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Character Ratings

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Showing 1 - 50 of 2,096 Characters12345...42Next
  * Character Name Avg. Rating
1. Fringe Jabba Desilijic Tiure 9.88 (10)
2. Sith Tulak Hord, Lord of Hate 9.83 (14)
3. Imperial Emperor Palpatine, Reborn 9.71 (21)
4. Fringe Teek 9.71 (7)
5. Sith Sith Recruit 9.68 (23)
6. Yuuzhan Vong Yammosk War Coordinator 9.67 (52)
7. Fringe Talon Karrde, Information Broker 9.67 (22)
8. Fringe Guildmaster Cradossk 9.67 (11)
9. Old Republic Meetra Surik, Republic General 9.67 (9)
10. Fringe Cobb Vanth 9.67 (3)
11. Fringe Ziton Moj, Head of Black Sun 9.67 (3)
12. Rebel General Rieekan 9.65 (285)
13. Old Republic Ven Zallow, Jedi Master 9.65 (19)
14. Republic Imperial Mas Amedda 9.63 (379)
15. Fringe Mouse Droid 9.63 (301)
16. Separatists General Grievous, Droid Army Commander 9.61 (347)
17. Sith Darth Caedus, Sith Lord 9.59 (33)
18. Republic R2-D2, Astromech Droid 9.58 (334)
19. Fringe IG-88A 9.58 (28)
20. Mandalorians New Republic Boba Fett, Mandalore 9.57 (25)
21. Rebel Chewie 9.57 (16)
22. Fringe Celeste Morne 9.56 (38)
23. Separatists Cad Bane, Bounty Hunter 9.55 (24)
24. Sith Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal 9.55 (13)
25. Sith Darth Talon, Sith Assassin 9.53 (21)
26. Mandalorians Mandalore the Vindicated 9.53 (21)
27. Republic General Obi-Wan Kenobi 9.52 (344)
28. Old Republic Arkanian Jedi General 9.50 (14)
29. Old Republic Nomi Sunrider, Legacy of the Light Side 9.50 (6)
30. Rebel Han Solo, Honorable Scoundrel 9.50 (4)
31. Old Republic Sarro Xaj 9.50 (4)
32. Fringe Tusken Raider Warlord 9.50 (4)
33. Republic Asajj Ventress, Jedi Apprentice 9.50 (2)
34. Old Republic Havoc Squad Commando 9.50 (2)
35. Yuuzhan Vong Shimrra Jamaane 9.50 (2)
36. New Republic General Wedge Antilles 9.49 (335)
37. Fringe Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter 9.47 (381)
38. Separatists BX Commando Droid Spotter 9.47 (23)
39. Rebel Princess Leia, Rebel Commando 9.47 (19)
40. Imperial Roan Fel, The True Emperor 9.47 (17)
41. New Republic Ganner Rhysode 9.46 (142)
42. Old Republic Teethree (T3-M4) 9.45 (13)
43. Rebel See-Threepio (C-3PO) 9.45 (13)
44. Separatists Battle Droid Officer 9.44 (169)
45. Separatists General Whorm Loathsom 9.44 (160)
46. Separatists Aurra Sing, Assassin 9.44 (22)
47. New Republic Jaina Solo Fel, Jedi Master 9.44 (9)
48. Imperial Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo) 9.42 (228)
49. Mandalorians Sith Shae Vizla 9.42 (14)
50. Fringe Mira of Nar Shaddaa 9.40 (12)
Showing 1 - 50 of 2,096 Characters12345...42Next

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