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Hit Points: 30
Defense: 10
Attack: 0
Damage: 0
Rarity: Very Rare
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Creator: Lord_Ball
Created: 4/4/2018
Updated: 4/5/2018

Special Abilities

  • Unique
  • Resistance
  • Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
  • Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
  • Magnetically Indestructible (If this character is defeated, do not remove it from the battle map. This character no longer gets an activation until all damage is removed. At the beginning of each round, after initiative is determined, make a save of 6. On a success remove all damage from this character.)
  • Coin Slot? (The cost of this character is whatever you decide with a minimum of 6)
  • Coin Launcher (Replaces Attacks: Range 3; 10 damage to target enemy, You may use this ability a number of times equal to this characters cost -6.)
  • Industrial Repair 20 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 20 damage from 1 character with Mounted Weapon)
  • Hijacked Firepower (Replaces Attacks: touch; Target enemy with Mounted Weapon joins your squad, save 6. On a failure, remove this character from the battle map, this character moves with the targeted enemy, has cover and is considered adjacent to it and may not return to the battle map until that character is defeated. If the character targeted by this ability is defeated place this character on the map in any space the target occupied.)

After the Destruction of Starkiller Base the Resistance was in the process of re-purposing BB-8 to be a clothes dryer when the First Order attacked D'qar.

Average Rating: --
4/4/2018 3:05:33 PM

Haha love it!
4/5/2018 8:37:53 PM

I like how you could customize this character to fill in the leftover 1 or 2 points that you have in some squads and make it useful. Clever and funny!
4/6/2018 3:10:16 AM

Hahahahahaha this is amazing. 18-point BB-8 can take down GOWK in one hit. Darth Bane can't even do that without help.
4/6/2018 5:07:07 AM (Updated: 4/6/2018 5:08:25 AM)

With the current wording, technically you wouldn't be able to, I think. Coin Launcher says that you can use the ability X - 6 times, but doesn't state that you can use it that many times in a turn. So basically you can use it X - 6 times in a skirmish, but it replaces attacks so only once a turn. The intent may have been different, I'll grant.
4/6/2018 11:42:31 AM

Gandalf is correct one per turn, but magnetically indestructible will definitely help you use it more than just once. Since it's just for fun I went for something a bit goofy, but still wanted to keep it semi-reasonable.
4/7/2018 12:14:15 AM

So this still wouldn't be able to be less than 3 points, right?
4/7/2018 12:58:57 AM

Nope, minimum of 6 points.
4/7/2018 3:25:32 AM

But you can't have a piece less than 3 points according to the game rules right? Does this override that?
4/7/2018 4:00:56 AM

This character can't cost less than three, so it's perfectly within the rules. You do know what a minimum is, right? You can choose this guy's cost, but he cannot cost less than 6 points.
4/7/2018 7:46:42 PM

Nice job, magnetically indestructible is about the only one I would reword, just for clarification about being technically defeated but still getting an activation, and does he count for points while in that state? Otherwise solid and funny
4/7/2018 9:36:59 PM (Updated: 4/7/2018 9:37:42 PM)

When he's defeated he no longer gets an activation, so basically he becomes a low object until his damage is removed and he can activate again. In many ways it an upgraded Avoid Defeat, but a considerable bit crazier when determining the victory points for the character (as it would fluctuate).
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