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Official Balance Committee Rulings Options
Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 3:06:40 PM
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I will try and stay current on this, but always reference the OFFICIAL rules changes here: or

Nov 2015

-Commando Droid Officer: Coordinated Movement and CE only affect Commando Droids and Elite Commando Droids.

-Neo-Crusader Officer: Defense boost no change (affects allies). Cannon CE only affects "Neo-Crusader followers."

-Klatooinian Assassin: Change Cost to 17

-Captain Panaka of Theed: Change CE: drop Twin and add Double Attack

-Imperial Governor: Change to Instill Fear: All FOLLOWERS [allies and enemies] within 6 squares get -2 to save rolls. Change to the CE: Each FOLLOWER within 6 squares may reroll each successful save once.

-Poggle the Lesser: change Cost to 16.


-Mouse Droid: Mouse Droids gain the following SA for competitive play: "Diminutive: this piece does not provide cover or block movement."

-Rapport: Rapport cannot decrease a piece's cost below 3.

-Bribery and Reinforcements: Bribery and Reinforcements are mutually exclusive, but a squad can contain multiples of either


-Sith Battle Manipulation and pits: You cannot move characters into pits or other illegal spaces

-Add the special ability: "Diminutive: this piece does not provide cover or block movement."

Jan 2017

-Domain Lah Warrior - increase cost to 12 (majority BC score).

-Warrior Caste Subcommander - increase cost to 23 (majority BC score).

-Yun-Ne'Shel Priest - CE will be changed to unique and possibly an FAQ to clarify that it IS disruptable.
After setup, choose a Unique Yuuzhan Vong follower. That character gains Avoid Defeat.


-Force Ghosts - will be added to the non-living definition (likely by adding "including figures without a Hit Point number/rating" to the non-living description.)

-Aggressive Negotiations - the ability will be amended so it's switched off whenever a figure causes damage to an enemy ("...until it makes an attack, --deals damage to--or is targeted by an enemy character").

Sept 2017

-Togorian Black Sun Vigo
CE: Black Sun allies with Grenades 10 gain Grenades 30 and Grenade Launcher.
Black Sun Commanders gain Grenades 30 and Grenade Launcher.

Jan 2018

-Director Orson Krennic
· Rival now includes First Order
· Rapport 3 instead of Rapport 5.
· Second Commander Effect no longer gives Cunning Attack.
· Third Commander Effect will now be ignored by Attacks with Lightsabers.

-Eighth Cortex Shaper
· Exterminate added to list of SA given by Specialization.
Specialization (Unique Yuuzhan Vong allies gain Evade, Exterminate, Retaliatory Attack and Willing to Serve. Ignore this ability if an ally counts as having the same name as another ally.)

-Jango Fett, Mandalore
· Reduce Solitary +4 to Solitary +2

-Praetorite Vong Scout
· Remove the Praetorite Vong Warrior special ability

-The Father
· Add to A Family in Balance: Followers as a requirement
A Family in Balance (Your squad must only contain exactly two other characters of any faction; both must be Medium Followers with Force ratings. An ally who spends Force points only once on a turn may spend this character’s Force points instead of its own. This character is defeated if it activates with no ally with a Damage value greater than 0.)


Prideful and Commander Effects that require certain squad building restrictions to be met to activate the benefits. There are also mechanisms by which characters can be added/gained that break those conditions.
If squadbuilding restriction are met, you get the bonuses.
• You lose your bonuses if you intentionally do something to add a character to your squad that breaks the restriction. (character “replacement” effects can undo this ie Pellaeon)
• This would also include Turn To The Dark Side, making Rakghouls, bringing in Reserves, etc.
• It would not include losing your Nimbus (so is defeated and no longer has Independent Outfit).
You temporarily lose your bonuses if an enemy joins your squad (but not caused by you), but you get the bonuses back if they’re defeated.


· Heroic Stand: If this character is defeated by an enemy character while this character is within 6 squares of an enemy character (this can be the same or a different enemy), 1 allied character of the stated type may make an immediate attack.

· Ysalamiri: Characters within 6 squares of this character cannot spend Force points. Characters within 6 squares of this character gain Force Immunity.
**SWMGPA balance update: This character and characters within 6 squares cannot spend Force points or be affected by Force powers

June 2018

-Unkar Plutt: Gains the following Special Ability: "Low Caste: Cannot be added to a squad via any character’s Reinforcements or Reserves abilities. This character’s cost cannot be reduced."

February 2020

-Decreasing Activations: In order to decrease the number of activations in a phase, that character must have line-of-sight to an enemy and no ally with Reinforcements in their squad.


-Suppressive Fire: "On this character's turn, enemy characters attacked by this character cannot use special abilities or Force powers that respond to this character's attacks for the rest of the turn and enemies hit by this character's attacks cannot benefit from or grant commander effects for the rest of the round." (Remove the second sentence)

February 2021

-Reinforcements' Cost. If a character would bring in characters after squad reveal using a special ability whose name contains Reinforcements, reduce the cost of that character by the sum of the cost of the characters added. Perform this adjustment of cost before the 1st initiative. Characters added to your squad in this way count towards the cost of your squad. If you are scoring points for defeats, or for a tiebreaker, defeating these extra characters scores points. These characters may score victory points for occupying specified areas in scenarios that include such victory conditions.
*A character’s cost is not reduced by the the special ability Bribery.

(Example: In a 200pt game Lobot (UH #22, cost 27) uses his Fringe Reinforcements 20 ability to bring in Ayy Vida (BH #16, cost 19). In this game, Lobot will be worth 8 when defeated (27-19=8), Ayy Vida will be worth 19 when defeated (her natural cost). Ayy Vida can score gambit, but Lobot cannot (since his adjusted cost is below 10).


-Admiral Daala (Virtual Set 6 Command of the Galaxy #27) is temporarily BANNED from competitive events until after GenCon 2021. We will revisit this during the 2022 Balance Committee session.

July 2021
DarkDracul wrote:
Balance Committee Rulings for 2021 competitive tournament play.
The following changes are for the remainder of the 2021 season. We will revisit them for our official 2022 rulings.
We will continue to monitor these changes as well as any new concerns throughout the season.

Floor Rules Addendum: The first sentence of Floor Rules 622.2) is changed to:
2) Occupy the map center: TEN points are scored each round that a player ends a round with a model WITHOUT DIPLOMAT that costs TEN points or more within four squares of the center of the map; ignore low objects and walls when determining this area.
*Diplomats do not score gambit, characters w/ Aggressive Negotiations score gambit after losing Diplomat.

Glossary Change: The entry for Diplomat is changed to:
Diplomat: If an enemy WITH A HITPOINT RATING and without Diplomat is in line of sight of the acting character, that character cannot target or attack an enemy with Diplomat, even one that is adjacent. If an enemy without Diplomat is in line of sight and the only adjacent enemy has Diplomat, no legal target is available.
*Characters without Hit Point ratings do not count for allies' with Diplomat.
(E.g. Force Spirits, Holocrons, Holograms, Keeper of the Whills, etc.)

Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 3:21:59 PM
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Joined: 4/20/2015
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TimmerB123 wrote:
For those who didn't hear it on SHNN last week - here are all the official changes that will be implemented at all official tournaments, effective now.

Blast bugs - Will receive no change.

Domain Lah Warriors - increase cost to 12 (majority BC score).

Warrior Caste Subcommander - increase cost to 23 (majority BC score).

Yun-Ne'Shel Priest - CE will be changed to unique and possibly an FAQ to clarify that it IS disruptable.
After setup, choose a Unique Yuuzhan Vong follower. That character gains Avoid Defeat.

Force Ghosts - will be added to the non-living definition (likely by adding "including figures without a Hit Point number/rating" to the non-living description.)

Aggressive negotiations - the ability will be amended so it's switched off whenever a figure causes damage to an enemy ("...until it makes an attack, --deals damage to or-- is targeted by an enemy character").

+1000000 Nothing that is confusing, harsh either way, and IMO, truly doesn't take everything away from gameplay.

Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 3:43:09 PM
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Excellent job overall IMO.

Some common sense rulings (Ghosts=Non-Living, Aggressive Negotistions shuts off after you cause damage to an enemy.).

Wise cost increases - Warrior Caste subcommander no longer a reinforcement option. Ridiculously under costed Lah Warriors now only a power 9 instead of a power 11. (Though if I had my druthers I would've made them cost 14)

No more invincible bodyguard for the Vong via Yun-Ne'shell priest! I unfortunately still for see this priest being a problem in the future. (Avoid Defeat with +4 to all saves = not smart). Nonetheless making it only uniques is a good step. Design team needs to be vigilant to never make a unique Vong bodyguard.
Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:17:10 PM
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I think I'm ready to support SWM 2.0. Kill everything but 400 or so cards, re-write the rule book so it's clearer and more in line with modern game design sensibilities, pare down the glossary and FAQ so they actually expound on the rules rather than being required reading, and go from there. The encyclopedia of changes to old things and explanations of new things is starting to get cumbersome I think.

I am glad that the balance committee favors re-costing things and small word changes, though. They definitely have usability in mind to a certain degree, which is admirable.
Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:53:13 PM
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Echo24 wrote:
I think I'm ready to support SWM 2.0. Kill everything but 400 or so cards, re-write the rule book so it's clearer and more in line with modern game design sensibilities, pare down the glossary and FAQ so they actually expound on the rules rather than being required reading, and go from there. The encyclopedia of changes to old things and explanations of new things is starting to get cumbersome I think.

I am glad that the balance committee favors re-costing things and small word changes, though. They definitely have usability in mind to a certain degree, which is admirable.

I know what you're saying makes sense practically, but one of the things I like about SWM is the vast options in terms of cards. Killing pieces entirely doesn't seem as cool to me personally. Don't want to be left with a bunch of actually useless pieces and cards that you don't even have the option of using. There's obsolete and then literally unusable and I don't know how I feel about the latter.
Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:59:22 PM
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harryg wrote:
Echo24 wrote:
I think I'm ready to support SWM 2.0. Kill everything but 400 or so cards, re-write the rule book so it's clearer and more in line with modern game design sensibilities, pare down the glossary and FAQ so they actually expound on the rules rather than being required reading, and go from there. The encyclopedia of changes to old things and explanations of new things is starting to get cumbersome I think.

I am glad that the balance committee favors re-costing things and small word changes, though. They definitely have usability in mind to a certain degree, which is admirable.

I know what you're saying makes sense practically, but one of the things I like about SWM is the vast options in terms of cards. Killing pieces entirely doesn't seem as cool to me personally. Don't want to be left with a bunch of actually useless pieces and cards that you don't even have the option of using. There's obsolete and then literally unusable and I don't know how I feel about the latter.

Yeah, I mean, I've given just a few minutes thought about it now and then over the years. Maybe not a good idea. Just hard for a game to stay accessible when it's a decade old, has no rotation, and has had dozens of designers hands on it (and only one was ever an actual professional designer).
Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 6:02:20 PM
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Going to 400 cards would, I think, be even more cumbersome because then you'd need to remember what's in and what's out.

But a re-designed rulebook would be nice.

I don't think there's an encyclopedia of changes. This is only the second announcement from the Balance Committee. It would be nice to have a single document with a list of all changes, but the list of "significant" changes would be short - less than a page. There are myriad minor errata, though. I think there's two pages of WotC errata, but none of them have any real effect on gameplay. Along the same lines, Vsets have their fair share of omitted "Melee Attack" and "Unique", too.
Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 6:08:14 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
Going to 400 cards would, I think, be even more cumbersome because then you'd need to remember what's in and what's out.

But a re-designed rulebook would be nice.

I don't think there's an encyclopedia of changes. This is only the second announcement from the Balance Committee. It would be nice to have a single document with a list of all changes, but the list of "significant" changes would be short - less than a page. There are myriad minor errata, though. I think there's two pages of WotC errata, but none of them have any real effect on gameplay. Along the same lines, Vsets have their fair share of omitted "Melee Attack" and "Unique", too.

The "explanations of new things" makes up most of the encyclopedia. Changes to old things gets disdain just for the experience it creates for a returning or new player for cards to be different than as printed.

You're definitely right that cutting out all but 400 cards (a number I pulled out of thin air) has lots of its own problems. Not to mention the development time of picking the 400 cards and testing everything with just that pool.

Don't mind me, I don't think this is something that really has legs. I just wince at these things. The changes chosen were good and well-implemented.
Posted: Thursday, February 2, 2017 9:25:31 AM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
For those who didn't hear it on SHNN last week - here are all the official changes that will be implemented at all official tournaments, effective now.

Blast bugs - Will receive no change.

Domain Lah Warriors - increase cost to 12 (majority BC score).

Warrior Caste Subcommander - increase cost to 23 (majority BC score).

Yun-Ne'Shel Priest - CE will be changed to unique and possibly an FAQ to clarify that it IS disruptable.
After setup, choose a Unique Yuuzhan Vong follower. That character gains Avoid Defeat.

Force Ghosts - will be added to the non-living definition (likely by adding "including figures without a Hit Point number/rating" to the non-living description.)

Aggressive negotiations - the ability will be amended so it's switched off whenever a figure causes damage to an enemy ("...until it makes an attack, --deals damage to or-- is targeted by an enemy character").


Well done balance committee. I had just been thinking too, the other day, whatever happened with dealing with these issues the community had such lengthy discussions on last year. The ones that most everyone in the community had agreed were abusable and ridiculously undercosted minis and horribly impossible to defeat minis, with head scratching, fall through the cracks CE's and SA's that were totally nonsensicle and preposterous in the game. Thank you for addressing these issues!
Posted: Thursday, February 2, 2017 1:52:39 PM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
For those who didn't hear it on SHNN last week - here are all the official changes that will be implemented at all official tournaments, effective now.

Blast bugs - Will receive no change.

Domain Lah Warriors - increase cost to 12 (majority BC score).

Warrior Caste Subcommander - increase cost to 23 (majority BC score).

Yun-Ne'Shel Priest - CE will be changed to unique and possibly an FAQ to clarify that it IS disruptable.
After setup, choose a Unique Yuuzhan Vong follower. That character gains Avoid Defeat.

I label the above rule changes as Joe's Revenge revenge
Posted: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 5:46:45 PM
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This should be in some form of errata sticky somewhere.
Posted: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 10:01:59 PM
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donnyrides wrote:
This should be in some form of errata sticky somewhere.

Sticky'd here until it gets moved/integrated into the rules forum.
Posted: Thursday, June 1, 2017 7:44:51 AM
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For reference, here's the first set of balance team rulings (Tim has the 2nd set above):
Posted: Sunday, July 23, 2017 7:34:04 AM
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Glad I only play casual games so don't have to bother with this rubbish. There are far more problematic, foolishly cost-ed characters both within the official characters from wotc and vsets then any you just changed.

I gave the opportunity to implement these changes to our group of players down the club in any case. Non wanted to have any of them. While the Force Ghosts makes sense, the fact you have changed the cost of character for several Vong but left alone so many others from other factions! well it was always going to be except all or none. So it none.

Still as said none of us do tournament play so we have the option to ignore this.
Posted: Sunday, July 23, 2017 7:49:01 AM
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dreadtech wrote:
Glad I only play casual games so don't have to bother with this rubbish. There are far more problematic, foolishly cost-ed characters both within the official characters from wotc and vsets then any you just changed.

I gave the opportunity to implement these changes to our group of players down the club in any case. Non wanted to have any of them. While the Force Ghosts makes sense, the fact you have changed the cost of character for several Vong but left alone so many others from other factions! well it was always going to be except all or none. So it none.

Still as said none of us do tournament play so we have the option to ignore this.

It's good you have a playgroup and that you all can do what you like.

I would add though that these changes are great. Do I think they should have made more of course i do and have I been vocal about that as well.

The fact that other changes weren't made shouldn't dimish the good changes they did make. So good sir what changes would you like to see?
Posted: Sunday, September 10, 2017 7:57:35 AM
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Sunday, September 10th, 2017

Balance Committee: Errata

Togorian Black Sun Vigo

Black Sun allies with Grenades 10 gain Grenades 30 and Grenade Launcher.

Black Sun Commanders gain Grenades 30 and Grenade Launcher.
Posted: Monday, September 11, 2017 11:45:43 AM
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if the Balance Committee spend time looking at characters before they come out, we wouldn't need a Balance Committee.

this group should assist the designers from crapping out more turds, not trying re-arrange the poo after it hit the floor.
that just makes a mess, and raise a big stink!LOL
Posted: Monday, September 11, 2017 11:58:24 AM
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jak wrote:
if the Balance Committee spend time looking at characters before they come out, we wouldn't need a Balance Committee.

this group should assist the designers from crapping out more turds, not trying re-arrange the poo after it hit the floor.
that just makes a mess, and raise a big stink!LOL

and makes perfect sense.

and great job balance committee for another needed ruling.
Posted: Monday, September 11, 2017 12:31:53 PM
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We do not need some wholesale changes at all. How many will it really add to the game? The result would be nil. If you like the game you play it, if you don't you don't. Honestly, as far the competitive scene goes, unless you play in events or host events or travel to events, not sure anything will really persuade or dissuade you from playing if you're not already doing so. I have had NPE and given them no doubt with some of my squads, but I have never really considered not playing based on some mechanic I hated.
Posted: Monday, September 11, 2017 1:13:40 PM
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AceAce wrote:
We do not need some wholesale changes at all. How many will it really add to the game? The result would be nil. If you like the game you play it, if you don't you don't. Honestly, as far the competitive scene goes, unless you play in events or host events or travel to events, not sure anything will really persuade or dissuade you from playing if you're not already doing so. I have had NPE and given them no doubt with some of my squads, but I have never really considered not playing based on some mechanic I hated.

yes, but NPE's are still super bad when you face them.
It's just that our community has really stepped away from bringing huge NPE's to events and things.
last time when reserves was brought it caused a massive uproar. and that is at least a skirmish inducing NPE.

In all reality, if I traveled to gencon (planning on 2018) and played great and was close to advancing but then lost to 27 gran raiders throwing 30 damage grenades with super stealth. I would think about quitting on the spot.
or even diplomats that can attack....
I would be so pissed about it.
Or better yet a regional.

My love for the game is as much fun as I have playing the game.

Also, it might not help add that many players to the game. but it sure can help with retention. The first time a new player sees a wall of diplomats and has it explained might be a huge deterrent to sticking around...

Retention is just as important as new faces imo.

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