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Rebel how the west side of endor was won 200/200
dahatchetjeedi - 1/2/2010 5:25:00 AM (Created: 1/2/2010 5:19:00 AM)
Average Rating: 7.27 (11) Creator's Rating: 10/10
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
UH 25 Fringe 40 Prince Xizor 100 22 12 10 CE CE
AE 18 Rebel 18 Rebel Commando Strike Leader 50 15 7 20 CE CE
LotF 13 Rebel 16 Elite Rebel Commando 50 16 7 10 CE
LotF 13 Rebel 16 Elite Rebel Commando 50 16 7 10 CE
IE 3 Rebel 16 General Crix Madine 50 15 6 10 CE CE
IE 33 Fringe 15 Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer 30 12 0 0 CE
UH 46 Rebel 14 Dressellian Commando 50 15 5 10 CE
UH 46 Rebel 14 Dressellian Commando 50 15 5 10 CE
IE 4 Rebel 14 General Rieekan 50 15 9 10 CE CE
IE 10 Rebel 14 Veteran Rebel Commando 50 16 6 20 CE
IE 10 Rebel 14 Veteran Rebel Commando 50 16 6 20 CE
LotF 14 Rebel 9 General Dodonna 30 13 3 10 CE CE
Type: General
Activations: 12
Total HP: 610
Avg. Defense: 15.50
Avg. Attack: 6.08

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--how the west side of endor was won--
40 Prince Xizor
18 Rebel Commando Strike Leader
32 Elite Rebel Commando x2
16 General Crix Madine
15 Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer
28 Dressellian Commando x2
14 General Rieekan
28 Veteran Rebel Commando x2
9 General Dodonna

(200pts. 12 activations)

Duplicate Squads
Public: 0
Private: 0
dahatchetjeedi's Comment:
sithflyonbassilisk quit 4 times in a row on me with this squad. in person, not on vassal... commandos with cunning 20, grenades 20, SS, evade, mobile, and accurate shot... triple override, and plenty of recon and tempo control... no questions asked...

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