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Is not something you could learn to make from a Jedi.

Vehicle (Darth Maul)

imyurhukaberry - (Created: 12/14/2020 9:21:47 PM)

Card Text

At the end of his turn, you may replace this character with a character named Darth Maul. The replacement character starts with damage equal to the damage currently on this character and is considered activated this round.

Glossary Text

At the end of this character's turn, you may replace this character with a character named Darth Maul, this is a specific character with that exact name. Remove this character from the game board and place the new character in a space this character was occupying. The replacement character is considered activated. Place damage on the replacement character equal to the damage that was on this character. You cannot choose a replacement character that would be defeated by the damage on this character. The replacement character is worth the cost of the original character in victory points if defeated.

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