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All Impromptu Booster Game with R5Don4 150/150
FlyingArrow - 7/25/2010 2:28:00 AM (Created: 7/25/2010 2:21:00 AM)
Average Rating: -- Creator's Rating: --
# * Cost Name HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE
TFU 16 Rebel 55 Master Kota 130 23 12 20 CE CE CE
TFU 52 Fringe 38 Knobby White Spider 110 18 8 20 CE
MotF 3 Old Republic 22 Jedi Instructor 50 17 8 20 CE CE CE
TFU 46 Fringe 13 Amanin Scout 40 15 7 20 CE
MotF 31 Fringe 12 Kaminoan Medic 10 12 0 10 CE
TFU 48 Fringe 5 Caamasi Noble 10 12 0 0 CE
MotF 38 Fringe 5 Toydarian Soldier 10 15 3 10 CE
Type: General
Activations: 7
Total HP: 360
Avg. Defense: 16.00
Avg. Attack: 5.43

Easy to Copy/Paste version:

--Impromptu Booster Game with R5Don4--
55 Master Kota
38 Knobby White Spider
22 Jedi Instructor
13 Amanin Scout
12 Kaminoan Medic
5 Caamasi Noble
5 Toydarian Soldier

(150pts. 7 activations)

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Public: 0
Private: 0

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