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Galactic Escalation Tournament (Spring 2023) Squads, Pairings, and Results Thread (Round 2) Options
Posted: Monday, March 13, 2023 4:23:34 AM
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Welcome everyone to round 2 of the Spring of 2023 tournament of Galactic Escalation! Gambit will be worth 8pts. Time per game is 75 minutes.


-Mace Escalates...In Your Face! 150--
65 Mace Windu, Legacy of the Light Side
47 General Skywalker
23 Foul Moudama
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(147pts. 5 activations)

Map: Mushroom Planet


--Vader Emperor 150--
100 Darth Sidious, Sith Mastermind
45 Darth Vader of Lothal
5 Porg

(150pts. 3 activations)

Map is rebel fortress


Round 2--
26 Elite Republic Commando - Boss
23 Elite Republic Commando - Fixer
23 Elite Republic Commando - Scorch
23 Elite Republic Commando - Sev
23 Clone Commander Bacara
14 Republic Commando - Sev
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
6 Mouse Droid x2
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(150pts. 10 activations)

map: Theed Palace


--Galactic Escalation Round 2 (Go with the Flow)--
54 Darth Caedus, Sith Lord
39 Darth Sidious, sith Emperor
17 Vongerella, Dark Jedi
15 Sith Holocron
14 Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(142pts. 6 activations)

map: Theed Palace


--Escalating NR 150--
45 Han Solo, Corellian Legend
32 Jaina Solo Fel, Jedi Master
25 Callista, Force Spirit
25 Head of State Jagged Fel
23 General Wedge Antilles

(150pts. 5 activations)

Map: Mushroom Planet


--From the green hells of the sea--
45 Colonel Jacen Solo
33 Luke Skywalker, New Republic Hero
28 Captain Shevu
22 Ben Skywalker, Jedi
10 Jedi Supervisor
8 Galactic Alliance Senator

(146pts. 6 activations)

Map: Theed Palace


--Reinforced Sisters (Spring Galactic Escalation Round 2)--
32 Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
31 Mother Talzin
27 Lobot
46 Nightsister Hunter x2
8 Mas Amedda
3 Rodian Brute
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(150pts. 8 activations)

Map - Theed Palace


--Today's JaqBot is $150--
37 Satele Shan
36 Atton "Jaq" Rand
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
27 Lobot
14 Old Republic Senator
3 XT-6 Droid

(100pts, 6 activations)

Map: Mushroom Planet


--Escalation Tourney 150--
63 Rey and Kylo, Force Bonded Allies
27 Poe Dameron
15 Paige Tico, Resistance Gunner
14 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Spirit
13 BB-8
18 Cobalt Squadron Pilot x3
(150pts. 8 activations)

Map: Crime Lord's Palace


--Vader's Long Leash: GE - 150--
45 Darth Vader, Scourge of the Jedi
28 Death Trooper
27 Wilhuff Tarkin
26 Ysanne Isard
8 R7 Astromech Droid
12 Imperial Navy Trooper x2
3 Mouse Droid

(149pts. 8 activations)

Map: Desert Marketplace
Posted: Monday, March 13, 2023 4:24:49 AM
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Round 2, game #1 matchups:

N3rdSl4y3r vs DarkDracul

spryguy1981 vs Mando

Timmerb123 vs urbanjedi

urbanshmi vs Thereisnotry

FlyingArrow vs gandalfthegreatestwizard

----- Generated using Oxford Croquet Round Robin Generator -----

You have 1 week to get your games in starting Tuesday (March 14th). Have your games in before midnight on Tuesday March 21st. If anyone needs a time extension because of an impossibility to get the game done in 1 week, let me know and we can probably extend the time needed to get the game in if necessary. May the force be with you!
Posted: Monday, March 13, 2023 4:28:03 AM
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Please send me your squads for round 2 if you haven't done so. I am still waiting for a few people to send me their squads for round 2. Once I get them, I'll post the squads and matchups for Round 2, game #1. Looking forward to seeing how this round progresses and what choices people go for as they escalate their squad to 150pts!
Posted: Monday, March 13, 2023 7:01:06 AM
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The new version of the Vassal mod is updated and ready for use. Here's a link to that thread:
SWM Vassal mod thread
Scroll down to read the last post on that page, and all should be clear.
That post contains a link to a youtube video that I made, which explains all the new changes.

Now, we're not using the V-Set 25 characters in this tournament...but we might enjoy the new changes that are part of this vassal update. I'd highly recommend that you download it, and also that you watch the youtube video, before you play your next game of this tournament. When I showed these new changes to some people the other day, they loved them! In short, this update makes scorekeeping a whole lot easier and smoother. Watch the video (on the linked thread) for details....

Posted: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 5:37:38 AM
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pairings posted. Thanks Trevor for getting Vassal updated with the new stuff! I encourage everyone to download the new mod for Vassal as it will really help with keeping score. I'm really excited to see how this round goes after seeing everyone's Escalation to 150pts from their original squad! ThumpUp
Posted: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 6:32:17 AM
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Don’t forget to make squads public everyone
Posted: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 11:30:03 AM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
Don’t forget to make squads public everyone

Here's mine:
Posted: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 11:47:57 AM
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Mando defeats spryguy1981 185-45 (3-0)

Matt won map roll so we played on Mushroom planet. I took left side. Matt brings in Wicket, 2 mouse droids and 2 uggies with reinforcements. I bring in Queen Amanoa with Sidious's CE.

Round 1: positioning. I activate Dark Aura with Exar, which ends up being a major pain for Matt latter on. Got my guys up into the center area but not into gambit. Matt gets gambit with Satele and positions Atton at the door which is locked.

Round 2: Atton and Lobot work in tandem to the door open and closed and get some shots off on Caedus, but Atton misses both attacks needing 5's to hit, spending a fp to reroll but still miss. This meant Caedus not needing to spend force points for Master Illusion. I left door blown up with my uggie and move it to within 6 of the right side door to blow it up next round. ABM gets turned on. We both get gambit.

Round 3: Matt wins init and goes with Atton to get 2 more shots off on Caedus, hitting 1 time for 40 dmg and then uses his last 2 fp to do Jedi Mind Trick, which activates Caedus and runs away without taking a this point i thought I was really going to have a hard time coming back from that. I however have Sidious and he first zaps Satele for 10 dmg and does Force Dominate on Caedus to give him a turn and he fails the save, so Caedus gets to use SBM to more Satele adjacent to both himself and Vongrella and then Caedus double attacks for 60 total damage after Satele fails a Lightsaber defense save and I cancel her reroll with Force Curse on the Holocron. She's down to 30hp. My second activation goes to Vongrella who uses Playerin Bol to do 40 dmg to Satele who can't reroll because of her Force Immunity. Satele dies without having done any damage. I blow the right door open with my uggie, positioning it to blow open another door next round. Wicket tries to attack Caedus, but Amanoa uses Defender to protect him.

Round 4: I win init and zap wicket for 20 dmg with Vongrella. Matt tries to take out my uggie with his uggie and misses. My uggie lives long enough to blow up another door. I run Amanoa up to sith hatred a mouse droid and a uggie. Atton tries to hit her 2 times but misses with 1 attack and she uses Illusion to evade his other attack. Caedus runs up adjacent to Lobot and Atton and Exar joins him, getting to within 6 of Atton. Matt uses his Senator to canon shot Atton but Caedus uses Master Illusion to evade the damage. Bastilla joins in on the fray and gets 20 dmg through to Caedus, who is at 50hp now. The door gets closed by Lobot to protect Atton from a Aing Ti Flow Walk next round. Sidious runs up and kills his Mouse droid and Senator with Burst Lightning.

Round 5: Matt wins init and i choose not to flow walk to kill Lobot, since I wouldn't be able to take out Atton with it. Matt goes first, activates Lobot to open the door, and sacrifices his XT droid to activate Atton to double attack Caedus, hitting both attacks but failing the Master Illusion saves. Locks the door and Caedus can't get to Atton. My uggie dies to one of Matts other uggies.

Round 6: I win init but the door is locked to get to Caedus and I have no more door control. Atton and Bastilla move into gambit and I run my whole squad into gambit also but i use SBM again to position Atton next to Caedus for next round and i zap Atton twice with Sidious brining him down to 60hp.

Round 7: I win init and Caedus doubles Atton, killing him after he fails a avoid defeat save. Bastilla tries to take Caedus out and rolls a crit, but the Master Illusion saves him and Bastilla takes more damage with Sidious's burst lightning and Vongrella using lightning. She down to 60 hp.

Round 8: I lose init but i Aing Tii Flow Walk with Caedus to take out Bastilla, ending the game.

I think the big key here was having Sidious Force dominate Caedus after Matt did a brilliant play to activate Caedus with Jedi Mind Trick. That Force Dominate allowed me to take out Satele before she could do any damage. SBM was huge! Having Amanoa was also good because it forced Atton to get up close to get around her Defender ability and she also served as a mini scissors option to clear away low hp mice and uggies. Vongrella did her part also, landing a key Plaeryin Bol against Satele and zaping key pieces along the way. Once i took out Lobot, Matt only had one means to open and close doors, so eventually my team caught up with Bastilla and Atton as they went to gambit. Good game and it took some strategic moves to win the match. Matt made some great moves! Those early misses on Caedus with Atton tho gave Caedus the extra FP he needed to manipulate the battlefield to give me the win. My squad ended up using all its abilities on every piece to get the win, which is fun to see. Sidious became a nice little option to clear away scrubs and shift the activation advantage to me late in the game.
Posted: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 2:24:44 PM
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thereisnotry defeats UrbanShmi 163-49 (3-0)

I won the map roll so Laura set up on the right side of Mushroom Planet.

Round 1: Both of us advanced toward the center room. I locked the door on Laura's side of gambit to keep her people from entering the room. Then I sent Jaina into gambit.

Round 2: I won init and let Laura go first. She spun her uggie. Callista opened the door and moved to a spot 4 squares from where Jaina would be standing, then Jaina charged in on Mace, hitting all 4 times (once with a crit) for a total of 140dmg. Mace riposted for 20dmg. R2 then towed Mace back, who then charged in with momentum to bring Jaina to 20hp after a bunch of attacks, including a crit (parried) and a couple of parries. Wedge killed Mace (he was at 1 fp so he couldn't Reflect). Foul and Anakin worked together to kill Jaina, but Callista sacrificed herself for Jaina, so Jaina was back at 100hp.

Round 3: I won init and Jaina went to town on Anakin, dropping him after a failed LS Defense save. Djem So had no effect. Foul put some damage on Jaina, and then R2 locked the door in her face. The next couple of rounds involved Laura playing door games with me, keeping me away from her pieces. However, I was eventually able to get Jaina close enough to finish off that dang trash can and the foul dude.

As always, it was a lot of fun to play with Laura. Her squad scared me, and Jaina could've died quicker with weaker parry rolls. I can't wait to see how her squad continues to escalate!
Posted: Thursday, March 16, 2023 8:08:05 AM
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gandalf over FlyingArrow 162-22 (3-0)

I won map roll, we both had Theed. TJ set up on the right side inside the buildings. I set up in the top left street.

Round 1 Battle Ready got my squad up to the Fountain entrance to the Atrium. Jacen cloaked himself, and Luke's Supervisor blew up the door. The Republic Commandos moved out into the bushes of the East Plaza. Luke got gambit, and the Commandos opened the door to gambit from their side. 8-0

Round 2, TJ won init. Ben used Surprise Move to get a little closer. Elite Sev took some shots at Luke, one missed and one Defensed. Supervisor moved up to watch over Luke and make sure he was obeying his Galactic Alliance overlords. Boss got a shot through Luke's defenses (80HP left), and then cannoned Elite Sev who missed a couple of shots. Bacara also missed Luke. Shevu killed a Mouse and Ben moved up. Fixer and Scorch both took some shots and Ben, but only one hit, and it was Defensed. Senator Synergy moved up and Luke blew up the bottom door of gambit. WOTC rolled a crit against Ben, but again he Defensed. Doombot locked the right door of gambit.

Round 3, I won init. Fixer was exposed and not hiding in the bushes like the rest of his buddies, so Ben Pulled him into the fray and rolled a crit. Shields left Fixer at 20 HP. WOTC Sev moved up so that Fixer could use his Synergy before dying, and hit Ben (60 HP). Despite the assistance, Fixer missed both attacks on Ben. Jacen came up and Raged to make sure Fixer would die (he did). Luke Ambushed with Knight Speed into Scorch, knocking him down to 40 HP. Scorch hit back and got one through on Luke (60 HP), but Elite Sev flaked and missed Luke both times. Once again the Supervisor ran after Luke to supervise his activities, and Senator Synergy moved within 6 of Luke and blew up the door to gambit. Boss and Elite Sev cannon shot rolled some misses on Luke, and then a crit which got Defensed. Bacara and someone else hit Luke (20 HP left). Shevu came out to play and dropped some damage on WOTC Sev (10 HP left), and then cannoned Luke on Scorch. Luke rolled a crit and Scorch failed both Shields to instantly drop dead. I got gambit.

Round 4, I won init. Ben ran into a bush at Bacara and hit him for 30. Bacara killed Ben. Elite Sev missed Luke twice. Shevu killed WOTC Sev and did 30 damage to Boss. Luke Ambushed and killed Boss. Doombot towed Elite Sev far away, but not far enough. Jacen ran to base him.

Round 5, I won init and Jacen murdered Elite Sev. Bacara shot Luke to protest his fate and then Shevu killed him too.

Very difficult for the Commandos to consistently get damage through on the Jedi, especially once Fixer got killed. TJ almost took out Luke but I made just about every LS Defense save, even some opportune crits, and he was not rolling hot. Another victory for underhanded Galactic Alliance sabotaging the dice system.
Posted: Thursday, March 16, 2023 9:41:28 AM
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i forgot to add this in the first post, but the gambit for round 2 is worth 7pts. I prefer 7pt gambit over 8pt because it encourages more action. we've had a couple games where i'm not sure what the gambit value was, but it looks like gandalf used 8pt gambit. This is my fault for not making this clear in the beginning of round 2 so going forward for the remaining games, i edited the first post to call for 7pt gambit. sorry for the confusion
Posted: Thursday, March 16, 2023 9:45:40 AM
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Laura and I played with 8pt gambit in our game, but it didn't make any difference in the end.
Posted: Thursday, March 16, 2023 10:12:06 AM
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i went back and looked at what i had gambit set at last time....turns out it was 8pts.....RollEyes

i guess 8pt gambit is probably fine to go with. better to be consistent, so lets continue with 8pt gambit. i'll revise the first post again Laugh
Posted: Friday, March 17, 2023 4:58:15 PM
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TimmerB123 over Urbanjedi 113-102 (2-1)

I’ll write up more later, but it boils down to too much tech, and not enough power, barely edged out too much power, and not enough tech
Posted: Saturday, March 18, 2023 6:50:37 AM
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I'm guessing N3rdSl4y3r's map is Desert Palace because Desert Marketplace is not on the restricted list.

He hasn't played on his map yet in this tournament, but I also have not played on my map once in this tournament.

So if N3rd is allowed Desert Marketplace, I want Power Regulation Chamber (aka The Hardboard) as my map. ThumbsUp
Posted: Saturday, March 18, 2023 7:45:01 AM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
TimmerB123 over Urbanjedi 113-102 (2-1)

I’ll write up more later, but it boils down to too much tech, and not enough power, barely edged out too much power, and not enough tech

This sums up the match perfectly
Posted: Saturday, March 18, 2023 8:16:55 PM
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N3rdSl4y3r defeats DarkDracul 152 -130

I lost map roll so we played on Crime Lord's Palace, which is good because I was confused and I have the wrong map selected. My map should be Desert Palace, not Desert Marketplace.

I set up on the bottom left and DarkDracul middle of the right side.

Round 1: Most of my team moves up and hangs out in the steamroom. Death trooper blows open the bottom left door to the gambit room. Vader runs into gambit with Tarkin's extra movement. The Resistance sets up to get through the top right door of the gambit room.

Round 2: A lot more positioning this round. Tarkin and his gang move into the gambit room. The Resistance open the door and get ready to join in the gambit room. Vader moves up and takes out one of the Cobalt Pilots. Another round of gambit for Vader.

Round 3: I win init and Vader starts attacking ReyLo, with both attacks being parried away. ReyLo hits back for 60 total with double and teamwork. The Djem and Ripostes that hit are parried away. Death trooper takes out a Cobalt Pilot. Poe misses some shots and then takes 10 from a Navy Trooper. Paige hits a crit on Vader for 10 after dark armor. Tarkin picks up gambit this round.

Round 4: I win init again and Vader attacks ReyLo again. This time I remeber to LS Throw to get around the parry. Both hits are bodyguarded to Paige who goes down. ReyLo hit back for another 60 with double and teamwork. Vader gets one hit back through the parry for 30 before he goes down. Navy Trooper rolling evades out of Poe's shots. Ysanne hits an insane crit on ReyLo for 40, putting them down to 70HP. More missed shots are traded and then the death trooper hits another crit on ReyLo, taking them down to 30HP. Tarkin collects gambit.

Round 5: DarkDracul wins init. ReyLo move into the middle of my team and put 60 onto Ysanne, and proceeded to finish her and the two Navy Troopers with a repulse. Death Trooper gets a hit through on ReyLo, since the door is closed for BB8's extra defense. ReyLo is down to 10HP. Luke and Poe get locked out of the gambit room, no worries as Luke levitates Poe to the door at the top of the gambit room and sends two misses at Tarkin. Tarkin and ReyLo score gambit.

Round 6: I win a very key init. Tarkin takes a shot at ReyLo (Cunning and You May Fire When Ready with the Death Trooper) to take them down. Luke dies as well. Tarkin moves out of sight of Poe and pushes the Death Trooper into cover with his CE. Cover doesn't stop Poe from hitting a crit on the Death Trooper and taking him out after failed rolling evade saves. BB8 zaps the mouse droid. Tarkin and BB8 collect a final round of gambit putting me over 150.

This was a really fun and close game. ReyLo made a lot of early parry saves and, and I hit some well placed crits to ultimately close it out. DarkDracul had a nice wall set up most of the game, which forced me to target ReyLo's 30 defense. Thanks for playing!
Posted: Monday, March 20, 2023 2:46:03 AM
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Tourney: Galactic Escalation Spring 2023: Round 2 game #1

N3rdSl4y3r (3pts) defeats DarkDracul (1pt) : (152-130)
Mando (3pts) defeats spryguy1981 (0pts) : (185-45)
Timmerb123 (2pts) defeats urbanjedi (1pt) : (113-102)
Thereisnotry (3pts) defeats urbanshmi (0pts) : (163-49)
gandalfthegreatestwizard (3pts) defeats FlyingArrow (0pts) : (162-122)

Tourney: Galactic Escalation Spring 2023
Leaderboard after round 2, game #1 completion.
1: 9 Points: Mando - WWW
2: 7 Points: DarkDracul - WWL
3: 6 Points: Thereisnotry - WLW
4. 6 Points: Gandalfthegreatestwizard - LWW
5: 6 Points: N3rdSl4y3r - WLW
6: 6 Points: Spryguy1981 - WWL
7. 4 Points: urbanjedi - LWL
8. 3 Points: TimmerB123 - LLW
9: 0 Points: UrbanShmi - LLL
10: 0 Points: FlyingArrow - LLL

just in case some are interested, the difference in order of people with the same amount of tournament points as far as ranking is ordered by total points scored in game over the whole tournament thus far. So for example, we have 4 players with 6pts. To get the correct rankings, I have ordered them from highest points scored total in game going from 358pts for DarkDracul to 253pts for Spryguy1981. I keep a running total for each player, and so if you are wondering why you are ahead or below someone with similar tournament points, that is the reason. Hope that makes sense. When you play, try to get as many points as you possibly can because it does make a difference in the rankings. Tournament points are the most important, so getting 3pt wins is huge, but also scoring as many in game points can be the difference between rankings when your at a similar tournament point score than other players. When it comes to the determining the final 4 for playoffs, I'll go with ranking them based on the floor rules for tiebreakers to the best of my ability before accounting for cumulative game score, making the top 4 be the best performing squads/players in the tournament.
Posted: Monday, March 20, 2023 2:46:39 AM
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Great bunch of games this last week! Here's this weeks matchups

Round 2, game #2 matchups:

N3rdSl4y3r vs Mando

DarkDracul vs urbanjedi

spryguy1981 vs Thereisnotry

Timmerb123 vs gandalfthegreatestwizard

urbanshmi vs FlyingArrow

----- Generated using Oxford Croquet Round Robin Generator -----

You have 1 week to get your games in starting Monday (March 20th). Have your games in before midnight on Monday March 27tht. If anyone needs a time extension because of an impossibility to get the game done in 1 week, let me know and we can probably extend the time needed to get the game in if necessary. May the force be with you!
Posted: Monday, March 20, 2023 8:48:21 AM
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I’m assuming that head to head will be a tiebreaker before cumulative in-game points?
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