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Jedi Healer

esbeltatamaral - (Created: 12/10/2023 6:24:29 AM)

Card Text

Force 2 Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time she activates) Force Heal 30 (Force 2, replaces attacks: touch; remove 30 damage from a living character) Card Text This character gets 1 Force point each time it activates Card Text Force 2, replaces attacks: touch; remove 30 damage from a living character

Glossary Text

(Force) Whenever a character with this Force power activates, it automatically gets 1 Force point. It can get more Force points than its starting Force rating. (Force; 2 Force points) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using this Force power removes 30 damage from an adjacent wounded living character or itself. Force Heal can't raise a character's Hit Points above its starting amount.

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