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The Phantom Menace

Venturion - (Created: 12/27/2010 4:42:27 AM)

Gungan vrs Droid theme.

Showing 1 - 40 of 40 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating Cmt
1. Old Republic Neimoidian Knight C 4 10 16 5 10 Melee Attack -- 0
2. Sith Sith Probe Droid UC 8 20 13 0 0 Droid, Flight, Recon, Stealth, Speed 12 -- 0
3. Republic Bombad General UC 11 40 16 4 10 Melee Attack, Draw Fire, Gungan CE -- 0
4. Republic Gungan Alpha Male C 8 30 14 4 10 Melee Attack, Jump -- 2
5. Republic Gungan Guard C 7 20 15 4 10 Melee Attack, Electropole -- 0
6. Republic Jar-Jar Binks, Gungan Outcast R 19 50 18 2 10 Unique, Melee Attack, Bombad Gungan, "Weesah in trouble!", Life Debt (Qui-Gonn) -- 0
7. Republic Jedi Negotiator UC 17 50 18 7 20 Melee Attack, Reputation Force 2, Jedi Mind Trick -- 0
8. Republic Militiagung UC 15 20 17 3 10 Melee Attack, Gungan, Booma, Energy Shield -- 0
9. Republic Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Padawan R 18 60 17 11 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Impulsive Jedi Hunter, "I have a bad feeling about this!", Synergy (Qui-Gonn) Force 2, Lightsaber Block 6.00 (1) 1
10. Republic Queen Amidala of Naboo R 30 60 15 0 0 Unique, Gungan Reserves 30, Vote of No Confidence, Gungan Diversion CE 7.00 (1) 0
11. Republic Qui-Gonn Jinn, Force Spirit VR 6 0 0 -1 -1 Unique, Speed 2, Spirit Tutor 8.00 (1) 0
12. Republic Young Anakin Skywalker R 16 30 17 4 10 Unique, Pilot, Affinity(C3-PO), Energy Binders, Chosen One, Industrial Repair 30 Force 1, Force Renewal 1 8.00 (1) 0
13. Separatists B1-Battle Droid on STAP UC 17 10 12 2 20 Droid, Strafe Attack, Flight, Twin Attack -- 0
14. Separatists Battle Droid Assassin UC 9 10 10 4 20 Droid, Sniper, Careful Shot +2 -- 0
15. Separatists Battle Droid Captain UC 15 20 12 2 10 Droid, Roger Roger, "That doesn't compute." CE -- 0
16. Separatists Battle Droid with Com Relay UC 4 10 8 0 10 Droid, Relay Orders -- 0
17. Separatists Beetle Droid UC 20 40 12 2 0 Droid, Speed 8, Flamethrower 30 -- 0
18. Separatists Droid Marine UC 7 10 9 2 10 Droid, Missiles 20, Thermal Detonator 10 1.00 (1) 0
19. Separatists E4 Baron Droid C 12 10 13 3 10 Droid, Double Attack, Track -- 0
20. Separatists Neimoidian Mercenary C 7 20 12 5 20 Mercenary -- 0
21. Separatists Neimoidian Warrior Brute C 8 20 13 6 30 Melee Attack, Mighty Swing, Heavy Weapon -- 0
22. Separatists Neimoidian Worker Drone C 6 10 11 2 10 Repair 20 -- 0
23. Separatists Nute Gunray, Trade Federation Vice Roy R 28 30 14 0 0 Unique, Separatist Reinforcements 20, Disrupt Communications CE 3.00 (2) 1
24. Separatists OOM Series Battle Droid C 5 10 11 2 10 Droid -- 0
25. Separatists OOM-9 R 14 20 12 3 10 Unique, Droid, Relay Orders, Electrobinoculars CE 9.00 (2) 1
26. Separatists Senator Lott Dod VR 9 30 12 0 0 Unique, Booming Voice, Filibuster -- 1
27. Rebel C3-PO, Translator Droid VR 7 40 14 0 0 Unique, Droid, Non-combatant, Draw Fire, Translate -- 0
28. Rebel Chewbacca, Co-pilot VR 26 90 17 9 20 Unique, Wookiee, Impulsive Momentum, Gunner +20, Industrial Repair 10, Repair 20, Life Debt (Han) -- 0
29. Imperial Elite Imperial Stormtrooper C 9 20 16 6 10 Reputation -- 0
30. New Republic Jaina Solo, Yun-Harla R 33 90 20 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Pilot, Yuuzhan Vong Hunter, Deceptive, Yun-Harla's Trickery Force 3, Lightsaber Deflect, Lightsaber Precision -- 0
31. New Republic Neimoidian Pilot C 10 10 14 6 10 Accurate Shot -- 0
32. New Republic Noghri Honor Guard UC 13 50 15 5 20 Melee Attack, Life Debt (Leia), Stealth -- 0
33. Yuuzhan Vong Elite Slayer UC 23 100 18 11 10 Melee Attack, Force Immunity, Vonduun Crab Armor 6, Parry, Steng's Talons, Rapport (Shimrra) -- 0
34. Fringe Sebulba VR 12 40 15 6 10 Unique, Aggressive 10, Cheat 9.00 (2) 3
35. Fringe Silri VR 19 70 17 7 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Rapport (Cuddles), Rapport (Sith) Force 3, Drain Life 1 -- 0
36. Fringe Swokes Swokes Herder C 8 30 13 5 10 Electropole, Regeneration 10 -- 0
37. Fringe Toydarian Gambler C 5 10 13 3 10 Flight, Strong Willed, Chance -- 0
38. Fringe Tyber Zann VR 11 20 14 2 10 Unique, Twin Attack, Superiority Complex, Military Retooling 2.00 (2) 0
39. Fringe Urai Fenn VR 29 80 17 8 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Twin Attack, Stealth, Penetration 10, Zann Consortium Force 1 CE 1.00 (1) 0
40. Fringe Watto R 9 30 14 3 10 Unique, Flight, Evade, Strong Willed, Chance -- 0
Showing 1 - 40 of 40 Characters

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