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FrostyCon14 - Event Results Options
Posted: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 3:37:08 PM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
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Joined: 1/29/2011
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Well another FrostyCon is now in the rear view mirror and what a great weekend, which saw players travel in from PA, NJ, OH, IL & WI. My sincerest thanks to all of you who made journey and who supported FrostyCon this year, without you there could be no Frosty. BlooMilk

Friday "King of the Ring" Results...

Winner - Shawn Murphy (aka. Galactic Funk)

Darth Bane, Sith'ari
Darth Caedus, SL
Darth Maul, DWO
Lord Kaan

Saturday 200 Constructed Results...

The field on Saturday saw (12) players, with the following faction mix…

(2) Sith
(1) Fringe
(2) Mandalorian
(1) Separatist
(2) Republic
(4) Imperial

The Top 4 Squads in decending order

4th Place - “Bane's Angels” by Gerry Russell (a.k.a. Darph Nader on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

Cad Bane, BH
Asajj Ventress, Nightsister
Aurra Sing, Assassin
Morrigan Corde
R7 Astro
Uggie Demo x2
MSD x3

Map choice: Nightclub

3rd Place - “Bombad Training” by Trevor Peyton (a.k.a. thereisnotry on Bloomilk & swmgamers)

Cin Drallig
Quinlan Vos, DA
Aayla Secura, JK
Jar Jar
Klatoo Assassin x2
Uggie Demo x2

Map choice: Tomb of the Acolytes

2nd Place - “Klatoo Karrde Nikto” by Gerry Russell & played by Steve Mitchell (a.k.a. captaingig on Bloomilk)

Talon Karrde, IB
Jabba, CL
Jawa Scavenger
Klatoo Assassin x8
Uggie Demo

Map choice: Theed Place

1st Place - “” by Jason Kiernan (a.k.a. urbanjedi on Bloomilk & SWMgamers)

Mas Amedda
Jabba, CL
Ewok Chieftain
Chief Chirpa
Ewok Hanglider
Uggie Demo
Rodian Brute
Ewok x16

Map choice: Imperial Plaza

Final Standings:

Name W/L Swiss Points

1. urbanjedi 4-0 (10)
2. TINT 3-1 (7)
3. captaingig 3-1 (6)
4. DARPH NADER (Gerry Russell) 3-1 (6)
5. TimmerB123 2-2 (6)
6. Chris Cook 2-2 (5)
7. Luke Cook 2-2 (5)
8. Chargers 1-3 (3)
9. Galactic Funk 1-3 (3)
10. Hinkbert 1-3 (3)
11. jak 0-2 (0) DNF
12. Ciaran Russell 0-2 (0) DNF

urbanjedi vs DARPH NADER
TINT vs captaingig

urbanjedi vs captaingig

Winner: urbanjedi

Sunday 500 Epic Results...

The Squads…

“Screw You, Tempo Control!” – by Trevor Peyton

Boba Fett, Mandalore
Mandalore the Vindicated
Han Solo, Galactic Zero
Mara Jade, Jedi
Shae Viszla
Ganner Rhysode
Mando Scout
Mando Infiltrator
Mando C.I.O.
Death Watch Sabby
Jan Dodonna
R7 Astro

“syNRgy” – by Tim Ballard

Mara Jade Skywalker, Galactic Hero
Han Solo, Galactic Zero
Luke Skywalker, Galactic Hero
Kam Solusar
Chewie, Galactic Hero
Kyle Katarn
R2-PO, Galactic Zeroes
Jan Ors
Givin, BSS
R7 Astro
Uggie Demo

“Untitled” – by Tim Allen

The Ganner
Mara Jade, Jedi
Luke, FS
IG-88 A
IG-88, BH
IG-88, AD
Zam Wessell, BH
Dr. E, GC
R7 Astro x2
Uggie Demo

“NR Heroes” – by Jack MacEwen

Mara Jade Skywalker, Galactic Hero
Cade Skywalker, BH
Corran Horn, JM
Kyle, JBM
Han Solo, Galactic Zero
Luke Skywalker, Galactic Hero
Gen. Wedge
Dr. E, GC
R7 Astrox2
Salacious Crumb
MSD x4

“The Kaiser Soze’s” – by Shawn Murphy

Exar Kun, DL
Lord Krayt
Bane, Sith’ari
Revan, SL
Atton “Jaq”
Klatoo Assassin x3
R7 Astro
Sith Recruit x2
MSD x2
Rodian Brute
Uggie Demo

“Ben Guins” – by Jason Kiernan

Exar Kun, DL
Lord Krayt
Revan, SL
Darth Zannah
Atton “Jaq”
Marka Ragnos, DFS
Swoop Bike x3
Sith Recruit

Name W/L Swiss Points
1. TINT 3-0 (9)
2. TimmerB123 2-1 (2)
3. urbanjedi 2-1 (6)
4. Chargers 1-2 (3)
5. Galactic Funk 1-2 (3)
6. jak 0-3 (0)

TINT vs TimmerB123
Posted: Thursday, February 27, 2014 12:51:06 PM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
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Joined: 4/30/2008
Posts: 2,041
A good time was had by all and here is my play report for the weekend.

TimB and I got picked up by Shawn(GalacticFunk) and TimA (Chargers) for our 8400 hr trek to the land of Gerry. Had to make a slight detour to pick up Jak to fill out the van and our complement of players. Got there Friday and started hanging out and drinking some brewskis and fired up the King o the ring tourney.

I was with Marka, Scourge, Zannah, and Vestera Khai. I went with Marka because I figured if I ever had him and another character on the board, the extra activation would be huge. Vestera was my cheapo and I was hoping I could use her shikkar to hit someone early and reap a kill I didn't actually earn later in the game. Didn't quite work out that way. Started with Scourge and on the first attack of the game, he shifted loyalties. I didn't get another person into the game until Shawn had everything pretty much in control although he did make a spectacular play and used Bane to lightning Zannah (and his own Kaan) to do 50 to Zannah, Kill Kaan and thought bomb to kill Zannah as well. TimA won the map into the finals by finally eliminating Shawn's guys because they had been so weakened, but Shawn still made it to the finals based on points. The final ring nearly came down to init as Shawn had put Bane out and then someone else put Vergere next to him. Shawn won init and smoked Vergere and then proceeded to eliminate all other comers.

While the finals were going on, a group of us played another game called coup. Very light, quick and pretty fun to boot. I won the first game then got smoked in all the rest of them.

After the finals were over most of us played another game (Avalon maybe) that was described as R U A Werewolf? but with quests. Pretty accurate description, and also quite a fun game.

Saturday started with the slightly shorter trek to the game store where the X-wing was happening. The drive through at Tim Hortons didn't really know how to handle the magnitude of our order but at least got everything correct, even if it did take what felt like forever. During the first couple rounds of X-wing, TimB, Jak, and I played a few games of SWM looking at possible fixes/issues with Daala and the Slaver. Then Heather (Hink's fiance) showed us that it was in fact national margarita day and the Mexican place across the way had carafes of them so we went with her to get some food and drink some carafes of margaritas. Finished up there and learned that Trevor had won the X-wing because someone else had beaten Gerry on a last second shot and headed back to Gerry's.

I had originally been going to just play Yobuck because I knew it could beat Daala (this was before Daala was banned by Gerry) and I didn't really have time to build anything else, but on the ride back to Gerry's I determined that with the help of the margaritas, I didn't really have the mental capacity necessary to play Yobuck so I audibled over to the ewok swarm that I knew would beat Daala, but would also be a good test with the Zyg without Daala. While writing it out, one of the guys asked why there was no glider in it, so I retooled it to add the Glider to the squad (and a rodian so it would have a swapper in the base).

Ended up with Thrawn/Mas/JabbaCL/Ozzel/Chirpa/EwokChieftain/Lobot/Zyg/Hangglider/rodian/mouse/ewoks/ugo

Rd 1 against Chris cook and his Mandos. Brought in another slaver, another Glider and another rodian. Rolled reserves on round one but that didn't matter. Outactivated him, slaved down the rodian, swapped in the glider, strafed end of turn then won init and did it again and took out Lobot and did some damage to others. Did it again at the end of the next round and finished off the Captain and took Jaster down to almost dead. After that it was just send in the ewok missiles and whittle him down. 3 pt win.

Rd 2 against Gerry.
Played on Nightclub. Brought in Slaver/R7 and an Rodian. outactivated him, although he got a FA with I think 4 targets into my starting area, slaved down the rodian, swapped for the glider. End of Turn plus winning init gave me 2 strafes (plus charging fire attacks) and I took out all his door control, a mouse or 2 and actually got some damage to stick to a couple of the others. After that I just locked myself in my starting area and sent out a couple of ewok missiles every round to trade damage for guys. Even with Gerry killing what I sent out, I still took out everything except Aurra and Assaj (both were damaged) when time was called. 2 pt win.

Rd 3 against Trevor and his Jeedaiii.
Brought in 2 Gliders and 2 rodians as I finally figured out the power of the glider in this squad. I won a very tight match (would have been by 1 pt until we realized in the last round that I could get to Aayla so it was by 30 ish). The key to this game was that I again rolled reserves and brought in 4 Raxus prime troopers which were huge in the match allowing me to kill the caamasi as well as just be annoying pea shooters. Trevor brought in a LIN and Caamasi to try and build some walls I couldn't get through. I lost a couple ewoks but finally rolled well enough to get rid of that annoyance. Towards the end of the game, I Traded Zyg and Glider for Jar Jar thinking that lightwhip got around Bombad. Had we played that part correctly, I would have kept both and our final score would have been much closer as he would have probably been able to get Jar Jar over by Aayla to make me make some saves, so I might not have been able to kill her, but I would have probably been able to get to Lobot who had been in the back row hanging with some ugos since about the first turn. Trevor and I talked through this afterward and I think had we played again, that he would have defeated me.

Rd 4 against Steve O and his Talon Karrde Squad.
Slaver/Zyg/Rodian agian for reinforcements. The big test. How would this fare against Disruptive. We played on theed. He kept Lobot/Jabba/Gha locked in his starting area and slowly started coming up the board. I took kills where I could and my movement could put pressure on him form pretty much every direction. I finally used my lone ugo (with slavedriver/swap/and init help) to go blow the door and threaten Lobot/JAbba/Gha. He had to pull Talon Karrde (as well as his klats) but it let me get another kill or 2 and let me take the push toward gambit. When Time was called, his guys were all back in his starting area protecting Jabba and Lobot and I was controlling gambit.

Semi-finals against Gerry again.
I think I brought the Glider/R7/Rodian and then I won map. Gerry (and I) looked and looked at the map and he could see no way that it wouldn't end even worse than our previous game (at least on nightclub he could possibly get a good FA off), so after about 5 minutes of talking it through and looking at the starting areas, he conceded since there really didn't seem to be any way he could win unless I just rolled really, really, poorly.

So we went and waited out the other semifinal match which came down to Quinlin internal strifeing over to Steve thus cancelling out Karrde's CE and Ysilimari, and the game STILL ended up tied going to the highest cost figure closest to the center which happened to be KArrde himself (1 square closer than Trevor's Cin Drallig).

Finals vs Steve O again.
Steve conceded because not only had he won map last time and been defeated by the little furballs, he (and neither did anyone else really) could see a better way to try and attack the ewok swarm.

Sunday 500 Epic
I was playing a double transfer Epic Exar/Lord Krayt squad.

Rd 1 Trevor and his screw act control with Dodonna and Mando CIO. I had 2 slim chances to have a chance in this game, but Mandalore used Crits on Zannah, And then my very last gasp, I forgot that MAndalor also had disruptive so Revan couldn't sawp out. Game over. Not close. No real hope of being close.

Rd 2 Jak and his NR Mara.
He raced Mara to gambit and I started killing stuff (his and mine with transfer essence). Came down to him finally letting mara come out and play. She killed stuff but then I was able to kill her and ended up with a 3 pt win.

Rd 3 TimA and his IG88 Squad.
Very interesting squad and Ganner was really annoying as when I was counting I could move almost no one without having to go get adjacent. I decided that unless I rolled a 1 (or he rolled a crit), I had a solution. End of the first round (after he was out), I ran a swoop bike adjacent. Lord Krayt then transfered in and used Rage to drop 90 on Ganner. Then Exar transferred in to Krayt and did 120 to finish him off. Exar then transfered out to gambit so I got 200 or so points and essentially locked him out of gambit for the game. Basically kept up that same thing. Transfer in, drop some damage on somebody, then transfer back to gambit. Eventually got enough points to win. However there was still plenty of time left so we kept playing to see if I could finish off his squad. I couldn't as I couldn't handle the sheer firepower of the IG88s. I think he had RS and DT IG88s left at the end of the game when he finally toasted my Exar and Revan.

Then we hung around for a bit and then finally left on our trek back. Jak graciously allowed us to stay at his place on Sunday night (Thanks Jak) so we could split up our long trek.

Overall, Frosty was a blast and I think everyone had fun. Learned some stuff about both Daala/Zyg as well as some stuff about Epics (act control has to go).

Posted: Thursday, February 27, 2014 6:57:23 PM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
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Joined: 9/1/2008
Posts: 818
Location: Wisconsin
First: A huge thanks to Gerry for coordinating a weekend of festivities and for allowing all of us to bunk at his house. And thanks to the rest of the family for putting up with us.

It was a fun weekend. Minis, X-Wing, Avalon, Cards Against Humanity ... what's not to like? All with great people; some I'd met in person previously and others through Vassal or the forums.

King of the Ring

That's an awesome ring. Glad it came back to Wisconsin. Disappointed it's not in my house.

Demagol, Mandalore the Vindicated, Mandalore the Preserver, Boba Fett Merc Comm

Demagol was my MVP in the first round. His Jedi Hunter (yes, there were plenty of Force users), Torture 2 (he, he, he), Virulent Paralyzing Poison (save 16), and Counter Push 2 (yeah, take that you multi-attackers) were pretty effective. Didn't need the rest of my squad. Lord Scourge was very amusing -- he went from squad to squad to squad to squad ... yeah 4 of the 5 players in our ring had him; I was the only one who didn't get him. And TimmerB shifted loyalties just as badly as he betrayed the trust I placed in him as an ally.

Three of us as Doug couldn't stick around to see how Shawn's backup squad would fare. Darth Bane, Sith'ari vs Vergere with Mandalore the Vindicated a couple squares away as the game started. Bane killed Vergere, Mandalore hurt Bane. Another Darth Bane, Sith'ari joined the fray and Mandalore shot both Bane's dead. The rest of my squad then tried to keep up with the carnage, but all I did was weaken several figures for others to deal the killing blow ... and get the points. Too many rolls of 3 allowed Shawn to snipe enough points to relegate me to third in a close game.


Soontir with Stealth and PTL, Turr with Stealth, Fel, Backstabber

Round 1

Matt said he hadn't played in a while, but he flew and played just fine. It was an even game as time ran out and I edged him by a few points.

Round 2

Doug flew a B, X, Y, and Hawk. Second turn, he chose the wrong order of same PS ships. Oops. No biggie, though, as we weren't heavy into things. Third turn, he was going to do it again but I let him redo it so he wasn't bumping. Definitely helped him. Although I took out the shields and most of the hull on three ships despite good evade rolling on his part, his shooting down Backstabber by time game him the win. One more turn and I had two easy kills. Doug said he had never seen Interceptors flown that well.

Round 3

Steve came in with Howlrunner, Kir Kanos, and a TIE swarm. 2nd turn, I had Kir in my range 1-2 sights of all four of my ships. Soontir got a good hit, but the Shield Upgrade kept Kir in the game. Kir then evaded Turr's shots. Kir got a crit through and took out Turr's Pilot Ability. Great. Backstabber whiffed. Fel also whiffed. Okay, that's how the game was going to go. Steve's Howlrunner re-roll ability turn a lot of blanks into hits/crits. Also, great. Well played by Steve as he earned the win. Even if I'd gotten Kir on the second turn, I don't know if I would have been able to get the swarm.

Round 4

Ciaran and the triple Firesprays. Yikes, that's a lot of shields and hull to get through. I flew in, focused on one, and got it almost dead. Then due to his and my maneuvering, the next one became my target. Again, almost dead due to four on one from the side. A couple mis-dials that we left as is for learning lessons for him but a couple others that I allowed him to redo helped improve his attitude ... especially when he could finally draw a bead on one of my ships (which he shot down). When another Firespray flew in as the other two flew away, I focused on it. Again, almost dead. Time ran out. Grrr. One more turn and I would have had two dead Firesprays as the third had flown away from the fight. Oh, well. Good for him. Good to see him smiling again.

200 Point Minis

Vader Agent of Evil, Thrawn, Ozzel, Clobot, Cad Bane, filler

Round 1

Gerry and the charging bounty hunters were going to be tough. First initiative, I get an 11 so Lobot brings in an IG86 and a Klat Assassin. I jockey around inside the Nightclub while Gerry comes across the bottom trying to get into a position where the bounty hunters can charge me. I pick off a bunch of his Mouse Droid reinforcements and a couple others along with an Uggie. Time runs out with me in the lead with little that Gerry can do. Except have Asajj Force point move faster and charge Cad. He needs a crit to get him. First roll is a hit. Okay. Second roll is a .... 20. blasted. Gerry jumps for joy. Good for him. Although disappointed in the last second turn of fate, I am happy for him.

Round 2

I see Jack's Atris and Echani Handmaidens squad. This will be tough. Or not. Not to slight Jack, but Thrawn and Cad make the Echanis easier to deal with than expected. Vader doesn't bring in a couple troopers until late in the game to add insult to injury.

Round 3

Totally stomped by TimmerB and his Thrawn/Cad squad. Vader brings in a couple troopers who only delay the game by a couple phases.

Round 4

Luke and his stealth/cloaked death shot Mandos are harder to get as he keeps them in cover as he advances. Clobot brings in a couple Reserves. We exchange some kills. I want Vader to hit a Mandalorian Infiltrator down to 10HP before letting him stand there to use Clobot's Recon to try for more Reserves. Darn; I forgot about Opportunist. Luke pushes forward and gets a couple more kills. I try to hit him back hard against a couple higher HP figs, but can't quite do it as time expires. Close game, but Luke gets it.


Over the course of four games, Clobot brought in as many Reserves as Vader did with Ozzel bringing in none. Weird.


The Ganner, Mara Jade Jedi, Saba Sebatyne, new Zam, IG88, IG88 AD, IG88 BH, IG88A, new Evazan, filler

Shawn guaranteed me a week prior that we would be facing all Vong and OR squads. I've never played with The Ganner and thought I'd try him out. And with 500 points, now was the time to be able to play all 4 IG88s. Yes, even the Rebel Storm one. Yeah, really. I figured The Ganner would draw opponents in and the droids would pump out the double/twin/opportunist or assassin shots. Zam could Missile those pesky figs sitting in cover.

Shawn lied; there were no Vong or OR squads. Darn. I wasn't going to see just how strong The Ganner was against Vong.

Round 1

Jack brought Epic Mara, big boy Luke, beefy Kyle, Corran Horn JM, Cade Skywalker, Ganner, old man Han, and others. I was okay with most of that. His melee figures would have to come in to The Ganner and I'd mow him down with IG bullets. While his melee advanced, Han and Kyle went north to flank, and his Ganner and Cade took the southern flank route. Zam missiled Cade. Not wanting Cade to be taken out that way, Jack's Ganner levitated Cade out to get more shots at my figs and took out an Uggie and splashed on a couple figs. Oops. Cade was now more than 6 squares away from the Mouse Droid who gave Mara's stealth to followers. The IGs lit him up. My R7 kept the northern door of the center room locked so Han wasn't a factor. The melee battle ensued. The Ganner fought valiantly and gave out some damage, but couldn't keep up with Mara/Luke/Corran. But the IGs could. They took out Kyle and his Disruptive to get their Twin back. Then they shot down Mara and took out her Synergy with Luke. Now Luke was easier to hit. Took him out. Zam helped take out Han as he came in. Ganner didn't stand a chance.

Round 2

TimmerB and his Epic Mara, big boy Luke, old man Han, Kyle, Jan, etc looked a lot like what I'd just faced yet a lot different. I took an early risk to have Zam Missiles a couple figs. Old man Han's crit made me pay for that. His Mara and my Ganner faced each other in the center. And faced each other. And faced each other. His strategy was to have Mara tie up his opponent's epic figure while the rest of the squads went at it. Interesting. The Ganner wasn't going anywhere anyways, so he may as well have tea with her. The southern hallway was a death trap waiting for me to enter so I wandered up and over to join Mara and The Ganner. With Mara sitting there, the IGs couldn't do anything so they moved towards TimB's squad. Valiant effort, but to no avail. Three turns of Evazan sitting next to The Ganner to heal him if needed before I realized the Doc could Homicidal Surgery his Mara. So I did. Another few times of that and ... never mind. TimB wasn't going to let that happen. He destroyed me.

Round 3

See Jason's write-up above. Wow. I'd never seen someone sacrifice their full health Lord Krayt. Or Zannah. But it was worth it for him as he was able to take out The Ganner and earn that massive 75 points per round gambit to win the points game. But with plenty of time to go, we decided to finish the game. I was able to win the full game by finally shooting up his squad. Yes, he made me chase him down and jockey around to see him. Fun game. When people asked how it went, Jason said we'd both won. It was good to get some revenge on him for the beatdown he gave me at GameHoleCon; even if it was a no-win win.

Overall, it was a great weekend, fun times with great people, and plenty of memories. ThumbsUp

And time to start plotting against those guys for the Regional season.
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