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The Kyle Katarn of intergalactic dairy products.

Rebel Jedi Droid 198/200
Gungan Batman Clone - 1/29/2015 11:10:43 PM (Created: 1/29/2015 10:53:47 PM)
Average Rating: -- Creator's Rating: --
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
Ven 25 Rebel 66 Galen Marek 140 20 14 20 CE CE
SnV 20 Rebel 44 Master Yoda 120 20 14 20 CE CE CE
TFU 56 Fringe 41 PROXY 120 12 1 10 CE CE
IE 4 Rebel 14 General Rieekan 50 15 9 10 CE CE
MotF 14 Rebel 12 Anakin Skywalker, Force Spirit -- -- -- -- CE CE
LotF 14 Rebel 9 General Dodonna 30 13 3 10 CE CE
IE 36 Fringe 3 Mouse Droid 10 20 0 0 CE
IE 36 Fringe 3 Mouse Droid 10 20 0 0 CE
CotF 59 Fringe 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 10 12 0 10 CE
CotF 59 Fringe 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist 10 12 0 10 CE
Type: General
Activations: 10
Total HP: 500
Avg. Defense: 16.00
Avg. Attack: 4.56

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Jedi Droid--
66 Galen Marek
44 Master Yoda
14 General Rieekan
12 Anakin Skywalker, Force Spirit
9 General Dodonna
6 Mouse Droid x2
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

(198pts. 10 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0
Gungan Batman Clone's Comment:
Yoda Gives Proxy Ataru and Anakin attaches to him.

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