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Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.

Hit Points: 40
Defense: 14
Attack: 0
Damage: 0
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Creator: Naarkon
Created: 5/5/2016
Updated: 5/8/2016

Special Abilities

  • Incinerator (Replaces attacks; 40 damage to an adjacent enemy, save 16 for 10 damage. Damage from this ability cannot be reduced.)
  • Proximity Mines 20 (Replaces attacks: range 6; target enemy is mined until the end of its next turn. At the beginning of the mined character's next turn, the mined character and each character adjacent to that target take 20 damage; save 11 for 10 damage.)
  • Invisibility (Cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies)
Average Rating: 5.00 (2)
5/7/2016 12:38:52 AM

This is beautiful, Naarkon. Captures BF perfectly and with awe-inspiring simplicity.
5/7/2016 11:45:34 PM

This might be a bad idea, but what if you made "Incinerator" range 2? or would that be too much?
5/8/2016 1:11:39 PM

I don't think it would really change much. Like melee reach 2, it would only add four squares that he could hit.
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