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Do not defy the Bloo Milk, Master, not again.

Imperial Rebel Storm Imperials 100/100
Chris L - 12/7/2016 7:33:57 PM (Created: 12/7/2016 7:22:36 PM)
Average Rating: -- Creator's Rating: --
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
RS 21 Imperial 55 Darth Vader, Dark Jedi 140 22 14 20 CE CE CE
RS 39 Imperial 14 Stormtrooper Officer 30 18 8 10 CE CE
RS 27 Imperial 11 Grand Moff Tarkin 40 14 3 10 CE CE
RS 36 Imperial 5 Stormtrooper 10 16 4 10
RS 36 Imperial 5 Stormtrooper 10 16 4 10
RS 36 Imperial 5 Stormtrooper 10 16 4 10
RS 36 Imperial 5 Stormtrooper 10 16 4 10
Type: General
Activations: 7
Total HP: 250
Avg. Defense: 16.86
Avg. Attack: 5.86

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Rebel Storm Imperials--
55 Darth Vader, Dark Jedi
14 Stormtrooper Officer
11 Grand Moff Tarkin
20 Stormtrooper x4

(100pts. 7 activations)

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Public: 0
Private: 0
Chris L's Comment:
Rebel Storm only for a test.

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