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Posted: Sunday, January 2, 2011 11:12:45 PM
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So, since we've got this new bad boy, have any of you got any good reports/tales from using it?

Here's a couple of mine:

Anime Reek (I like that nickname) - Used him in the starship map. Battering charged 3 chaps - 1 storm trooper chopped up, 1 gran raider chopped up, 1 Vader Scourge pushed into a pit. Mwa. Ha. Ha.

Ben Skywalker force withdrawing and running up to Potty Palps and smacking him about until Vader came over...

Jaina SotJ running about and tripling people is also just plain fun...

Also, props to Kol Skywalker (I know he's not DotF but whatever)
I used him in squads consistently for the first time recently, and he is a hero.
He stood up to Rex shooting him (his biggest weakness) and dueld Jaina SotJ to a standstill. Twice. He then even had a go at Shedao Shai, and came out on top.

So, any fun stories??

Posted: Wednesday, January 5, 2011 1:02:59 PM
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not any now; but i can think of SO many possiblities with shimmra; bastila; revans (both); jaina; and all the other beatsticks in dotf. Also gotta give props to salacious crumb for no reasn :D
Posted: Wednesday, January 5, 2011 11:04:33 PM
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Just played my first games with a few DOTF pieces in my squad and a few in my opponent's. I used Revan DLOTS, Darth Bandon, Yammosk and Nen Yim. He played Bastila JM, Atris and Ki-adi Mundi JM.

First game was Vong vs Republic. I had a Warmaster, 2 x YVJH, Nen Yim, Yammosk, Yomin Carr Advace Agent Officer and fooder, he had Yobuck, Panaka, Rex (CW) and Mundi JM. I was able to base Mundi and kill him before he could do anything. Yobuck killed a warrior and I killed the rest of his fodder. What I noticed though was that the yammosk played a huge role for me. I copied Panaka's CE and used it for a boardwide swap of my own.

Next it was Sith vs OR. Revan and Cad Bane led the way against Bastila JM and Atris and her Echani's. He dropped my Darth Bandon with one of the Echani's very early on (big mistake on my part). But Cad dropped her and some other fodder. Well since he activated the new battle meditation I can't swap Revan and Cad ThumbDown. I end up dropping Atris and Bastila fairly quickly after that. Seems like Bastila will need some cover support in order to burn through those FP's to continue to use Adv Battle Meditation.

Overall quite happy with these figures!
Posted: Monday, January 17, 2011 1:53:31 AM
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Did a tournament this weekend with the new pieces. The 3 experienced adult players brought in Vong teams and stomped on the Jedi quite handily. The Yammosk is a brutally amazing piece and really carries the Vong in my opinion. A lot of poison was spat on all sides (Yomin Carr), and I enjoyed using my Voxyn. R5Don4 won the tournament, and even he (die-hard OT fan) admitted that the Vong are the group to play now.
However, I'm thinking that the vong are going to be fun to try beating.
Posted: Monday, January 17, 2011 3:30:11 AM
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the following statement is the opinion of the poster, and is not meant to start a debate

the yammosk makes the Vong ridiculously powerfulThumbDown
they killed new jaina in one turn with one scrub vong
and slaughtered 115 pt Luke in one activation.
there is no reason to fight the Vong, if your opponent fields them, just concede and save your self a massacre.
Posted: Monday, January 17, 2011 5:01:00 AM
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jak wrote:
the following statement is the opinion of the poster, and is not meant to start a debate

the yammosk makes the Vong ridiculously powerfulThumbDown
they killed new jaina in one turn with one scrub vong
and slaughtered 115 pt Luke in one activation.
there is no reason to fight the Vong, if your opponent fields them, just concede and save your self a massacre.

Play Droids. Shoot them. A lot. Smile
juice man
Posted: Monday, January 17, 2011 5:55:13 AM
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In the second game Jak had 4 YVH droids and 6 Handmaidens + Atris. I don't think it's volume of shots, but damage output per shot that makes the difference vs Crab 6. IG 86 20 dam +Opp. HK 50 30 dam +Opp. It just came to me: the best way to handle a major beatstick?
Stuckuss. Hit 'em, stick 'em work on the little guys.
Posted: Monday, January 17, 2011 6:28:32 AM
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juice man wrote:
In the second game Jak had 4 YVH droids and 6 Handmaidens + Atris. I don't think it's volume of shots, but damage output per shot that makes the difference vs Crab 6. IG 86 20 dam +Opp. HK 50 30 dam +Opp. It just came to me: the best way to handle a major beatstick?
Stuckuss. Hit 'em, stick 'em work on the little guys.

You are correct of course. BigGrin
juice man
Posted: Monday, January 17, 2011 7:33:31 AM
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jak wrote:

they killed new jaina in one turn with one scrub vong
and slaughtered 115 pt Luke in one activation.

The "scrub Vong" was an injured Ossus Guardian. Damage 10 + 10 (Scarification) +10 (Shaper) + 10 (Momentum) + 10 (Jedi Hunter) = 50 plus poison10.
GMLS was killed in two acts (4 attacks) by an injured Warmaster. What. A. Beast.

Posted: Monday, January 17, 2011 8:35:07 AM
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juice man wrote:
jak wrote:

they killed new jaina in one turn with one scrub vong
and slaughtered 115 pt Luke in one activation.

The "scrub Vong" was an injured Ossus Guardian. Damage 10 + 10 (Scarification) +10 (Shaper) + 10 (Momentum) + 10 (Jedi Hunter) = 50 plus poison10.
GMLS was killed in two acts (4 attacks) by an injured Warmaster. What. A. Beast.

Parry failed on both?
Posted: Monday, January 17, 2011 10:35:32 AM
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I finally got my cards yesterday and played an awesome Sealed Tourney (excluding the fact that it's been 8 months since I played and I get the first bye, that was straight up torture watching everyone else play and me not allowed).

In my first game I used my Sith Inquisitor to get LoS on my opponent's Jodo Kast and unleashed Force Grip 4. He then rolled a 6 on the same, so Jodo was mine. He hadn't activated Jodo yet, so I activated him automatically and had him to Virulent Poison Dart on a nearby Elite Scout Trooper, he failed the save again. Then when my opponent went to activate the Elite Scout Trooper, he couldn't attack anyone because Jodo was closest and partially blocking the door, meaning to get LoS on any of my character's he'd need to take an AoO! In the end he just moved the EST around the corner without attacking.
juice man
Posted: Monday, January 17, 2011 11:54:48 AM
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@ FA Two failed parries, one failed poison save.
Jacen was very tough to kill with the Vong.
Darth Noob
Posted: Saturday, January 22, 2011 11:00:44 AM
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Reading all of this I feel better about my own defeat at the hands of the Vong today. It was actually quite the story. My NR was a little heavy on the melee, so we were bound to close ranks. His War Coordinator (thanks to Leia) gave Warmaster and the Vong the extra save for their armor. So even when Mara jumped Warmaster with cunning she only did 90 damage. With his 40-50 damage a pop Mara didn't last another turn. Then it was all initiative and parry between Jaina and Warmaster until she eventually slipped in a pool of Ugnaught blood and sucumbed. Needed lots more tech because all the activations and attacks in the world didn't mean a thing when the YV were making nearly every save and swinging back that hard. A good build is just a good build. Next time, I make a suicide run for that Yammosk.

juice man
Posted: Saturday, January 22, 2011 11:34:02 AM
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Darth Noob wrote:
Next time, I make a suicide run for that Yammosk.

That's how GMLS got sliced. T'was a suicide run indeed.
Posted: Saturday, January 22, 2011 1:01:57 PM
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Played a sealed Tournament today at my store. My squad was:

51 Joruus C'baoth
27 Jedi Seer
23 Nautolan Black Sun Vigo
22 Dark Jedi Assassin
13 Jawa Chief
8 Mandalorian Blaster-for-hire
5 Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist

First match I went up against my friend Ted, who had a squad with Wedge's Snowspeeder, Darth Bandon, Series II Destroyer Droid, Mandalorian Tactician, and other stuff. We played on my map (Train Station). Having the Jawa Chief was huge in this match. Ion Gun on Wedge's Snowspeeder saved my bacon, and I was able to take down the Snowspeeder before it could do any heavy damage, using both Ion Gun and Joruus' Force Lightning. My other guys shot a bunch at his guys, but Joruus' lightning and the Jawa's Ion Gun proved to be the most valuable weapons against the Destroyer Droid.

Second match I went up against Paul who had Revanchist, Voxyn, Battle Droid Lieutenant, Scout Trooper Officer, Elite Scout Trooper, and other stuff. We played on his map (Rancor Pit). I set up on the side opposite from the Rancor Pen, and positioned carefully to draw his pieces in so I could build up FPs with Joruus. He brought the Voxyn up first, which I lightninged and shot at with my NBSV. He brought up the BD Lieutenant, which I gladly fried with my Jawa. Eventually the Voxyn went down, and Revanchist came up to finish my guys off. My guys were too much for him, however, though he did get of some good Ambushes. I probably lost a couple pieces, but don't remember, lol. I killed Revanchist and Voxyn, so it was over at that point. Suprise Move was very useful in this match, setting up shots on Voxyn and Revanchist.

Third match was against Antigone, and man I was scared about this matchup. She had Shedao Shai, Sora Bulq, Voxyn, Jedi Demolitionist, Vong Worker, and Vong High-bred. We played on Train Station. My strategy for this match was just to ignore Shedao Shai for two reasons: none of my main attackers could do anything to him (Jedi Hunter with the Assassin, Ion Gun with the Jawa, and of course Lightning with Joruus all do nothing). So luckily, she ran Sora Bulq up first into the fray, so I lightninged and shot him to death with Jedi Hunter. The next beat to run up was the Voxyn, which caused me no end of trouble. Key to this was the fact that my Jedi Seer was blocking one of the one-square doors in one of the train cars, and nobody wanted to move adjacent to him and give up that Jedi Reflexes attack, so I was able to keep Shedao at bay. The Voxyn eventually succumbed to the onslaught, and by that time the Jedi Demolitionist had made it into the fray. I shot at her a bunch, forcing her to burn through her FPs, then waited to lightning her so she couldn't Force Bubble the damage. In the end, I had killed those three, and she still had a full-health Shedao Shai when time was called. My guys were all injured, and if the game had gone to completion I likely would have lost because I couldn't do any damage to Shedao basically.

I went 3-0 and won the event, which surprised the heck out of me! lol. DotF is a great set, and it was tons of fun trying out all these pieces for the first time.
Posted: Saturday, January 22, 2011 1:16:54 PM
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C'Baoth Seems to be a super fun Piece. Used him in a game last night and he was Awesome.
Big D
Posted: Thursday, February 24, 2011 1:02:27 PM
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I played the game of my life the other night.
I had my Revan Dark Aura squad go up against a Typical Yobuck/GenSky/Dash squad (Completely old Meta).
After the 1st init, the 2nd and 3rd, I rolled back to back 1s. That really sucked because the way I was set up on the map (the flip side of Jabbas Palace, cant remember the name), I was already going to lay into Yobuck with revan, swap in cad and then chase my buddies pieces all around the map as i usually do. Nope, not this time. my Dash got smoked, Yobuck hit 2 back to back crits on my Cad, so he was dead by the end of the 3rd.
It came down to my Revan and Exar Spirit being the last 2 standing.
Exar burns for Dark Aura, So GenSky is now needing Save of 15s for Djem and LS defense. Gensky dies rather quickly when revan is laying 80 damage down and you cant make saves. (mind you, mu opp still pretty much has most of his squad minus a Camaasi and a Rodian Brute, pathetic I know, but I was desperate.)
I get my opp down to just having Mas and Panaka (who is at 10 HP and Mas is at full) My revan is down to 20 HP (I couldnt hit a LS Def to save my life)
Final Init roll, I roll a.......KRIFFIN 1!!
Panaka activates, naturally, and rolls a.....KRIFFIN 20!
Revan is now worm food as his spirit goes with Exar.
Panaka, of all the dang minis to take me out, it had to be a piece that has an 8 to hit with 10 damage. The critical sent me into a frenzy! how could this be!!?? Revan, The Dark Lord of the Sith was shot square in the face by a piece that needed a 16 to hit me! (cover)
After random twitchings, a slight case of touretz and cold sweats, I had to pat myself on the back. I fielded Revan almost perfectly. He single handedly dispatched 13 activations. by far, the best game I have played yet with V set cards, regardless of the loss, my friend got his first legit win against me in almost 2 months of playing the game. there was a small sense of satisfaction in knowing that my friend was now all grown up, lol.
Posted: Monday, March 7, 2011 10:21:18 AM
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We had a booster release tournament in New Zealand a couple of weeks ago. I know everyone else did this months ago, but I felt like writing about it too.

My team was:
Series II Destroyer Droid
Sora Bulq
Jedi Seer
Mandalorian Gunsmith
YV Worker * 2

The two melee characters both had defenses against shooters and were great, while the Gunsmith's cunning was useful, even though I didn't get any droids to use Ion Gun on all night. I found the Destroyer Droid a bit disappointing though - I swear that it made its Save 6 less than half the time, and its stats aren't that great by itself, although it's obviously a beast with GGDAC.

I went 2-1 for the night. I had two comfortable wins, but I lost to a Joruus and Sith Inquisitor combination, run by an experienced player who eventually won the tournament - I couldn't get my melee guys in fast enough to do any damage. The other V/VR I drew at the start was Palleon - at the time it seemed like a no-brainer to not include him, but in hindsight he would have been very useful in the match I lost.

We had 14 players in our tournament, which was pretty amazing! The game might not be growing everywhere, but it's going pretty strong in Lower Hutt, New Zealand, mainly thanks to Kezzamachine's efforts.
wannabe mexican
Posted: Saturday, March 19, 2011 8:59:50 AM
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Visited my brother in London and we got our minis out for a game.

My Team
Mara Jade Jedi
Ossus Guardian x 2
General Wedge
Leia Skywalker
ANtarian Ranger

He had:
Jaina SotJ
Mando Captain
Jedi Hunter

We spent two rounds positioning, then he stormed Jaina in and killed an Ossus Guardian, then retreated her just out of range of Mara's LS Assault. I managed to put a bit of damage on Jaina though, and outactivated him by about 2 activations. After he was out I used Leia to LS Throw his marauder, killing him and freeing up a square that I could run Mara into to LS Assault Jaina if I won init.

I won init, and killed Jaina right there. Very satisfying. Then My brother suffered from some really bad rolls and couldn't finish Mara off. He then conceded the game.

It was nice to see Jaina and the new Mandos in action. It meant I Had to me more careful about who I activated because I couldn't use Dodonna.
Posted: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 11:18:30 PM
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Not a complete DOTF recap, but it involves them...

Other weekend we played a four-way Fearsome Four game. It was every man for himself.
I chose to play: GGDAC, newest IG-88, and two S2DD! (we play "up to" 200 points, not 200 pts exactly)
Here were the other squads:
#2) Boba BH, Cad Bane, Master Kota, Yoda FS
#3) Mi'Thrawn, Vader Legacy, Cad Bane, newest IG-88
#4) Mandalore Ultimate, Boba MC, Mandalore Preserver, Mando Commando

Map: Tatooine

Special Rules: Force Doors (1 FP, open a door within 6 sqrs), Super Gambit (for every character in gambit zone, you get 5 VPs)

Mi'Thrawn was able to chose when he would go in the order, but the rest rolled. So that was interesting.
I tried to avoid the Mi'Thrawn team as long as possible since the Shields would only negate 20 damage at most and Opportunist would spill over directly to my DDs.
With the setup, I was closest to the Boba BH squad, which was perfect as I wanted to see how tough the DDs were with the new stats.
First round was positioning by all. I chose to wheel right at the Cad/Boba BH squad to test the Advanced Shields.
The next round Cad did not disappoint and opened up with a double/twin. End result = 20 damage on DD (from two failed saves). I somehow got a drop on Kota with IG and put a quick 60 on him. My other DD moved 6 squares and twin'd Boba while adjacent. That was worth 40.
Cad pansied and flew away, as did Boba, but not before I got a double/twin on him. However, his evade worked great and I only landed 20 more damage on Boba.
From across the board the other Cad, luckily without Opp, dropped 6 atttacks at my DD in the open (already down to 40 HP). End result: 30 damage taken!
I forget all the details, but the other highlight would be my IG getting a drop on an activated Vader and defeating him in 2 rounds (the player chose to save his Cad Bane instead of Vader the next round).

End result: S2DD's rock!!!
All 3 other players were taking their shots at them and they kept on ticking. I lost both in the end, but they took quite a beating. Every attack they took was 20 damage, which helped, but I kept failing saves. However, the whole point of my squad was to see how tough the new DDs were.
I was not disappointed. ThumpUp
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