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7/23/2024 2:40:28 AM

Yeah, Its a bit weird because you don't often associate holocrons with having lightsabers.
7/23/2024 2:09:21 AM

Hey Troy, have a look at this. The ability mentions your favourite character.
7/2/2024 5:46:07 AM

Would prefer a slightly higher defense or twin attack over double, but otherwise fairly decent. Really benefits from some cheap allies with gunner and repair to bolster its attack and HP pool, plus it won't outmaneuver them. Grenades can be helpful when a swarm of fodder close in to overwhelm it. Want to give it a much higher rating for being so iconic but it really is a 7/10.
7/1/2024 8:28:15 AM

ooh are we allowed to do that in a normal game? The character would cost 60pts but would be entirely worth it...
6/30/2024 11:34:52 PM

When you look at other 6pt WoTC minis, only Advance Scout has a score of 7 (the highest rated), and the average rating for all is 5.3. All of their stats are comparable and almost every shooter is designed for combine fire (which explains their low avg ratings). Unfortunately he lacks the synergy of Death Star Trooper and doesn't even have a weak SA like Pilot to give him a little more utility. While I don't think he's completely useless, he just doesn't stand out in any way. 4/10 mostly because of the nice sculpt.
6/30/2024 8:06:13 AM

A very cool sculpt with great ranged attack options; just keep it out of melee! To get more out of its 32pts just keep in mind that its versatility comes with the downside of not being able to outplay more specialized units.
6/30/2024 7:47:15 AM

Cheap It's a Trap! + Rangefinder makes for a decent Fringer. Overlooking the flavor fail that is naming him 'technician', I give him the same rating as his points cost based purely on utility.
6/28/2024 4:50:10 AM (Updated: 6/28/2024 4:51:06 AM)

In CS alone it's comparable to Battle Droids as a cheap combine-fire shooter with the added bonus of Sniper. Outside of CS, it's an RP piece for its decent sculpt and snazzy purple jumpsuit. If it had similar synergies to Separatist droids then it would be a usable piece.
6/24/2024 10:35:26 AM

A follower is an ally with no commander effect, unless otherwise specified. (It would have to be "enemy follower".)
6/24/2024 7:39:41 AM

So if a melee follower (for example, Jarael) is attacking me, can I just declare that she's taking the damage as she's an adjacent follower?
6/17/2024 4:42:33 AM

A follower is an ally without a commander effect unless specified otherwise.
6/17/2024 12:10:27 AM

Looking at Negotiation... It doesn't specify that the "unactivated follower" has to be an ally... hehehehe
6/16/2024 11:27:57 PM

Can the Advanced Gimmick be Overridden?
6/15/2024 7:00:52 PM (Updated: 6/15/2024 7:16:48 PM)

Compares favorably to Battle Droids and Peace Brigade Thugs for other official WoTC 4 point shooters (considering most other 4pt figures are melee). His stats are decent for the cost + Scramble. Downsides are ugly sculpts and horrible paint jobs. Would rate higher than an 8 if they had the model quality of the Mon Cala Mercenaries.
6/14/2024 10:29:54 PM

In hindsight, I think this piece really marred the game’s development. Out-activating with cheap pieces is already a huge problem; putting the second most powerful door control ability in the game on a cheap, widely-available piece is a recipe for disaster.
6/14/2024 6:12:07 PM

The cheapest and most effective way to manipulate doors at his cost. Easy 10. Might be one of the, if not the, best common fringe mini of the official WoTC releases. If you don't specifically need a Mouse Droid, run another one of these.
6/14/2024 6:03:52 PM

3 points, medium base, better attack/defense than other same cost minis, and stable footing. It's hard not to rate a 9 for being cheap swap-fodder that can fight other low point units. Obviously less useful than Ugnaught Demolitionist or Mouse Droid IF you need their SAs, but if not, run this guy.
6/14/2024 3:04:01 PM

Still a very decent RS piece. Non-unique and follower are relatively small restrictions for the ability to grant extra attacks compared to many other CEs at Uncommon (not being more specific like requiring the name 'Stormtrooper' helps a lot). While most RS pieces struggle with higher point costs, 14 is relatively good just for the CE.
6/14/2024 12:36:03 AM

Thats why he can't get renawal from the 11 point hologram piece
6/14/2024 12:19:41 AM

6/14/2024 12:05:15 AM

Self-Reliant (This character cannot gain Force Points or spend Force points from another character)
6/13/2024 11:24:49 PM

Can I spend Force Points from batteries for Embrace of Pain? Thinking a Nexus or Exar Kun.
6/11/2024 3:27:34 PM

do these guys get Twin Attack from General Weir? His CE says any character whose name contains Speeder gains twin attack
6/8/2024 1:22:59 AM

I think they have quite enough abilities already
6/7/2024 8:43:20 PM

This character should have Shadow Collective
6/6/2024 6:23:16 PM

No comments? We've had great luck running 5 or 6 of them with Old Daka and Talia to grant them opportunist. 10 attack for 20 isn't amazing but if you can seize the moment and pop something to get another zombie, it's not so bad
6/6/2024 3:02:51 AM

Ithorian is melee-only. Also an IG Lancer could sneeze twice and destroy your entire squad. But still a fun idea to try sometime.
6/6/2024 2:14:38 AM

So, why not use the Specforce Technician for Twin and Jolt? Seems like a perfect opportunity. Add Rieekan and Ithorian Commander, Twi'lek Vigo, and you're set.
6/5/2024 9:36:37 PM

great in a Meetra + Jedi General squad. Could even add a Killik Queen for more damage
6/5/2024 5:54:00 AM

6/3/2024 5:01:03 PM

If I use the 100pt Dooku, can I reroll this guy's "replaces turn" attack with Dooku's +4/+10?
3/19/2024 10:09:50 PM (Updated: 5/31/2024 3:48:18 PM)

A true strategic piece. Excellent CE balanced by below average stats and LoS condition (though his HP is decent for an 11pt RS mini). Any game piece that lets you break a rule AND choose how to do it is at least worth looking at.
5/30/2024 10:56:42 PM

So where would I find that FAQ above mentioned? There's so many ways I could break this.
5/25/2024 2:21:09 PM

Try this... --Three Suns in the Sunset-- 30 Xizor 28 Ziton Moj, Head of Black Sun 27 Ziro the Hutt 26 Mighella, Black Sun Bodyguard 25 Alexi Garyn, Head of the Black Sun 36 Falleen Black Sun Bodyguard x2 35 Falleen Spy x5 18 Klatooinian Black Sun Thug x3 (225pts. 15 activations)
5/24/2024 1:36:50 PM

My friend wants to play this character but I am struggling to make him good. It seems like you're 100% going to bring in Xizor HotBS, but he is only OK imho.
5/21/2024 2:35:04 AM

I just wanted to chime in and say that I think this piece functions well. It makes not good Anakins good, and it makes 501st great, especially with Clone Commander.
5/20/2024 4:48:01 PM

To clarify, Goad works even if the targetted ally has already activated?
5/13/2024 8:58:46 PM

So who's best to bring in with the reserves? I'm thinking Boushh for Grenades.
5/12/2024 1:26:56 AM

Good point! Good reminder for me not to run my mouth if I'm not keeping up on subfaction synergies... or at all. Thanks for the insight!
5/11/2024 10:02:43 PM

I think it's somewhat useful in a Mando's Ally squad since Din Djarin has Triple, and IG-11 and Fennec Shand get Double/Twin but no built-in GMA. So a movement breaker for them is helpful.
5/11/2024 8:40:45 PM

Tracking Fob. With that many restrictions on it just save the card text and hand out Charging Fire for a turn. Good grief… er, Greef.
5/10/2024 12:39:55 AM

Oh, thanks
5/10/2024 12:37:43 AM

I think the comment is about the Yammosk stealing Tulak's CE.
5/10/2024 12:10:58 AM

How would you can Tulak and Vong in the same squad?
5/9/2024 10:38:52 PM

Unfortunately, we don't move that fast around here.
5/9/2024 10:19:03 PM

Thanks! Can someone fix this (in the next 24hrs please?)?
5/9/2024 2:42:54 PM

Very astute of you, Lightsaber. Yes, Faith in the Force does cancel out Force Aura if she's within 2 squares of Thon. That's a fairly big oversight for her design, since the idea of Force Aura was for her to be able be mounted on Thon without taking the Repulse damage. Maybe you should be doing quality control for the V-sets.
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