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Bloo or Bloo not. There is no cry.

Hit Points: 140
Defense: 14
Attack: 6
Damage: 10
Rarity: Rare
Base: Huge
Gender: It
Creator: juice man
Created: 4/20/2017
Updated: 4/20/2017

Special Abilities

  • Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
  • Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
  • Savage (This character must end its move next to an enemy if it can and does not benefit from commander effects)
  • Flamethrower 40 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 40 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target)
  • Sustained Burn (Replaces turn: use Flamethrower twice.)
  • Fireproof (Immune to Flamethrower)
  • Thick Hide (When this character takes damage, reduce damage by 20. Lightsabers reduce damage by 10.)
  • Creature (Ignores Diplomat when targeting or attacking an enemy within 6 squares.)
  • Defensive Aerosols (When attacked by a non-melee attack, on a save of 16, this character takes no damage.)

Fire Breathers were first encountered on Gyndine where they burned the forests and caused the lakes to boil.

Average Rating: 10.00 (1)
4/20/2017 2:42:06 PM (Updated: 4/20/2017 3:51:44 PM)

I love me some Vong, but I think this might be a little too hard to hit. Defensive Aerosols is like an advanced evade which in Vong is save 7. I LOVE CREATURE!!!! This should just be part of Savage by default. I don't think savage creatures care much if somebody is a diplomat. Does this creature shoot or is it supposed to be melee? If melee, reach 2 would be a nice addition.
4/20/2017 3:32:34 PM

Def Aerosols, while fun thematically, are redundant and probably OP when combined with Thick Hide. As for offense, this has one trick. To make it more potent for 50 damage, may I suggest an ability ability that works like Overload but maybe only when at less than half HP?
juice man
4/20/2017 4:22:32 PM

Hmmm, its potency is its staying power. No one likes Flame 40 so if you want that gone you need to batter down the beast. Save 11 - 4 = 7!!!! Way too much. Changed to save 16. Might come back to an overload type ability. YES!
juice man
4/20/2017 4:27:53 PM

Added Flight. Remember Jack saying they were lighter than air.
4/22/2017 10:09:16 PM

Yes extra points for Vong!
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