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Official Balance Committee Rulings Options
Posted: Monday, September 11, 2017 2:40:58 PM
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DarkDracul wrote:
Sunday, September 10th, 2017

Balance Committee: Errata

Togorian Black Sun Vigo

Black Sun allies with Grenades 10 gain Grenades 30 and Grenade Launcher.

Black Sun Commanders gain Grenades 30 and Grenade Launcher.

Great change! Now where is Unkar's? Haha
Posted: Saturday, September 23, 2017 7:32:43 AM
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Updated 1st post with all Balance Committe rulings to date
Posted: Saturday, September 23, 2017 10:32:17 AM
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Thank you.
Posted: Friday, November 10, 2017 10:24:50 AM
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thread moved
Posted: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:03:18 PM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
Nov 2015


Force Ghosts - will be added to the non-living definition (likely by adding "including figures ]

Senior moment here;

How was this being abused again?
Posted: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:29:00 PM
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DarthMaim wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
Nov 2015


Force Ghosts - will be added to the non-living definition (likely by adding "including figures ]

Senior moment here;

How was this being abused again?

Transfer Essence was one item deemed an NPE, as I recall.
Posted: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:40:35 PM
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swinefeld wrote:
DarthMaim wrote:
TimmerB123 wrote:
Nov 2015


Force Ghosts - will be added to the non-living definition (likely by adding "including figures ]

Senior moment here;

How was this being abused again?

Transfer Essence was one item deemed an NPE, as I recall.

Ah yes, I do recall now. Darth Krayt's and Exar Kun's rise to Tier 1, only now, to never see the light of day in competition. Of course, how could I forget! We can't have any other factions win GenCon other than Rebels or Imperials LOL
Posted: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:00:42 PM
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My challenge to the balance committee, design team, SWM community leaders, etc.......................................

Focus on making the game more balanced, not just for NPE's, but for making "ALL" factions equally strong and balanced, giving all factions the ability to win GenCon.

Who will the "Chosen One" be in our community, that will bring balance to SWM?????????????????? Tongue
Posted: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:12:46 PM
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I'm sorry guys, but seeing a game that came out in 2004 ( 13 years now! ), where the same 2 factions are the dominant factions ( Rebels and Imperials ), that have won the most GenCons, and that continue to dominate and win, most every year, just makes for a dull and uninspiring game. It's a stale meta, and with how strong Daala is, I don't see how this will change. Unless peops in the community speak up and want to address the problem, rather than being distracted by what's perceived as NPE's, needing changes. Address how to attack the 2 power factions at the top, to dethrone the big dogs that rule the game! ThumpUp
Posted: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:26:45 PM
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I agree 100%

It is a designer issue at this point since no one wants to ban dodonna and/or ozzel. And no one wants an activation limit so designers haven't the ball in their court.

So the way I see it is to continue to try to mess around with these if you activate last abilities until something sticks.
(To use queen amonoa we need great big sith beats that can work on their own, the way sith Lord ought to be)

Or we can come up with a mid level counter for or activation (double agent on a lobot reserve).

It we can just make Jedi and other uniques good enough to not care (especially in or, republic, sith)

But I am with you 100% it is time to see OR and Sith and Separatist somewhere on the map
Posted: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:38:31 PM
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moved thread back to General, because discussion mostly isn't about rules. RollEyes
Posted: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:53:44 AM
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The V-Set 14 Design Team and Balance Committee have concluded their inquiry into the recent commotion caused by the Death Trooper/ First Order squad. The determination was made that errtum of Director Orson Krennic is needed.

*** Effective Immediately*** Director Orson Krennic Errata

* Rival now includes First Order
*Rapport 3 instead of Rapport 5.
* Second Commander Effect no longer gives Cunning Attack.
* Third Commander Effect will now be ignored by Attacks with Lightsabers.

Please update Director Orson Krennic details to Card Errata section ThumpUp

Posted: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:59:14 AM
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DarthMaim wrote:
I'm sorry guys, but seeing a game that came out in 2004 ( 13 years now! ), where the same 2 factions are the dominant factions ( Rebels and Imperials ), that have won the most GenCons, and that continue to dominate and win, most every year, just makes for a dull and uninspiring game. It's a stale meta, and with how strong Daala is, I don't see how this will change. Unless peops in the community speak up and want to address the problem, rather than being distracted by what's perceived as NPE's, needing changes. Address how to attack the 2 power factions at the top, to dethrone the big dogs that rule the game! ThumpUp

I don't mind Rebels too much - if anything, maybe Luke and Leia on Speeder is an extra tool that they don't need.

With Imperials, I think Pellaeon and his force bubble is an extra advantage they don't need, and if it was up to me I'd remove Ysalamari or straight out ban him. Their builds, both Thrawn and Daala, also tend towards high activations, but I don't know what to do about that.
Posted: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:41:07 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
DarthMaim wrote:
I'm sorry guys, but seeing a game that came out in 2004 ( 13 years now! ), where the same 2 factions are the dominant factions ( Rebels and Imperials ), that have won the most GenCons, and that continue to dominate and win, most every year, just makes for a dull and uninspiring game. It's a stale meta, and with how strong Daala is, I don't see how this will change. Unless peops in the community speak up and want to address the problem, rather than being distracted by what's perceived as NPE's, needing changes. Address how to attack the 2 power factions at the top, to dethrone the big dogs that rule the game! ThumpUp

I don't mind Rebels too much - if anything, maybe Luke and Leia on Speeder is an extra tool that they don't need.

With Imperials, I think Pellaeon and his force bubble is an extra advantage they don't need, and if it was up to me I'd remove Ysalamari or straight out ban him. Their builds, both Thrawn and Daala, also tend towards high activations, but I don't know what to do about that.

The way you attack these factions is to instead of banning, nerfing, or errata'ing, the Rebels and Imperials, make new characters, commander effects, and special abilities, that specifically attack these 2 factions!

1. Much more Rebel Hunter

2. Much more Imperial Hunter

3. Ability that negates booming voice

4. More "Never Tell Me the Odds" or abilities that negate Master Tactician

5. Abilities or commander effects that hinder Charging Fire

6. Abilities or commander effects that nullify Prideful

7. Some type of ability or commander effect that negates or nullifies board wide commander effects

8. More ways to deal with Diplomat ( especially the 5 pt diplomats, uggh )

9. Cheaper Disruptive and commanders that grant disciplined leader ( I mean, why do the Rebels get the only 8 pt Disruptive mini, 9 pt activation modifier, and 14pt crazy boardwide commander effect? )

10. More CHEAPER ways to deal with activation modifying commanders............................................This is something that has been an NPE for almost a decade! And whoever does this, allow them to sit in spin in the back as well!

11. A commander effect or special ability that can DESTROY AND ELIMINATE ridiculous, cowerdous, cherry picking commanders that just sit in a locked room, in the far reaches of the map, never to see the light of day, or a speck of dirt on their uniforms, or a drop of blood spilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12. Special ability or commander effect that ignores or makes immune to Ysalamiri

Let's get creative here ladies and gentleman. Stop being lazy by just throwing Thor's hammer down and banning everything that has already been established,that just confuses the community and costs us more money and time consuming efforts with all the re-printing and re-designing of stuff that has already been established!

Posted: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:32:04 PM
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Discussion moved to new post;

Attack the Top 2 Factions! Stop the Banning and Errata'ing!
Posted: Friday, February 23, 2018 6:36:20 AM
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I think SHHN set up a balance committee decision last night.

The decision was to add Low Caste to the piece (the Plutt)?

what was the thinking on that decision?
Firstly, Low Caste is not thematic at all, not even a little bit.

Secondly, I heard a minute or two of discussion on what makes fun game play and this is where things get hard to deal with. The elites do not get to dictate what is fun and not and do not get to nerf things they do not find as fun. Not without community approval, which is not granted.
Posted: Friday, February 23, 2018 7:12:54 AM
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jen'ari wrote:
I think SHHN set up a balance committee decision last night.

The decision was to add Low Caste to the piece (the Plutt)?

what was the thinking on that decision?
Firstly, Low Caste is not thematic at all, not even a little bit.

Secondly, I heard a minute or two of discussion on what makes fun game play and this is where things get hard to deal with. The elites do not get to dictate what is fun and not and do not get to nerf things they do not find as fun. Not without community approval, which is not granted.

1st - Unkar has kinda been nerfed. You'd have to be really concerned about facing Reserves in order to mainline him in your squad. I say we just take the win? I think Low Caste fits fine. I mean, Unkar wasn't obviously part of any caste system like the Yuuzhan Vong had, but neither are XT-6s. It's a game mechanic to limit the power of Reinforcements.

2nd - Oh, and I wasn't able to listen to the whole thing - do you know about where in the podcast they discussed that? I'd like to listen to it.
Posted: Friday, February 23, 2018 7:29:51 AM
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CorellianComedian wrote:
You'd have to be really concerned about facing Reserves in order to mainline him in your squad.

I really don’t know why he wasn’t just banned, because you’re right. 90% of the time Unkar won’t get played or even considered now, and the 10% will be when somebody you know is playing Reserves and you’d like to just give them the middle finger. Doesn’t sound like a fun piece.

Not to mention adding yet another piece to the errata pile, this time adding a little-used ability. Why not make him cost 21 if he couldn’t be banned? Still can’t come in with Lobot and you don’t require players to break out a glossary.
Posted: Friday, February 23, 2018 8:35:35 AM
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Hutt Cartel can still bring him in via the Kajidii. So there's still some reason for Reserves squads to fear him. But the Kajidii is nowhere near as common as Lobot. (Although at cost 21, Kajidii could still have brought him in, so I guess you could've had the same effect without Low Caste.)

Low Caste is new on Unkar, but it's also on some commonly used pieces: XT-6 and Seeker Droid. So I think people who are playing Vsets will know the ability without the glossary.
Posted: Friday, February 23, 2018 8:45:44 AM
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@CC it was in the beginning I only listened to about 5 minutes to see if I could hear the announcement and they said it was going to be early on so I listened to 5 minutes of it.

the point is that the hard counter is still there. that is the issue. It, once again, craps on the community. The desires of a few dictate the game and outweigh the desires of others.

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