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Star Wars Miniverse podcast, episode #4 Options
Posted: Monday, September 7, 2009 11:05:05 AM
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In Episode 4, we discuss a number of useful figures that are budget friendly. We also take a look at a couple recent changes to the Wizards FAQ. And Tim sits down with Gen Con winner Deri Morgan for an interview regarding maps and map selection.

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Posted: Tuesday, September 8, 2009 10:15:09 AM
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I may have missed if you dropped the Antarian Ranger in your discussion on inexpensive pieces. The Ranger is one of the best pieces from the new set at $0.50 (info from Bloo Milk). You might say it's "Friendly Fringe" piece, with a "triple" Affinity for Old Republic, Republic, and New Republic. . . . And a synergy with anyone with a Force Rating (in those three factions) isn't too shabby either.

Oh! Last week, a couple of friends I play with tested a new way to play. It melds the gameplay similar to that of Warhammer 40,000 in the way you use the a tape measure to measure distance -- so no need for the regulation map as usual, and you move smaller elements of your squad, with Commander Effects for that element (ranges, if applicable, still apply) instead of the entire squad (or pieces within range) rather than individual pieces.

Keep up the great work, guys.
Posted: Friday, September 11, 2009 1:01:48 PM
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I greatly appreciated part 1 of the Budget Wise segment. I greatly appreciate the advice that you gave. You correctly surmised that a better player would know these, but I have spent most of my minis "career" collecting and planning rather than actually skirmishing.

I also found the touch about Maps in the interview good. I'll probably have to listen again to pick up everything that was said. I figured out late that the winner has an accent that I was unfamiliar with. The longer I listened though, the easier he was to understand.

I also liked how you flipped my idea to the inverse and will discuss expensive yet "useless" pieces. If possible, would you work into it possible "okay" uses for them perhaps in scenario play?

Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing your next cast.

Posted: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 2:53:16 PM
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I would like to thank you all for your time making this podcast. I have recently discovered the mini game and have been hooked trying to play..In a rural area, I only have 1 person with my intersest in the game but it seems some of the rules are vague at best and we have a hard time with the rules or different definitions..
maybe a quick guide to where and how a new player could go or better yet a (star wars minis for dummies guide). I would love to start a league or game night and have a great opportunity to here..I hear how you are running your league and the great ideas for game play..any comments or help would be great, Thanks,
Posted: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 12:56:53 PM
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Thanks Tim and Mark for yet another great podcast. Players of all levels can take something away from each podcast...great interviews and insights. Sometimes I think we should all take a step back from the meta squads and do some of the fun things we did when the game was just We try and do some of that in my group and its great to get idea to keep the game fresh. By the way, when will we be hearing from the wives? Not that I mind more meta game discussion...and you guys are getting the right people in to do just that. Keep up the great work!

@SteveSpikes: A couple of years ago I ran a Star Wars event at Cold Wars, a gaming convention in Lancaster Pa. For asthetic reasons I decided not to grid the terrain I made but went to the dealers room and bought 1$ tape measures. It worked great! I have pictures of that event on my profile at the WOTC site under the name Darth__Jim if you want to take a look.

@MoCrush: Hang in there...I feel your pain. There's not been anything here in Central Pa for years other than what my little group has been doing. You may have to take the lead and maybe talk to the store you buy your boosters at to see if they'll let you play there. It could give you exposure to other players or people who want to play. Good luck.
Posted: Thursday, September 17, 2009 2:55:24 AM
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Thank you for the questions, suggestions, and praise. We appreciate it. It helps us when you tell us what topics you want covered. Yes, we've got some ideas, too, but we think mixing those with your ideas keeps it more interesting for all.

And it's good to see the dialogue going on amongst the gaming community.

SteveSpikes wrote:
I may have missed if you dropped the Antarian Ranger in your discussion on inexpensive pieces ...

You are correct that the Ranger was originally not included. When I pulled the BM ratings data, the Ranger didn't have a price yet. But we'll add him to part 2 in episode #5. He is good for all the reasons you mentioned.

In fact, I've got four on my team that I'll be playing tomorrow night at our league -- with a Youngling behind them to make them better. Shhh, don't tell anyone. Smile

BountyHunterH wrote:
I figured out late that the winner has an accent that I was unfamiliar with. The longer I listened though, the easier he was to understand.

I also liked how you flipped my idea to the inverse and will discuss expensive yet "useless" pieces. If possible, would you work into it possible "okay" uses for them perhaps in scenario play?

yes, Deri is Irish; but we don’t hold that against him BigGrin
the "flip" figures, and potential uses, will be part of episode #6

MoCrush wrote:
... it seems some of the rules are vague at best and we have a hard time with the rules or different definitions..maybe a quick guide to where and how a new player could go or better yet a (star wars minis for dummies guide).

Yes -- although the game is a "simplified" skirmish game, there still are a lot of rules that can take some getting used to. (Especially some combinations that pop up.) Once you do, it becomes second nature and you think a lot less about the rules and more on the strategy. We don't know of a "Dummies" guide (any listeners feeling rather energetic and want to put one together?), but reading the rules posts here and at the other websites can help get you started. Also look for the articles section on each site. There are some very good reads out there.

MoCrush wrote:
I would love to start a league or game night and have a great opportunity to here..I hear how you are running your league and the great ideas for game play..any comments or help would be great.

Darth_Jim wrote:
Sometimes I think we should all take a step back from the meta squads and do some of the fun things we did when the game was just

@MoCrush: You may have to take the lead and maybe talk to the store you buy your boosters at to see if they'll let you play there. It could give you exposure to other players or people who want to play. Good luck.

A good question and good suggestions. And that is exactly what we did. We liked the game but knew we had limited friends who were playing the game. So we approached the store owner and asked him if we could pick a night to have routine games and put up a flier to promote it. He said to go for it. I think that's how most stores will react. What's not to like? They want organized events with people coming in routinely. Although it can be fairly minimal effort -- pick a night and time, print an 8/5"x11" flier (I'll send you a copy of ours if you want) to tell people about it, and show up -- store owners/managers don't know every game nor want to manage those simple tasks for every product they sell. You may only get a couple people to start. But as more people see and/or hear about it, more will follow. And post it in the BM Events forum. "Build it and they will come."

And keep it a fun environment where people feel comfortable making mistakes, learning as they go (including yourself), trying new figures and factions, etc. The competitive urge will kick in later on, but don't rush it. You may keep normal team build rules in effect (and team build variations, like our league, out) for a while to keep it easier to learn; maybe just varying point limits initially.

Darth_Jim wrote:
By the way, when will we be hearing from the wives? Not that I mind more meta game discussion...and you guys are getting the right people in to do just that.

Oh, we haven't forgotten them. Wub Although we've been fortunate enough to have some good guests join us (and we've got more on the way), we've also been exceeding our self-imposed show length. (And you don't want to hear us ramble forever.) So the ladies have been bumped back; they haven't seemed to have minded.BlooMilk
Posted: Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:07:09 AM
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Actually, I believe Deri is Welsh.
Posted: Saturday, September 19, 2009 9:52:43 AM
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Thanks guys..Looking forward to the next show...
Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 10:06:31 AM
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Some ideas I've had for some budget-friendly minis that could be put in the next show:



Just as effective as the old one, but for a fraction of the price. The game's best value IMO.


Cheap tempo control. Absolutely essential for Rebel/NR builds.


Great beat and commander too.


Evade and Mobile for everyone. What's not to like?


Just bump up the cost of Wedge or GMLS 25 points; you're definitely playing her alongside.


Accesses Republic swapping, which can be downright devastating.


Mini Vader JH, and usually all the firepower you need against the beat-lacking Rebels.


Cheap melee interference for every faction


The cannon in Rebel Cannon builds. Pure evil when paired with a Han.


Melee firepower that no other Jedi or Sith can stand up to.


Fringe init control and ovveride.

Thoughts, anyone?
Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 10:21:35 AM
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I for thank you mercenary moose for the post. This is EXACTLY the kind of info I was hoping for. I believe I was the one to originally ask for this type of info and these are EXCELLENT options with explanations. I also gathered good info from the podcast on a number of pieces they discussed as well.

Here is a question though. I actually pulled a GA Thrawn back when Universe came out (2 actually). Is it worth buying the IE Thrawn since I have the original one?

Another question - Is it worth begging my wife to buy Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter? I doubt I will enter tournaments, so most (if not all) of my games will be "less organized". I really like Fett and I think I have all of these other versions of him (in case that affects the decision). To date I have passed on asking to buy it since I can get so many other figures I would like for the same price.

Anyone can feel free to answer these, not just MM.
Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 10:28:01 AM
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BountyHunterH wrote:
I for thank you mercenary moose for the post. This is EXACTLY the kind of info I was hoping for. I believe I was the one to originally ask for this type of info and these are EXCELLENT options with explanations. I also gathered good info from the podcast on a number of pieces they discussed as well.

Here is a question though. I actually pulled a GA Thrawn back when Universe came out (2 actually). Is it worth buying the IE Thrawn since I have the original one?

Another question - Is it worth begging my wife to buy Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter? I doubt I will enter tournaments, so most (if not all) of my games will be "less organized". I really like Fett and I think I have all of these other versions of him (in case that affects the decision). To date I have passed on asking to buy it since I can get so many other figures I would like for the same price.

Anyone can feel free to answer these, not just MM.

For 5 bucks, yeah, I'd get the new Thrawn. Both have a role in the faction, and you can substitute one for the other in most of your squads.

As far as Fett, it really depends on your experience. If you are a veteran player, then cough up the 50+ bucks for Boba. You can use him in almost any build that needs a heavy shooter, and he can change a game in a flash with Disintegration, Evade, Flight, and Accurate Shot. You'd be suprised at the number of sticky situations I've pulled myself out of with him. If you are a new player, though, buy some of the cheap Rares first. It's really no good to have Boba if you don't have anyone to support him with.
Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:15:00 AM
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I am a new player, but have a decent collection. I was downsized nearly 15 months ago and have not bought many since. I have very few BH and TFU boosters as well. My collection from early sets through Legacy (with the above mentioned exceptions) is pretty good.

Disintegration is clearly a big reason I want the piece, but I could get (from your list) Jarael, GM Yoda, Leia JK, Vader SOTJ, Panaka, IE Thrawn PLUS others I think for the same price.

Is IG-88, Bounty Hunter worth the $14-$15 bucks? Why is he considered a Unique when EU shows that there were at least 4 (A-D)?

Is there a way to set up squads based on what I own and have others evaluate against what I own? I know squads can be graded, but it doesn't do any good for someone to suggest subbing out say BF, Enforcer for BFBH when I don't have him.

Thanks for the pointers.
Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:30:03 AM
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I LOVE using Boba..I almost use him everytime I play..Watch for trades and check e-bay for him, you could probably find a good deal or trade..
Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:47:23 AM
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The only problem with a trade is that I don't likely have anything people would want in exchange. I would consider trading my only copy of certain pieces, but it seems to me that this is the most sought after figure and I don't have much in the way of new ones to deal. MoCrush - you don't happen to have an extra to trade, do you? JK

I am watching e-bay regularly, but haven't found great deals yet.

Thanks for the tip though.
Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:51:57 AM
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BountyHunterH wrote:
The only problem with a trade is that I don't likely have anything people would want in exchange. I would consider trading my only copy of certain pieces, but it seems to me that this is the most sought after figure and I don't have much in the way of new ones to deal. MoCrush - you don't happen to have an extra to trade, do you? JK

I am watching e-bay regularly, but haven't found great deals yet.

Thanks for the tip though.

You will need one hell of a trade to get Fett off of someone's hands. Very, very few people have two Bobas, most are lucky to have just one. You will need to give up some chase VRs and several valuable Rares if you are to pull it off. Really, you are better off just buying him.
Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:54:17 AM
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That is what I figured. It is probably much easier on my collection for sure.

What do you think of my other questions?
Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:59:45 AM
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BountyHunterH wrote:

Is IG-88, Bounty Hunter worth the $14-$15 bucks? Why is he considered a Unique when EU shows that there were at least 4 (A-D)?

Is there a way to set up squads based on what I own and have others evaluate against what I own? I know squads can be graded, but it doesn't do any good for someone to suggest subbing out say BF, Enforcer for BFBH when I don't have him.

Thanks for the pointers.

I wouldn't pay $15 for Iggy unless I had a Grevious Droid Army Commander.

As for your second question, there is no real way to filter out lower-end squads that are that way simply because that is all the user has. I would just try to explain to people in the squad comment box that it is all you have, judge based on that. Or, you could just post the "good" version that includes pieces you don't have and play a variant at the LGS with the guys you own. I do that all the time. Heck, I don't own half of the guys in the squads I post. I just throw them out there in hope that someone who does own the pieces could use it. Does that answer your question?
Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 6:08:52 PM
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It does answer my questions mostly. The last one was why IG-88 is Unique since the Tales of the Bounty Hunters clearly shows at least 4. Just wondered if anyone knows.
Posted: Saturday, September 26, 2009 1:47:31 PM
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Ditto. I don't even know what Tales of the Bounty Hunters is.
Posted: Sunday, September 27, 2009 1:53:56 AM
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Tales of the Bounty Hunters is a compilation of stories that amounts to a book ( I think Kevin Anderson is given front cover billing though he didn't write each story). There are stories for Greedo, Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, IG-88, Zuckuss and 4-LOM.

I think it was created as interesting back story that is fringe cannon. I have heard the IG-88 story mentioned elsewhere (including in the current Audio Drama series running from Pendant Publishing), but Boba Fett's back story at least was countered once Jango came into the picture.
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