07 PM
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Joined: 7/9/2008
Posts: 4,729
Location: Chicago
Round 6 Results (H)

spryguy1981's Rebels defeats urbanjedi's Separatists (214-116) (3-1)

gandalfthegreatestwizard's Imperials defeats UrbanShmi's Republic (206-56) (3-0)

TimmerB123's Imperials defeats N3rdSl4y3r's Yuuzhan Vong (208-30) (3-0)

thereisnotry's New Republic defeats Overley28's Separatists (239-130) (3-1)

Mando's Mandalorians defeats chiech22's Imperials (214-107) (3-1)

Standings after Round 6

15pts (5-1) gandalfthegreatestwizard
15pts (5-1) spryguy1981
13pts (4-2) Mando
13pts (4-2) urbanjedi
12pts (4-2) thereisnotry
10pts (3-3) N3rdSl4y3r
07pts (2-4) TimmerB123
06pts (1-5) Overley28
05pts (1-5) UrbanShmi
04pts (1-5) chiech22

Players - always double check results for accuracy, and double check that the faction you used is correctly checked off the master list (the colorful post second from the top in this thread)
Posted: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 6:46:16 PM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
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Joined: 7/9/2008
Posts: 4,729
Location: Chicago
chiech22 chose B for this round's pairings

Round 7 Pairings (B)

TimmerB123 vs. chiech22

thereisnotry vs. Mando

UrbanShmi vs. Overley28

spryguy1981 vs. N3rdSl4y3r

urbanjedi vs. gandalfthegreatestwizard

I think we all know we are past the point of vetoing factions. You may choose any of the FOUR factions you have remaining.

Please double check what you AND your opponent have already played. (see the colorful post 2nd from the top)

You have one week to play.

May The Force Be With You!
Posted: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 10:36:36 AM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 7/9/2008
Posts: 4,729
Location: Chicago
Round 7 Results (B)

TimmerB123's Sith defeats chiech22's Yuuzhan Vong (104-75) (2-0)

urbanjedi' Mandalorians defeats gandalfthegreatestwizard's Republic (227-66) (3-0)

Mando's Republic defeats thereisnotry's Fringe (204-10) (3-0)

Spryguy1981's Imperials defeats N3rdsl4y3r's Mandalorians (240-82) (3-0)

Overley28's New Republic defeats UrbanShmi's Old Republic (200-0) (3-0)

Standings after Round 7

18pts (6-1) spryguy1981
16pts (5-2) Mando
16pts (5-2) urbanjedi
15pts (5-2) gandalfthegreatestwizard
12pts (4-3) thereisnotry
10pts (3-4) N3rdSl4y3r
09pts (3-4) TimmerB123
09pts (2-5) Overley28
05pts (1-6) UrbanShmi
04pts (1-6) chiech22

Players - always double check results for accuracy, and double check that the faction you used is correctly checked off the master list (the colorful post second from the top in this thread)
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