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Can beat Deep Blue at Dejarik.

Hit Points: 40
Defense: 14
Attack: 6
Damage: 10
Rarity: Uncommon
Base: Small
Gender: Male
Creator: adamb0nd
Created: 2/27/2020
Updated: 2/27/2020

Special Abilities

  • Ion Gun +20 (+20 Damage against nonliving enemies)
  • Opportunist (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round)
  • Scatter (Whenever an allied jawa within 6 squares is defeated, move this character it's speed away from the defeated jawa's square. This movement does not trigger attacks of opportunity.)
  • Scrounge (Whenever this character defeats an adjacent non-living enemy, choose either Jolt, Repair 20, or Shields 1. This character gains the chosen special ability until the end of the skirmish.)


Average Rating: --
2/28/2020 11:08:28 PM

I may change the wording on Scatter so it clarifies who gets to move, even the adding of "you must move-" at the start so it's clarifying you don't have to run into a pit or anything. And then my only other issue is Scrounge could get complex to keep track of with multiple of these guys in play. These two have shields. That one has repair, this guy has all three and so on. Only really an issue against droid swarms but those could become a thing again. Perhaps simplifying it to one effect like let them gain Shields 2.
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