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The Last Jedi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Options
Posted: Friday, December 15, 2017 3:17:44 PM
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shmi15 wrote:
Shhh... Caedus has demanded silence from us. I think we should honestly leave the boards... It seems Caedus does not want us here anymore. I'm so sorry Caedus. I hope your not offended by anything we have said. May the force be with you. I will not fade off and become a Force Spirit

Why are you still talking to me? I will take your Mimicking my Shhh as a sign of flattery and I thank you. As far as your apology, I accept. That is very big of you. I am surprised you had that kind of maturity in you.

Now back to the purpose of this post. The movie
Posted: Friday, December 15, 2017 3:26:29 PM
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I think it leaves a good setup for episode 9.
Posted: Friday, December 15, 2017 3:28:16 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
I think it leaves a good setup for episode 9.

It is very interesting.
How much time do you think will pass between the last Jedi and the next episode?
Posted: Friday, December 15, 2017 3:29:48 PM
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Caedus wrote:
shmi15 wrote:
Shhh... Caedus has demanded silence from us. I think we should honestly leave the boards... It seems Caedus does not want us here anymore. I'm so sorry Caedus. I hope your not offended by anything we have said. May the force be with you. I will not fade off and become a Force Spirit

Why are you still talking to me? I will take your Mimicking my Shhh as a sign of flattery and I thank you. As far as your apology, I accept. That is very big of you. I am surprised you had that kind of maturity in you.

Now back to the purpose of this post. The movie

Dang it. I was still talking to you. I keep forgetting your rules man. I will get better at this I promise. Thank you for accepting my apology! You have no idea the weight that has been lifted off my shoulders. You have actually revitalized my faith in a God. Ok, that was to far, I'm kidding, I still don't. But, Would you like to apologize also? You don't have to publicly, You can respond with a thumb up or thumbs down. Whichever you prefer. Unless you wouldn't prefer... I'm not sure how these things go really... Unless you didn't do anything wrong of course! Then I would not expect an apology. Now I am confused.. What do you think about it?

Posted: Friday, December 15, 2017 3:32:00 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
I think it leaves a good setup for episode 9.

Official prediction for Episode 9!

The First Order and the Resistance have to band together and form an alliance to defeat a brand new threat from somewhere. Perhaps the threat that the THRAWN book refers to?

I have also noticed that the majority of the books never actually mention Snoke.... Which makes me wonder if there is another entity somewhere that's pulling the strings.
Posted: Friday, December 15, 2017 4:23:08 PM
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shmi15 wrote:
FlyingArrow wrote:
I think it leaves a good setup for episode 9.

Official prediction for Episode 9!

The First Order and the Resistance have to band together and form an alliance to defeat a brand new threat from somewhere. Perhaps the threat that the THRAWN book refers to?

I have also noticed that the majority of the books never actually mention Snoke.... Which makes me wonder if there is another entity somewhere that's pulling the strings.

Doubtful imo, not in one movie.

As for Snoke, if there was someone else it will diminish and take away from Snoke so I really hope not.
But the lightsaber duels we re raw and powerful, were they not amazing?

My prediction is that it is set a few years in the future. Rey will have started a new order of sorts with a handful of force atunned individuals and Ren will have become the full fledge leader and be super Merciless. But a few years it give time for the resistance to grow and become more organized.

Ben will kill Leia in this movie. Poe becomes new general

Rey will eventually have to kill Ben but she will not be purely light side. she will be "walking the line".
my dream wish would be for them to be in a huge battle and Rey cuts the force from Ben Nomi Sunrider style!

And for some reason I feel Chewbacca dies, killing the new hope living characters off
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 9:32:59 AM
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Can we spoil specifics about the movie in this thread?

I won't yet, just some general commentary. I liked it overall, didn't love it. Someone earlier in the thread made a reference about 'being stuck in the 70s'. I think my reticence to fully embrace this movie could be that I still have expectations that were born in the 70s. While I don't like who Luke has become, I like pretty much everything they did with Luke. (I can't expound on that without specifics.)

I thought the roles of Finn and Poe in this movie could have been switched for me to like it better.

The Mary Poppins scene was ridiculous. Again I can't expound but in my opinion was one of the worst scenes ever in Star Wars.

The humor was described online as 'forced'. I didn't see that at all. The humor...especially when it came from Luke...worked because it was both funny and revealed the characters growth. The humor, for me, was one of the strongest points of the movie. Hamill channels Joker...awesome.

Laura Dern was good in this but that role should have gone to an established character. I am glad that role was in the movie, whoever it was, though.

That slicer/codebreaker dude was a great new character introduced. I hope we see him in 9, no matter how they choose to have that storyline play out. He was great. Go watch him in the James Bond movie 'Licence to Kill'. (1989) He played a really creepy villain in that and had a gruesome end. He could be a villain or hero in 9 and either way I hope he gets a lot of screen time.

I am glad that none of Carrie Fisher's scenes were cut. It would have been easy to do so, but we needed to see as much of her work as we could. Well done.

Overall, I thought it was better than 7 of the previous Star Wars movies and I liked it better than 3 of them. I will see it again in the theaters.
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 9:39:54 AM
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jen'ari wrote:
And for some reason I feel Chewbacca dies, killing the new hope living characters off

Honestly, I hadn't thought about Chewie in 9 much at all, but this makes total sense since Leia has to die and he was charged in 5 to 'take care of her'. Good catch, Jenari.
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 11:07:45 AM
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Personally I would much preferred that the new films were set long after Luke and Co had pasted, maybe a few hundred years later. Still personal preference aside I think The Last Jedi was better than TFA. There were many issues for me though such as the time Rey spent with Luke was less than 18 hours or whatever time SW uses. As in the film you are given the time frame that the rebels had before they run out of fuel. Also without going into to much detail for anyone who has not seen the film. I was very disappointed with Snoke entire story arc. Andy Serkis is a fantastic actor, but if the character you are playing is so badly written there's not a lot you can do. Adam Driver's Kylo Ren suffers much the same, He is doing the part he was asked to do, I just find he's character so dull.
All in all like a few others I much liked the old EU over this but this is what we got so.... well nothing else to add other than to grade it.

This was better than the last film which I point blank refused to give any points at all, this one 5/10. However from 0/10 to 5/10 is still much better than the last one.
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 11:40:42 AM
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Kylo Ren totally stole the whole show for me. Went from pretty meh in the first movie to a worthy villain. Unfortunately Hux was regulated to more of a joke character. Was hoping for more of a Tarkin/Thrawn and we got standard disney villain. Between unneeded Hux humor and the ending those were my two major gripes. Story was pretty packed too. But overall I really enjoyed the fact that I was unable to predict the movie and was genuinely surprised by it. As opposed to the enjoyable but predictable movies that were the rest of the entire series with the exception of Rouge One and Empire. TLJ really was a different type of movie but I stand by that I liked the movie as a whole. I get that many people don't but to be fair, what's a star wars movie without star wars fans hating it? (See Episodes 1, 2, 3, Force Awakens, and for some fans, parts of episode 6).

Could they have changed some things, toned down on the humor? Swapped some character's arcs/paths? Sure. But there is always things that every individual fan thinks the movie should be to them. Personally I would love to see Grievous come back and have a war of droids against the Vong! (maybe a SWM campaign some day eh? Anyone?) but I think I am close to alone in that want.

It's interesting that we hold Star Wars up to such a high perfect standard. You don't hear too much backlash against an underwhelming marvel entry or other film. And usually even then it's a passing moment. Some people still talk about how much they hate the prequels and how George ruined the OT with the special editions. But guys even the "worst star wars movie" is worlds better than most of the rubbish out here this days. a 0/10 movie is battlefield earth or that atrocious Channum Tating sci-fi monstrosity. Actually in retrospect you could probably rank the Ewok movies a 0/10 as well. What the heck is going on in those.

But hey there's new movies, new material for our game, and maybe new settings for future shows. Clone Wars and the Rebels show are my favourite things about Star Wars these days.

I have enjoyed the prequels, and sorely miss the legacy canon [I won't even bother reading the new books anymore as they can't hold a candle to the 100+ awesome Legacy books but I'm not going to sit and berate them, I just won't bother reading them] but so far I'm enjoying the roller coaster ride that's the movies.

Long live the Confederacy! Uhh I mean the Force and Star Wars and all that.
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 11:41:34 AM
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I liked it quite a bit, but the current new canon has not yet proved to be worth losing Legends over.
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 11:43:04 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
I liked it quite a bit, but the current new canon has not yet proved to be worth losing Legends over.


RIP Vong, Solo Twins, Abeloth, and Krayt/Legacy
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 3:07:10 PM
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General_Grievous wrote:
FlyingArrow wrote:
I liked it quite a bit, but the current new canon has not yet proved to be worth losing Legends over.


RIP Vong, Solo Twins, Abeloth, and Krayt/Legacy

This is the issue I have with people not liking the movies. I think to many people are stuck in the Legends era, and refuse anything that doesn't represent what those books did.

Vong were god awful. Its as close to ripping off Star Trek as anything can get. And Krayt was cool... But come on, he died like... 15 times and came back. Would you of been happier if Snoke was just Palpatine? And Palps just kept coming back? I highly doubt it... Or maybe if Snoke comes back to life in the next one,will you be happier because it was just like what Krayt did?

I think they are taking a bunch of stuff from the Legends storyline, and working them into this little bit by bit.

Rey/Kylo = Revan/Bastila from KOTOR
Jacen Solo= Ben Solo in the new saga. Ben Solo also doubles as a Revanish character with his Costume and Mask
Luke goes into Exile... Check
Luke rebuilds the academy... Check
Lukes academy gets corrupted/destroyed... Check
Luke's Nephew turns to the dark side.... Check
Chewbacca has kids.... Check
Han/Leia have a child and name him after Obi-Wan... Check
Abeloth = The father, Son, and Daughter.... Check
Vong are banished in this galaxy just like they were in the Legends galaxy.... Check
Krayts Empire/Roan Fel's Empire = First Order
Galactic Alliance = The Republic/Resistance

I'm sure there are more, this is just off the top of my head right now

So what exactly are you missing from the Legends era? The fact that Luke is not the hero in this story? The way they were written in the books? Because NO ONE would just copy and paste that and say lets do it. Game Of Thrones even changed what happened in the books to the TV show.

So, in all honestly, what are you missing from it? If your going to the movies, and you say
" Luke better be this way, or I am not happy" Or, if they don't do this story line I am going to be upset. Then I suggest you don't go to the movies. Because you are going to leave the theater upset every single time. I would suggest dusting your books off the shelf, and just rereading the Legends era stuff.
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 4:25:55 PM
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I said I liked the movie, so I don't know if you're talking to me or not.

The Legends books built up a detailed universe:

We lost all that for what, so far, is good but not as good as what was lost (imo).
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 5:06:16 PM
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After being indescribably disappointed with the Force Awakens I was able to go into this with an open mind. There were scenes I thought were absolutely stupid, and there were some things I liked about it. Thus far I have not yet seen anything from Disney that justifies the non-cannonization (is that a word?Unsure ) of the expanded universe. I think a lot people put a heck of a lot of effort into The Last Jedi but ultimately, for me, Star Wars is George Lucas' universe and without him involved it tends to just become run-of-the mill action/adventure/fantasy/sci-fi (blah blah blah BigGrin).

Aside from the bit of backstory about Luke and the current scenario he was in there is really not much of a story at all. Yes, there is a little development with Rey and Kylo as well I guess. Both Poe and Finn's stories seemed a bit pointless.

I can go on and on with what I didn't like but I won't. I did like Laura Dern (and the purple hair) as well as some of the new creature species. And it looked really good, something Disney is known for.

I feel like the retelling of EU stories in a different way with renamed characters is not very satisfying for me and I think I am just done with Disney's version of Star Wars. No offense to people who like it and maybe someday they will do something that will bring me back on board but until then I will save my time and money for something that I think is actually interesting.

Hope everyone has a great holiday season.
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 5:49:08 PM
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Here is the thing.
The reason why the legends universe was so well liked was because there was so much of it.
Just wait.
When people get to read Grand master luke books or see grand master luke in a cartoon form they will forget about their feelings of how this Luke is not their Luke.
When people get to see Luke go through watching his nephew turn to the dark that will understand his plight a lot better.
They will see the failure in his face and the last Jedi will be understandable.

The only problem with the last Jedi is that there is no other time line to explain things.

For instance I have heard many people say "I just didn't connect with the girl who had people hair and her sacrifice meant little too me".
Well... When you learn that she was great friends with Leia her whole life and you learn about her her sacrifice becomes so special and awesome.

The last Jedi will be the best of the trilogy by far when the back stories catch up to the movie.

We are missing a few decades of time at the moment, rian Johnson did not have the time to fill us in.

Imo one of the biggest flaws of the movie is that finn needed screen time somehow....
Finn is the weakest part of the movies he does not deserve his own "arc".

J.J. Abrams left rian Johnson with a lot of mess to deal with.

These are Rey and Kylo movies.
Do we have time for Finn, maz kanata, Snoke, Captain phasma, hux, etc?
Looking at esb who was carried over from a new hope?
You had Han, Leia, Vader, Luke as main characters. And then you added Yoda and lando.
There was no one that had to come along for the ride.
Here we have Finn, Poe, Leia, Luke, Rey, kylo. U have hux, phasma, Chewbacca, bb-8 to take care of as well.
Than he added Rose, the admiral, and dj.

That is a whole heck of allot to deal with. I am so glad we lost the extra baggage and can focus on the important parts.
The only thing I was really hoping for was that Rose and Finn died.

But rey and Poe were thousands of times better in this film.

Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 6:04:34 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
I said I liked the movie, so I don't know if you're talking to me or not.

The Legends books built up a detailed universe:

We lost all that for what, so far, is good but not as good as what was lost (imo).

Yeah same here, not sure who that was directed at hahaha
Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 6:20:15 PM
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jen'ari wrote:
The reason why the legends universe was so well liked was because there was so much of it.
We are missing a few decades of time at the moment, rian Johnson did not have the time to fill us in.

That's what's so disappointing. Those decades could have easily been there. Anything that was particularly troubling could have been jettisoned without killing the whole history. In fact, that's sort of what I expected when they said that Legends may still be drawn upon. They could have one by one brought back in certain stories. I fully expected the Zahn trilogy to come back immediately, for the Vong to never come back, and for most of the stuff in between to be left up in the air. Then you still have Mara, Thrawn, and the twins in the story. Probably keep Mara alive, definitely keep Chewie alive. And you have a good sense of those decades in between.

As is, now we know the ending and there's plenty to fill in from Episode 6 to 7. We'll see how it goes. Prequels don't have the best track record in Star Wars.

Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 6:35:50 PM
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jen'ari wrote:
Here is the thing.
The reason why the legends universe was so well liked was because there was so much of it.
Just wait.
When people get to read Grand master luke books or see grand master luke in a cartoon form they will forget about their feelings of how this Luke is not their Luke.
When people get to see Luke go through watching his nephew turn to the dark that will understand his plight a lot better.
They will see the failure in his face and the last Jedi will be understandable.

The only problem with the last Jedi is that there is no other time line to explain things.

For instance I have heard many people say "I just didn't connect with the girl who had people hair and her sacrifice meant little too me".
Well... When you learn that she was great friends with Leia her whole life and you learn about her her sacrifice becomes so special and awesome.

The last Jedi will be the best of the trilogy by far when the back stories catch up to the movie.

We are missing a few decades of time at the moment, rian Johnson did not have the time to fill us in.

Imo one of the biggest flaws of the movie is that finn needed screen time somehow....
Finn is the weakest part of the movies he does not deserve his own "arc".

J.J. Abrams left rian Johnson with a lot of mess to deal with.

These are Rey and Kylo movies.
Do we have time for Finn, maz kanata, Snoke, Captain phasma, hux, etc?
Looking at esb who was carried over from a new hope?
You had Han, Leia, Vader, Luke as main characters. And then you added Yoda and lando.
There was no one that had to come along for the ride.
Here we have Finn, Poe, Leia, Luke, Rey, kylo. U have hux, phasma, Chewbacca, bb-8 to take care of as well.
Than he added Rose, the admiral, and dj.

That is a whole heck of allot to deal with. I am so glad we lost the extra baggage and can focus on the important parts.
The only thing I was really hoping for was that Rose and Finn died.

But rey and Poe were thousands of times better in this film.

I am glad there is a lot of it because we won't be getting any more, lol.

I think a lot of people forget that the original trilogy also left a number of questions unanswered. It took the prequels to fill in a lot of those holes. However, I have a problem with Luke getting to the point he was at in this film. I actually think it was probably Lucas' intention to have him in exile. But I don't think with the help of Yoda, and Obi, and even Anakin and Qui as force spirits that he would have reached the point that he did. Certainly they would have eventually honored his free will but it is just hard for me to believe.

Posted: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 6:50:11 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
jen'ari wrote:
The reason why the legends universe was so well liked was because there was so much of it.
We are missing a few decades of time at the moment, rian Johnson did not have the time to fill us in.

That's what's so disappointing. Those decades could have easily been there. Anything that was particularly troubling could have been jettisoned without killing the whole history. In fact, that's sort of what I expected when they said that Legends may still be drawn upon. They could have one by one brought back in certain stories. I fully expected the Zahn trilogy to come back immediately, for the Vong to never come back, and for most of the stuff in between to be left up in the air. Then you still have Mara, Thrawn, and the twins in the story. Probably keep Mara alive, definitely keep Chewie alive. And you have a good sense of those decades in between.

As is, now we know the ending and there's plenty to fill in from Episode 6 to 7. We'll see how it goes. Prequels don't have the best track record in Star Wars.

Caedus is poorly written, as is Jaina. The whole storyline was broken and fused and just not well done. Even Ben Skywalker was cool, but it had no true holding power. Jacen becoming one with the force.... Anakin Solo being absurdly powerful and having to be killed off...
So many things that are not great for film imo.
Jaina training with Boba Fett....
I would hate to see that on film. I would hate to see Jaina period.

But I do love Mara Jade but even she was killed.... by a dart...
how lame would that be?
I just think the universe got too big, it was better to clean slate it and start over. Will it take a long time? sure it will! will it suck until than, you bet. will we always compare? yep.

But if we are thinking about it realistically.
How can we put Krayt onto film?
the man died came back died came back, etc.
Than you have to deal with all these characters
Wolf, Shado, Cade, Dariah, Jariah, Deliah, Talon, Nihl, Maladi, Wyyyrlok, Stryfe, Azlyn, Draco, krayt, Ganner Krieg, Celeste, Roan Fel, Marasiah Fel, etc
the list goes on and on.

those books are also a mess. It is better to restart with a clear focus.

In about 5 years people will forget Legends and be super into the new canon is my guarantee. Focus and simplicity is key. With less hands on things (i hope it remains this way) it will be more consistent and fun.
I cannot wait for what Rian Johnson can do with his own trilogy.
The detail and study he put into his work is unquestionable.
I saw a link somewhere that showed a picture of Luke's robot hand and it still had damage from return of the jedi, which is awesome.

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