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Congratulations to our top 4 players from the Fall 2023 Escalation tournament! It has been a really fun time getting to this point with many changes in the standings. The playoffs will be 350pt games with a 2 hour time limit and 18pt gambit. Without further ado, here are the players and squads competing in the first round of the players: thereisnotry: http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/249490/a-hord-of-sith-350--A Hord of Sith 350-- 63 Darth Bane, Sith'ari 50 Darth Cognus 48 Darth Zannah 42 Tulak Hord, Lord of Hate 40 Imperial Agent 39 Sith Eternal Emperor 18 Dark Force Nexus 17 Vongerella, Dark Jedi 14 Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit 10 Sith Guard x2 6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2 3 XT-6 Droid (350pts. 14 activations) Map: Rancor Pen Overly28: http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/249648/inquisitorious-victorious--ge-fall-2023---Inquisitorious Victorious (GE Fall 2023)-- 100 Darth Sidious, Sith Mastermind 41 The Inquisitor, Jedi Hunter 45 Second Sister (Trilla Suduri) 35 Darth Vader, The Emperor's Fist 35 Third Sister (Reva) 32 Ninth Sister (Masana Tide) 27 Wilhuff Tarkin 15 Sith Holocron 8 R7 Astromech Droid 8 Teek 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist (349pts. 11 activations) Map: Rhen Var DarthMaim: --StEiffel Tower 350-- 60 Raskta Lsu 56 Revan, The Prodigal Knight 46 Ven Zallow, Jedi Master 37 Satele Shan 33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master 32 Xesh 27 General Vaklu, Defender of Onderon 18 Arca Jeth, Jedi Spirit 11 Teethree (T3-M4) 8 Wicket 3 Mouse Droid 9 Ugnaught Demolitionist x3 6 XT-6 Droid x2 2 Kneesaa, Ewok Princess (348pts. 17 activations) Map = Rhen Var http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/249661/steiffel-tower-350spryguy1981: http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/250042/cinful-bliss--Cinful Bliss-- 66 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi General 48 Cin Drallig, Jedi Battlemaster 47 General Skywalker 39 Quinlan Vos, Double Agent 36 Master Tholme 30 Serra Keto 29 Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight 16 Qui-Gon Jinn, Force Spirit 9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid 8 Mas Amedda 8 Wicket 5 Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 3 Mouse Droid 2 Kneesaa, Ewok Princess (349pts. 15 activations) Map: Rhen Var
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Joined: 10/14/2008 Posts: 1,420 Location: Chokio, MN
Round 1 of the Fall 2023 playoffs will be: Overly28 (1st) vs Spryguy198 (4th) DarthMaim (2nd) vs Thereisnotry (3rd) winners of each match will move on to the finals and the others will move to the next game to determine 3rd and 4th place. All of these players are excellent competitors with really strong squads, so this will be a very exciting finish to this tournament! Great work getting this far! Now lets see if the force is with you to make the final push to ultimate victory! This playoff series will feature the persistent Imperial Inquisitor's lead by Darth Vader himself hunting down a band of jedi survivors who've worked well together to keep the last of the Jedi Order alive. Will the Jedi survive another day? Or will the Empire finally wipe them out....all of them? What a matchup this will be! And in our other matchup we have a classic battle of Old Republic vs Sith! Revan has returned to the Light side but will that be enough to go against Darth Bane and his tanky sith companions? Fear is the mind killer...but will the Jedi Stifle their opposition despite it? Stay tuned! you all can start planning your games starting Monday November 20th. Since the thanksgiving holiday is coming up, you have 2 weeks to get your game in, so Monday December 4th at midnight is the goal to have the first round of playoffs complete.
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Joined: 7/27/2008 Posts: 1,238 Location: Los Angeles, California
Tint and I are kick-starting the playoffs tomorrow at high noon (est)
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thereisnotry defeats DarthMaim, 281-221 (3-1)
I won the map roll so we played on Rancor Pen; Mel chose to set up on the left side, with all of his guys in the bottom-left corner of the map. I set up with the Emperor in the center, beside the Nexus and Tulak.
Round 1: No real action, until I was able to draw a nifty LOS to shoot at Ven Zallow with my Agent...Crit and hit!...and 2 evades. Nothing else significant happened, other than normal first-round setup actions. Bastilla did nothing. 18-18.
Round 2: Mel won init, and activated ABM with Bastilla. More maneuvering of fodder. T3 used Targeting on Zannah and then Vaklu shot her twice, but she took no damage after using 2 fp to reroll her failed saves. After my squad was all activated, Revan charged in with Master Speed to Repulse 4 on Tulak, Zannah, Cognus, Bane, and the Emperor (200dmg!!). Tulak used Reflexes to hit back for 20dmg. 36-36.
Round 3: Mel won init. Revan ran away (made his block on the aoo from Tulak), and then Mel sac'ed an XT-6 to let Raskta charge in to do 90dmg to Tulak after a fprr (Tulak at 10hp). Tulak attacked with Rage and did 30dmg, then 10 more from Sith Hatred. Zannah Assaulted for 20dmg. Xesh came up to zap Zannah but her Bubble helped out. Ven then came in to finish her off via Stifling Attack. There were now several OR characters near the Emperor, so I made a move that turned things around. Vongerella zapped Raskta for 20dmg, then the Emperor used SBM to reposition the OR figures so that Raskta, Ven, Satele, and Xesh were all adjacent to each other and close to Exar...Drain Life 5 did 200dmg to his guys (killing Raskta). Satele pushed Tulak to death, and he responded with Sith Reflexes to Teleport with Rage for 30dmg to Ven. Cognus finished off Ven with Rage. The Agent moved up for a spectacular miss against T3, and then T3 high-tailed it out of there. The Nexus used Easy Path on Bane to move him up beside Xesh (80hp), so that Bane could OWF and double-attack him to death (needed a fprr because of vassal dice). We ended the round by spinning a bunch of fodder. Bastilla kept ABM going. Significantly, I moved my XT-6 to within 4 of my Agent, who was in good position witih LOS to several worthwhile targets. 135-144, Mel is winning.
Round 4: I won init. I was hoping to kill Satele (50hp), but she used Intuition to hide behind a wall of scrubs. Therefore, Cognus killed Wicket. Then I sac'ed my XT-6 to let the Agent kill Vaklu. Revan came in for another Repulse, this time hitting Bane (down to 50hp), Cognus (40hp), and a Guard. T3 targeted and flamed Cognus, then Mel sac'ed his other XT-6 to activate Satele for a push to kill Cognus (and my ghost). Vongerella zapped Revan for 20dmg, then Bane leapt in for a raging double attack to finish him off (he was at 0fp, so no defenses). More fodder spinning now, since that's what we both have left. The Nexus pulled Bane back into a safer position. 249-216, I'm winning.
Round 5: Mel won init. Satele used intuition and then a move of 8 to base Bane for an Assault. She failed her Presence save (40hp). Her first hit dropped him to 20hp, but he made his DjemSo save, so he hit her back and she failed her Parry save (I should've use OWF on this, but I was fortunate that she failed that Parry). My Agent then missed T3 spectacularly again. We both eliminate some opposing fodder pieces, and Bane is finally able to zap T3 to death. 381-221, I won on points.
I was willing to play it out despite the score, but it was just Bastilla vs the Agent and Emperor and Vongerella (all full health), plus Bane at 20hp, so it wasn't worth it.
Wow, this game was nuts! It is not pleasant to face two Repulse 4s, but my big Drain Life equalized things, and I was able to get a slight edge in kills by the end of Round 4, which then turned into more damage output for me in the following round as well. Losing Tulak early was painful too, but ABM was hindering his style anyway, so at least he didn't go down without a fight. Thanks for the game, Mel!
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Joined: 8/26/2020 Posts: 101
Overley28 defeats Spry on Rhen Var 359-327
Both had Rhen Var I lost map roll so set up on left.
R1: Positioning - I was able to get into gambit with Reva.
R2: I roll a 1 so Spry wins initiative. A little more positioning with a few doors being blown open in the middle. Reva uses force push to kill the spaarti. Tarking uses his movement CE to move ninth sister 6 squares to set up a charging assault and force attuned Repulse that Kills R2 and hits 4 other jedi. Spry makes all 4 activation saves. The ninth sister dies to brutal strike by Aayla and 1 last finishing force lightning by quinlan. The sith holocron dies as well after losing the ninth sister and activating. Tholme heals Quinlan the 30 back. I get gambit
R3: I win with Sidious CE. Spry goes first with a little more positioning with fodder pieces on both sides. I move Teek too far and Skywalker gets him with GMA and moves away. Sidious moves and lightnings Cin for 50 who save 16 for activation. The grand inquisitor moves and force pushes him for 40 to kill Cin. Aayla comes up to Sidious uses Brutal strike and CRITS TWICE to leave him at 50. Tholme heals Aalya 30. Vader uses his Dominant Force Grab on Aayla. Trilla then moves and hits Tholme for 30. Quinlan leaves Sidious at 30 health. I get Gambit
R4: I win initiative but Tholme has Sidious suppressed and swaps rolls to go first. Using Keto to kill Sidious with Lightsaber Throw while adjacent. Vader uses Grab again dealing 20 to Aayla. Grand Inquisitor uses spinning blade. Hits Aayla, gets Makashi save - hits Tholme, who defenses - hits Keto who makashi saves - hits Quinlan for 40 - hits Skywalker who defenses and fails the djem so. Obi Wan hits Trilla who parry saves. Tarkin attacks Aayla and misses, using the CE to move Trilla away from Obi and get next to Aayla who Makashis the first 2 attacks then crits on the 3rd and fails the makashi to kill Aayla. Quinlan attacks grand inquisitor who ripostes and each deal damage to each other. Spry crits with Quinlan on Grand Inquisitor and Tholme heals Quinlan. Reva attacks Keto and deals 30 damage after 1 makashi save and 1 failed save. Skywalker is able to then finish off the Grand Inquisitor. Both of us get gambit.
R5: Spry wins initiative and attacks Trilla with LS Throw but misses. Reva moves and kills Quinlan with Ambush for 60. Obi attacks and leaves Tarkin at 10 health. Trilla LS Throws and kills Keto and then hits Tholme with an attack leaving him at 60. Vader moves next to Tholme, gives an AOO which hits, Vader djem so styles and brings him down to 40. then Vader stops movement and hits Tholme with the next 2 attacks to finish him off. Wicket crits on Trilla who reflects and Wicket saves. Skywalker (60 hp) attacks Vader (110 hp) and get into a Djem So frenzy and Vader lives with 30 hp left and killing Anakin. There were about 4 djem so styles each way here. Tholme attacks and kills Vader.
R6: I win initiative and Spry swaps rolls with the Ghost. Tholme attacks 3 times and gets 1 attack through parry on Trilla. Trilla misses an attack, then kills tholme but gets avoid defeat and misses the 3rd attack. Tarkin goes and pushes Reva with his CE between Tholme and Wicket. Reva then doubles and kills both of them and also the ghost. My uggie kills kneesa. Spry's uggie crits and kills Tarkin with Spry as he says why not have another crit this game? and then does. Spry gets gambit but I reach over 350.
Overall this was an insane back and forth game. I thought I would win, then thought Spry would win and back and forth a few times. Great game and it was definitely well played and a fun one for sure!
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Joined: 10/14/2008 Posts: 1,420 Location: Chokio, MN
Round 2 of the playoffs will conclude our Fall 2023 Galactic Escalation tournament
For the finale we have:
Overly28 vs Thereisnotry
for determining 3rd place and 4th place (if they so choose to play an extra game) we have:
DarthMaim vs Spryguy198
So this week we have tanky sith vs Imperial Inquisitors battling it out for the top spot! and for the 3rd and 4th place spots we have a battle of the lightside, with the sith fighting jedi of old vs the battle hardened Jedi of the Clone Wars era. May the force we with you all!
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Drew and I are scheduled for Thursday evening at 8:00 pm Central (9:00 Eastern).
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thereisnotry wrote:Drew and I are scheduled for Thursday evening at 8:00 pm Central (9:00 Eastern). Good luck to Overley and Tint! May the best evil team win
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thereisnotry wrote:Drew and I are scheduled for Thursday evening at 8:00 pm Central (9:00 Eastern). I am Drew. Though I wish I made it to the champs, I did not.
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Oops! I'm sorry. I haven't played vs either of you very often and so I must've gotten the names mixed up because of that.
Regardless, I'm playing tomorrow night...against SOMEBODY! lol
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DarthMaim and spryguy have decided to forgoe the matchup to determine 3rd and 4th place, so it will be just Overly28 and thereisnotry battling it out this week.
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If all goes well the game will be streamed live here. https://youtube.com/live/XOhGW_8e3Rc
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thereisnotry defeats Overley28
I guess you could read this summary, but it's probably better to just watch the video that Bryan made of the game (see the link above). Vader gave Force Attuned to all Inquisitors. Tulak gave Distraction to Zannah, Exar haunted Cognus, and Vongerella gave an extra FP to Bane.
I won the map roll, which turned out to be a huge deal. Overley chose to set up on the right. I set up in such a way that my Agent could draw a nasty LOS in the first round.
Round 1: Basic intuition and advancement of pieces. However, toward the end of the round my Agent used IF to swap forward into a position from which he could draw a nasty LOS on the 9th Sister, who was unactivated. I rolled a 2 on the first of my attacks, but it still hit because he was out of range of the Indimidation abilities. The end result was that she took 90dmg (made one of the Dark Armor saves) and I got gambit. Gambit for me, 18-0.
Round 2: Overley won init and let me go first since neither of us had a significant offensive play to make. Door blasting, fodder spinning. Then after another IF swap my Agent was able to draw another nasty LOS across the board, this time targeting Tarkin...that was the end of him. The 10hp 9th Sister now ran 12 and used Repulse 3 (via Force Attuned) to put 30dmg on both Tulak and Cognus. Tulak used Sith Reflexes to LS Throw the Sister to death. Cognus made her save to remain ready. (There was an initial mix-up about using Force Attuned after using a Replaces Turn ability, but we resolved it easily enough.) Tulak moved up to put 60dmg on Reva (down to 30hp) with Rage/Jarkai, and then took 30dmg on the AoO as he moved away. Vader moved up to grip Tulak for 10 more damage (down to 50hp now), so Tulak said, "Enough of this!" and Teleported to safety. Bane moved up to kill Reva and Teek, and also 30dmg on Vader. The Nexus used Easy Path to return Bane to safety. [Contrary to what they said in the video commentary, I wasn't playing cagey...I was trying to bait the Imperials to come into my Sidious' LOS so that I could do some devastating stuff to them; it was a setup.] The Emperor and the Inquisitor teamed up to spend a bunch of FP to destroy my 90hp Cognus (Zap for 50, Push for 40), which also eliminated Exar...a huge move! However, this brought some people into my Sidious' LOS, which allowed me to do the devastating combo that I had been wanting to unleash from the start: Sidious used Sith Battle Manipulation to pull the Inquisitor JH, and Sidious, and Vader into a clump. Then I used Drain Life 5 on all of them (Inquisitor made his save, but the others each took 50dmg). Then Zannah used Force Corruption to put 30dmg more on each of them...that was 190dmg all at once (and all 3 of them need to make a corruption save at the start of their next turn). This left the Inquisitor at 90hp, Emperor at 70, and Vader at 20. 2nd Sister moved up for a 30dmg LS Throw on Zannah, but Zannah rolled a 19 on her SSM save, and so (via LS Combat Expert) she sent it back at 2nd Sis. Vongerella bravely charged forward to serve as a meatshield for the start of the next round, when the Imperials would surely win init. I also moved my XT-6 droid to within 4 of the Agent, because he had only been marginally effective so far this game. Gambit for both, 153-82.
Round 3: Sidious rolled a 1 for init! Ugh. I went first; Bane used Force Focus and then Force Lightning to put 50dmg each on 2nd Sis, Inquistor, and Sidious (down to 40, 40, 20 respectively). Then I sac'ed my XT-6 droid to allow the Agent to eliminate the Inquisitor and miss Sidious. 2nd Sis destroyed Vongerella (failed LS Defense). Tulak came up for a big raging jarkai attack against 2nd Sis, but she made both her Parry saves. Vader killed an Ugnaught whom I had sent forward as a body-blocker. Sidious then zoomed in for an Assault on Tulak, hitting the first attack (failed SSM), which resulted in Tulak using Sith Reflexes to Teleport to kill Vader, who then made his Djem So save and killed Tulak (failed SSM again). Zannah then used the Nexus' force points to Corrupt again, killing Sidious and dropping 2nd Sis to 10hp. Gambit for both, 362-165.
I received a significant advantage by winning the map roll. That allowed for some evil sniper shots in the first 2 rounds, which put me ahead in the damage race. (During our discussion after the match, we agreed that the Agent would've been significantly less impactful if we had played on Rhen Var, and that map also would've allowed the Imperials to approach more safely and quickly.) Overley had some good counterplay to eliminate Cognus/Exar, but then I did 340 unanswered dmg via forcepowers at the end of that round and the start of the next, which basically ended things. I likely would've lost if it had come down to a melee slugfest without all that damage going out, since his pieces were all doing 30dmg with Jedi Hunter and many had melee defenses of various sorts. Well played by Overley, despite an uphill battle on a difficult map. And big thanks to Mando, for organizing and running this event! Fun times, as always.
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