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Games should not end before time with pieces that can cause damage left on both sides Options
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 7:01:27 AM
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Returning to Tim's we even need to change gambit IF the game does not end with either player getting to the points total IF there are legitimate damage dealing characters still left...?
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 7:16:39 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
Maybe we should just go back to 5pt gambit but require a 10pt character?
I've been thinking about this, and when I woke up this morning I think I arrived at something:

5pt gambit is not enough of an incentive (or penalty) to encourage engagement (or to penalize avoidance). I agree with Randy, who is not interested in playing hide-and-seek for 45 minutes and then killing 30 or 40pts of pieces at the end of the match to get a "win." 5pt gambit allows this, because if you're the avoidance-minded player there's no real danger of putting yourself in too much trouble if your opponent only has 25 or 30 extra points. But 50 or 60 extra points? That's a big deal, and not to be taken lightly.

I think that part of the deal with gambit points is that they have to actually mean something. If a gambit deficit is easily overcome then it hasn't done its job. In order for gambit points to work properly, they should present the threat of causing the game to end before the avoidance-minded player wants it to.
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 7:31:36 AM
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imyurhukaberry wrote:
Returning to Tim's we even need to change gambit IF the game does not end with either player getting to the points total IF there are legitimate damage dealing characters still left...?
Here's thing: I think Tim's rule change suggestion would cause more problems. We've already demonstrated that it would promote avoidance, rather than engagement.

However, I do I think there is a better way to address the valid concern that Tim raises. I think that adjusting how gambit works offers a better way to both address the problem of games ending early and also encourage engagement.
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 7:39:10 AM
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I say 10pt gambit pieces at 10 paces. May the best fodder piece win!!
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 9:03:27 AM
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Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
When gambit was 5 points, it rarely ended games early. In fact, it wasn’t until many years later that games did start to end early due to gambit alone. It wasn’t until about the last 5-6 years that it started really getting abused. When players started “gaming for gambit”.

So when gambit changed the problem started?

It got worse then for sure, but only really started being abused a few year later

Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
Gambit was introduced to encourage engagement. Great - I’m for that. But getting gambit does not mean engagement is happening. Many maps have separated gambit where the 2 teams are locked in separate rooms, both getting gambit. That’s not engagement.

Sounds like a job for a 3 point uggie.

You misunderstand. 2 separate rooms, not connected by a door. A solid wall separating

Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
One player could out-activate, swap in a 10pt piece, and then run that piece away. That’s not engagement.

I once read a post from you that said a mass killer is a must have in any squad. That way they don't out activate for long.

Not sure what your point is here - that is a strategy theory. That doesn't really apply here

Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
If only there were a real way to accurately measure engagement. Wait! There is! Kill points!!!

Standing toe-to-toe with GOWK or Darth Zannah is engagement and it could leave you with 0 Kill points!!! for the effort.

I agree but that is an issue with badly designed pieces, not the game itself.

Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
Gambit is this arbitrary thing, that is needed to prevent worse abuse, but has evolved to become abused itself.

Gambit does more good than bad, but it’s far from perfect.

So, again, gambit is the problem?

No, you literally just quoted me saying it does more good than bad

Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
My suggestion causes the least changes to the game.

Fewer than just changing how gambit is awarded?

There is a lot of resistance to changing gambit. Changing how it's scored, how much is scored, when it's awarded, etc.
My suggestion would not change gambit. It only takes away a current stipulation for a game ending.

So yes - that is a smaller change. It won't alarm the folks who don't want gambit to change.

Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
I truly believe it will encourage more engagement (despite naysayers nonsensical insistence of the opposite.) Both teams need to speed ahead to actually engage.

I do not doubt your belief in this, However the second part is not necessarily true. If gambit is not going to end the game a player can keep their distance, cat and mouse for 45 minutes. With the proper amount of slow play, and picking off a couple mid level characters in the last 10 minutes or so, a player could get a timed win without any real engagement. This isn't a new concept. During the darkest parts of the competitive play years this happened consistently. Our numbers were severely diminished in that time.

This is exactly how it works now - so I am not sure your point.

Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
It would do neither team any good to slow play (any more than already exists), because you’ll be less likely to finish and thus get less tournament points.

This does not stop slow play now. Why would your change make any difference here? Slow play is a lack of meaningful engagement. At the end of a match scores of 3-1, 3-0 show real engagement. A score of 2-1 shows some engagement. The matchup would determine how strong that engagement might have been. Unfortunately we are still seeing consistent scores of 2-0. Often that points to someone slow playing. (not our main point, so moving on.)

You just contradicted yourself with your last paragraph. But I agree - it's ultimately irrelevant so let's do move on.

Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
So the game I want to go back to, was around for many many years. It’s the game most people know and love. It just closes the “legitimate” loophole that players abuse.

In that game, gambit still could bring the game to a close prematurely. As I stated in my earlier post, that has been a thing for nearly the entire time. I thought that 5 points of gambit in a 150 game was about perfect. There was still some abuse, but it encouraged killing without without swinging it too far the other way. In a 200 point game it did not fully do its job. After an opponent sits back and takes a few minutes every phase to decide what uggie to spin in the back you are lucky to play 5 rounds. Then they rush in and kill a 30 point character in the last minute of the game. That is not the game I want to return to.

I understand that this section is only my opinion, but I believe it is valid. Prior to this year, have you ever played a tournament game, at the competitive level, that gambit could not end? I submit that a change to the distribution of gambit is the most logical change here. If gambit itself is the problem, which you indicated twice in your post, why would we change a different aspect of the game?

You based your whole argument around me stating that gambit is the problem. But I never said that. You made leaps in logic to infer that.

I'll repeat that gambit does more good than bad overall, but it is far from perfect. You inferred this to mean that gambit is the problem. That is not the case I am making.

The problem is related to gambit, in that players are intentionally abusing it and ending games prematurely. So really what the problem is - is the end of game condition. If we eliminate reaching the point total as a condition tp ending a game before time - this solves the problem.

(side note - I honestly don't understand the question you posed about "Prior to this year, have you ever played a tournament game, at the competitive level, that gambit could not end?" Could you elaborate or rephrase it?)
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 9:06:49 AM
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thereisnotry wrote:
imyurhukaberry wrote:
Returning to Tim's we even need to change gambit IF the game does not end with either player getting to the points total IF there are legitimate damage dealing characters still left...?
Here's thing: I think Tim's rule change suggestion would cause more problems. We've already demonstrated that it would promote avoidance, rather than engagement.

With all due respect - no you haven't. Your scenarios don't make logical sense. Any scenario that has been presented is currently possible.

You have to actually engage to kill the other squad - correct? (I don't see how this can be argued)

You can get gambit and not engage - correct? (again - lock doors, different rooms of gambit without doors connecting them {opposite sides of a wall}, outactivate go into gambit run away, etc)

So gambit can allow someone to not engage, and still earn points.

With my proposal, both squads MUST engage if they want a 3 point win. It would be bad for either side to not engage, because that means they are less likely to get a full win.

The scenario that was laid out with someone stalling is far more specific and less likely than what we currently have. Currently players can game gambit to get ahead and stall all day with literally zero engagement. And you theorize that by forcing games to go on that would give even more incentive to stall? That makes absolutely zero sense.

Look - I'll go back to the bottom line - people abuse gambit. Players are literally building squads to NOT engage, and simply score enough gambit to win. It has made the game much less fun. Many people agree with this.

If we force people to keep playing until one squad is killed or time - they are going to go after more kills more quickly.
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 9:32:34 AM
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The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of 10pt gambit only if you're the only one in gambit. When both players are in gambit, both players get either 5pts each or 0pts each. Like Tim's idea, this would (often) prevent games from ending while meaningful combatants are still on the board. It also means you're less likely to get to 200 purely on gambit, which forces more engagement if you want a 3pt win.
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 9:55:44 AM
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Just so you all are aware - I proposed my change based on not only conversations on the boards, but also conversations with people directly (phone, bloomail, in person)

There are some who are EXTREMELY against any change to gambit scoring (lowering, not scored if both teams are present, etc).

Knowing it would get INTENSE resistance, I proposed a change simply to end of game conditions.

I see a few of you getting all excited about changing gambit, and it is something I put great thought into and discussed with many people.

Those people are by in large remaining silent right now. But if it looks like there is a chance of it happening, there will be thunderous resistance.

I'll be honest - I was SHOCKED at some of the vitriol I received when this was all brought up several months ago. We had lots of threads, with many voices and many suggestions. It all got muddy for sure. I was struggling to understand all the different pulls myself.

Thus I did, in earnest, talk to several people individually that seemed upset, and tried to understand their PoV. That is when I started to understand how invested some players were in our current system of gambit. I honestly had no idea before.

So after much thought, and trying to keep those considerations in mind, (and letting some of the vitriol die down) - I came to pinpoint what I thought would be the least controversial thing - simply that one specific endgame condition.

I think the players I spoke to that are adimantly against gambit changes, are ok with my proposal. I do not think they would be with Trevor's.

I think many of us are on the same page more or less - same general goal. Different approaches and theories on what will work best. That's to be expected.

I do think gambit being scored only if one team is in it alone would be better than what we have now. I also think it has less chance of happening. Thus why I made my proposal.

I think there is a change needed, that much is pretty clear. What change is the question.

What I don't want to have happen - is infighting here (so to speak) costing us the chance for any meaningful change. There are players biting there tongue - hoping this will all go away.

I don't intend to let it. Too many people share my concern and have acknowledged that is legitimate, even if some disagree with how to solve it.

Games need to be decided in battle, not in occupying a space. It's as simple as that
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 9:57:59 AM
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Fair point.
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 10:04:43 AM
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Heck I'd even go one step further and say Trevor's suggestion (Gambit scored only is one team is alone in it), and my suggestion (games don't end early unless everyone is dead) COMBINED would be ideal, but I don't see that happening.
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 10:46:02 AM
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Also if anyone cares our Canadian tournaments in the North we don’t stop play until time is up, concession or squad is defeated so basically what Timmer is saying and it works well for us. We also don’t have anyone (well except one guy) that tries to slow play around gambit and avoid fighting. We enjoy fighting more than collecting points and I’m cool with Timmer’s idea (which is how we are already playing) or the only gambit if you are the only squad there. Dang we Canadians are pretty agreeable after all
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 10:54:31 AM
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Can we summarize what the options are from all this? (so far)

I would think some play testing would be in order...knowing this is not something that will be easily changed. (in minds or on paper)
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 11:24:37 AM
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* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 10pts if alone in gambit, 0pts each if both in gambit, game ends at 200 or time (Randy-A)
* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 10pts if alone in gambit, 5pts each if both in gambit, game ends at 200 or time (Randy-B)
* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 10pts gambit, game ends at kill-em-all or time (Tim's proposal)
* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 5pts gambit, game ends at 200 or time (FA's suggestion but not really advocating for it)
* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 10pts gambit, game ends at 200 or time (current status)
* Gain gambit for a 5pt piece, 5pts gambit, game ends at 200 or time (old gambit rules - nobody's advocating for this)

Trevor's proposal was one of the first two - I forget which. (Edit: or not. oops.)

Edited to give proper credit to Randy. Sorry about that.
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 12:29:39 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:

* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 10pts if alone in gambit, 0pts each if both in gambit, game ends at 200 or time
* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 10pts if alone in gambit, 5pts each if both in gambit, game ends at 200 or time
* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 10pts gambit, game ends at kill-em-all or time (Tim's proposal)
* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 5pts gambit, game ends at 200 or time
* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 10pts gambit, game ends at 200 or time (current status)
* Gain gambit for a 5pt piece, 5pts gambit, game ends at 200 or time (old gambit rules - nobody's advocating for this)

Trevor's proposal was one of the first two - I forget which.

* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 10pts if alone in gambit, 0pts each if both in gambit, game ends at kill-em-all or time (Timmer+tint)
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 2:46:24 PM
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* Gain gambit for a 10pt piece, 10pts if alone in gambit, 0pts each if both in gambit, game ends at kill-em-all or time (Timmer+tint)

This is my vote.
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 5:06:21 PM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
What I don't want to have happen - is infighting here (so to speak) costing us the chance for any meaningful change.

If this is true, maybe refrain from comments such as...
TimmerB123 wrote:
I love this whole post. imyurhukaberry is my new hero.

That was a vicious beatdown my friend.

TimmerB123 wrote:
It's so dead on - I just had to quote it again.

It could lead someone to believe that you are merely bringing it up so that you can shout down any opposition. Especially when you ignore the the point that the post was trying to get to.

thereisnotry wrote:
However, I think Randy made some very good points in his post, and either of them would be much better answers to the situation we're trying to address:
Randy wrote:
I think that a more realistic approach is to modify how gambit works.

For example, If both players are in gambit no gambit is scored. Or...

if both players are in gambit each player is awarded 5 points. That way gambit is only ever worth 10 points total.

I like both of these ideas. They're both variations on the same theme.

Thank you Trevor for translating my apparently incoherent ramblings for everyone.
Posted: Friday, October 2, 2020 5:58:55 PM
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TimmerB123 wrote:

(side note - I honestly don't understand the question you posed about "Prior to this year, have you ever played a tournament game, at the competitive level, that gambit could not end?" Could you elaborate or rephrase it?)

Earlier this year, we played a tournament where we tested your suggestion. So that one doesn't count.

Have you ever played this game in a standard competitive event where the victory condition wasn't reaching the build total? (Kills + Gambit)

I stated earlier in this thread that gambit came into being somewhere in the first 11 months of this games existence. Well before Gen Con 2005. Before any organized competitive play. In my opinion the actual competitive game did not begin until Gen Con 2007. We discussed that last night on the Holonews.

(Episode 550. The first half hour or so there are spoilers for the new set. You have been warned.)

Killing all of your opponent's characters has always been one way to win. Even before the existence of gambit, there was more than 1 victory condition. You just needed more points than your enemy when time expired.

I have trouble understanding why we are concerned about games ending too early when we have games that still are not being finished at all. A long drawn out snooze feast where neither person was able to actually play the game. A game that ends with a score of 2-0 is problem. Maybe I'm one of the people you think is abusing it. Am I?

TimmerB123 wrote:
Many maps have separated gambit where the 2 teams are locked in separate rooms, both getting gambit. That’s not engagement. One player could out-activate, swap in a 10pt piece, and then run that piece away. That’s not engagement.

You are correct, I did miss understand scenario A. The word "Locked" is probably where I became confused. In that case the game would still end early due to no saves or attacks for 5 rounds. If both players don't want to engage no amount of time will change that. I'm not sure what maps in the "Restricted" level this applies to though.

As far as set-up 2, only a hand full of people have pulled this on me since the 10 point change. Tim, you were one of them.

My point was that these are both strategy theory in my opinion. Not actually related to any kind of abuse.
Posted: Saturday, October 3, 2020 6:14:38 AM
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I just caught up on this thread. As an old player testing the waters by playing in some Vassal tournaments, my position in the game... and thus my perspective... has changed. After 'retiring' from the game in 2017 and returning this year to play a bit on Vassal, I don't share the investment that many of you have. I think in reading my comments that should be taken in consideration, but not to the point that my opinion would be irrelevant.

Like Tint, I thought Timmer's concern was valid. I waited for more voices here.

I really like Randy's suggestion of 10pts if you are the only one in gambit, opts if you both are. I thought Tint demonstrated how that starts to address Timmer's concern. Does it solve it? I don't know, but I DO know that it is the right direction to go. We should at least implement that.

With that adjustment in place, is there an issue with not ending the game before time is called because of points? What if we let the game go to time THEN award a 3pt win based on points?

Posted: Saturday, October 3, 2020 10:04:15 AM
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Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
What I don't want to have happen - is infighting here (so to speak) costing us the chance for any meaningful change.

If this is true, maybe refrain from comments such as...
TimmerB123 wrote:
I love this whole post. imyurhukaberry is my new hero.

That was a vicious beatdown my friend.

TimmerB123 wrote:
It's so dead on - I just had to quote it again.

It could lead someone to believe that you are merely bringing it up so that you can shout down any opposition. Especially when you ignore the the point that the post was trying to get to.

You are totally right. I got carried away and went overboard there. I apologize. I will endeavor to work toward positive changes in a constructive way.
Posted: Saturday, October 3, 2020 10:26:36 AM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
Randy wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
What I don't want to have happen - is infighting here (so to speak) costing us the chance for any meaningful change.

If this is true, maybe refrain from comments such as...
TimmerB123 wrote:
I love this whole post. imyurhukaberry is my new hero.

That was a vicious beatdown my friend.

TimmerB123 wrote:
It's so dead on - I just had to quote it again.

It could lead someone to believe that you are merely bringing it up so that you can shout down any opposition. Especially when you ignore the the point that the post was trying to get to.

You are totally right. I got carried away and went overboard there. I apologize. I will endeavor to work toward positive changes in a constructive way.

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