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Dark Lord of the Fridge.

Use The Force (Force Battle)

imyurhukaberry - 12/8/2020 5:05:49 PM (Created: 12/7/2020 9:23:13 PM)

Card Text

All characters gain: Replace turn, Force user may choose one enemy force user within 6 squares: Each character spends any number of Force Points up to total available. Both roll a dice. Each Force Point adds 1 to result. Character with the lowest result, takes 10 damage and moves 1 square away. If result is greater than 10, character with lower result takes 20 damage and moves 2 squares away

Glossary Text

All characters gain the following ability: replace turn, Force rated characters may choose one enemy character with a force rating within 6 squares. Each character choses to spend any number of Force Points up to their total available. Both characters roll a dice. Each Force Point used adds 1 to the result. The character with the lowest result, takes 10 damage and moves 1 square away from the enemy. If the result is greater than 10, the character with the lower result takes 20 damage and moves 2 squares away from the enemy.

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