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The (Rebel) elephant in the room Options
Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 2:24:15 PM
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What about something like:

Hero of the Rebellion (This character is +2 attack and +2 Defense for each other character with this ability within six squares. If 2 or more other characters with this ability are within 6 squares, this character is +10 damage.)

Sort of a combination of Synergy and the squad abilities.
Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 2:31:26 PM
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I think its important for the OT Rebels to be playable, but I don't feel that they need to be at the center of the game any more than Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padme, or Bastila/Revan/HK-47...

Personally, one of the things that I like about the direction of the V-Sets is that is somewhat reverses the trend of squads centering around non-Uniques powered by a series of commander effects. They are still viable, but are a bit riskier as an increasing number of counters appear (Bastila, the Vong, a proliferation of Disruptive and similar things).

Theoretically, that should favor the Rebels, or at least what was at the heart of the Rebels when the game started. I remember a day a long time ago when there were two factions, and not a lot of options. If you played the Imps, you were probably playing Vader with a gaggle of Stormies supported by commanders. If you were playing Rebels, you were probably playing mid-point Uniques supported by filler pieces and might not have a single commander effect in the whole squad! With the right finessing, the Rebels could (should?) returns to those good old days.

One approach might be to create very specific character abilities, along these lines:

Han Solo's Co-pilot (An ally whose name contains Han Solo gains Pilot) (One one of my custom Chewies)


Lando Calrissian's Co-pilot (An ally whose name contains Lando Calrissian gains Bravado +10 and Pilot) (from a custom Nien Nunb)

Doesn't matter which Han you play that Chewie with, your you're encouraged to play Han and Chewie together (the custom Chewis in this case also had Synergy with Han, so he was boosted in return).

A Luke that gives Leia a Force rating and Mettle, an Artoo that gives Luke Pilot or something, a Lando who gives Han and Chewie Independent Outfit... Of course, if there are new versions of all of them, there's no reason all the new characters can't be played together, but clever character design might encourage use of the older pieces.

Besides new abilities, I think Synergy and Protective are your friends.

Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 2:33:11 PM
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Sithborg wrote:
I fully support new versions with SA's that only specifically boost the big 4. They shouldn't be CE's, because the SA's are more about how the Big 4 worked together. The thing about such things, they wouldn't have to be just for the new versions. Make it so that they work best with certain older versions.

In the end, just slapping on Synergy and Rapport is just so boring, and is not truly representative of the Big 4's relationship. Make them more effective when you team them up.

As for the issue of Bastilla and CE dependent factions, I don't support wholesale of CE-esque SAs, like Fire Control, but for the Rebels, definately for the Big 4. I think there are some creative ways to discount her power that can be come up with.

I agree with that. The Bastila/CE issue affects more than just rebels and could still be addressed as above, but for the big 4, I agree with you - targeted SAs since they weren't really commanding each other anyway.

I do think the idea would (in general) work better with a simple 'head count' for the bonus, as opposed to 2 separate effects wrapped up in one SA. I found those confusing when you listed them above. Some examples of simpler effects:

May the Force Be with You: When this character activates, it gains 1 force point for each adjacent ally that counts as Han, Leia, Luke, or Chewbacca.

Rebel Heroes: For each character in your squad that counts as Han, Leia, Luke, or Chewbacca, add +2 to this character's saves.

Somebody's Gotta Get Us Out Of Here: Replaces turn. This character and all allies within 4 squares who count as Han, Leia, Luke, or Chewbacca may move up to their speed. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 3:30:45 PM
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In my opinion, the problem with Rebels right now is actually twofold. First off, they are a faction that is very reliant on CEs. Dodonna, Rieekan, Princess Leia, and Crix Madine are all very powerful figures that are present in many Rebel squads. They also have the Bothan Noble and synergize extraordinarily well with the TBSV. This has always been their strength; very powerful cheap commanders that help a variety of squads/squad types. As has been pointed out, Bastila totally nerfs this concept, which was a big hit to the Rebels.

However, Rebels aren't the only squads that are very reliant on CEs. Plenty of Republic or Imperial squads do, also. But they don't seem to have been hurt as much by Bastila. Skybuck is still one of the strongest squads in the game, being played by 3 of the top 8 at Gencon this year and getting second place (barely losing to the Bastila squad which won). What's the difference between the CE-heavy Rebel squads and the CE-heavy Republic squads? I believe it's because of the lack of stamina that the average Rebel piece has. If you look at the squad I used to win Gencon 2010, I had 2 characters with 70 HP, and they were the two highest HP characters in the game. Luke had Lightsaber Deflect and a few pieces had Stealth, but otherwise there was absolutely no defensive powers in the squad. It survived by tempo and map control (very high acts for the meta and a lot of override), as well as Rieekan giving Evade to everyone so it did have a little more survivability. Not only does Bastila take those things away directly, but it's getting harder for Rebels to keep up with other factions in that regard. Separatist squads now dominate the high end of the activation count, easily breaking 30 activations with Poggle and a bunch of Drones. A new map list with more open maps like Theed and Smuggler's Base take away the huge amount of power Override had before.

A year ago, a Rebel squad could handle having a relatively low amount of Hit Points On Table (HPOT, as it was coined in a conversation I had about it this past weekend) because they had other ways to control the game. They didn't need traditional defenses like HP, Parry, Lightsaber Defense, or even high Defense ratings (Smug Commandos has Luke as the highest Defense character with 18 Defense, everyone else is 16 or less). Due to recent advances in the game they've lost that control, and have not gotten any sturdiness to back it up. Even their strong attacks aren't much in the meta anymore; 90 or 110 damage from the Han/Leia punch used to be a lot, with only a couple of characters (Mara Jade, Jedi, Lord Vader) dishing out more than that. Now we've got Darth Maul in 2 factions, Mace Windu, and other high-power pieces that make that 90 damage look kind of pitiful. Lethality in the game has accelerated, and Rebels have not kept up. Control in other factions has also accelerated with more door controlling pieces (Spaarti Clones, Atton "Jaq" Rand, Darman) and better tempo control (either pure high acts with Poggle's Drones and San Hill or Palleaon letting you opt out of having Ozzel), and they haven't kept up with that, either.

I used to be a heavy Rebel player. Now I barely consider them when thinking up a squad to bring to a competitive event.

How to fix this? I'm not sure of the best way. I like some of the ideas presented here to give the core group of heroes some boosts. I really think the best way to do it is to make the heroes be self-sufficient. Before they needed control of some kind to even stay alive (either door control to keep the enemy at bay or tempo control so they didn't have to expose themselves), and now they don't have that control. I think if they got some strong pieces that didn't need commanders and were both offensively powerful and defensively sturdy that would help. Basically they need pieces that are good on their own, because what they have is mostly pieces that have great synergy together, but that synergy can now get torn apart too easily.

I'm glad this thread has gotten this conversation going, because it's something that I don't have the best answer for, and I will be very interested to see what others have to say about it.
Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 5:18:49 PM
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Good post, Dan!

I think it's also worth noting that the Rebels haven't shown up even once in the past 2 (or maybe 3?) Gencon Tile Wars tourneys. I don't think they've ever been competitive in TW...and that's precisely for the reasons you've mentioned. They're fragile and so they rely on overwhelmingly-cheap CEs/tech.

There is a decent high-HPOT option for the Rebels, with the Landspeeder-Tank squad that Joruus used last year and this year (helping Team Canada win the Team Tourney 2 years in a row, I might add!)...the combo of the Landspeeder with Ferus (and evade and disruptive) means a LOT of HP to chew through while it pumps out a lot of twin-cannon shots at you. It's an auto-win vs Skybuck when played decently). But aside from that the Rebels don't really have much beef. And even the Landspeeder-Tank squad will drop quickly vs Bastilla and a good shooter or two (Bastilla, Jaq, Dash is common now).

However, I, for one, am not at all sad to see the Rebels finally out of the competitive meta...they've won the Champs for 3 out of the past 4 years, and if they never win again, it'll be too soon.

But for the balance of the game, IMHO the Rebels need a self-sufficient, high-hp beatstick who can absorb lots of attacks, thus allowing the Han-Leia combo and others to work. Dodonna is still the best tempo-control in the game, and they have some good non-CE tech too (Juno, Levi-Luke, ERC). They just need some good HPOT options that don't rely on CEs.

What I DON'T want to see is SAs being the new CEs. That is, I don't want to see SAs being the new primary mode of boosting allies just to get around Bastilla's ABM, because then we'll need a new form of Disruptive which nerfs SAs rather than CEs. Then the cycle starts again.
Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 8:38:53 PM
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Tru dat. I'm all for SAs not being CEs!

Bill and the Gamers guys hit on something with naming Luke as the EPIC Rebel (something I totally agree wi', by the way). If we follow that to its logical conclusion, we might be actually due for this uber-Rebel-beatstick Luke - or something like it. Perhaps a 90hp RotJ Luke wi' Parry/Evade built in (or simply just Parry) and some kind of alternate-Betrayl, so those Maul-Mace-Vader beats have reason to be wary of him etc... wi' a synergy for Han or someone, or one of these Hero 4 SAs... without going SA crazy, of course!
Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 8:45:18 PM
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I personally do not mourn the fall of Rebels from the top of the hill.

However, I do think we are due new versions of the main rebel hero characters.

But I think it needs to be VERY carefully done, as the Rebels are so darn easy to make over-powered.
Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 8:52:28 PM
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This SA idea sounds pretty much like a custom I made probably 1-2 years ago, back on the WotC boards. My idea back then was to put it on a Leia, who gave specific (and different) boosts to Han, Luke and Chewie. The reason:

- Leia is not a fighter, but should be the "glue" in that combo
- it replaces Princess Leia. We need new versions of Leia that are a viable choice over Princess Leia

Now that the game has changed so much since then, it's still an idea which I would like to see happen.

Something else to consider: not every Rebel game will be played against a Bastila squad. Even if you know you'll face Bastila 70% of the time, it's still going to be worth the points to run Dodonna. That's a huge advantage in those other 30% of matches, plus forces Bastila to spend those FP.
Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 11:47:17 PM
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Sithborg wrote:
In the end, just slapping on Synergy and Rapport is just so boring, and is not truly representative of the Big 4's relationship. Make them more effective when you team them up.

Boring? Maybe, but it is efficient in accomplishing the desired task.

I don't see how it doesn't represent their relationship though, afterall, each of your own custom abilities has some element of the Synergy ability.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:51:04 AM
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Another aspect to the Rebels falling out of favor is that not only do they do poorly against Bastila, they do much worse against the Lancer. Before Poggle Rebels had a chance of outactivating the Lancer, which meant at least a few phases to advance without reprisal and do something like send an ERC booking it down towards the Lancer. Next round on a won init the ERC takes it out, on a lost init the Lancer has to burn its turn early to kill it, letting you act more freely for the rest of the round. Before the most recent map list change Rebels could just lock the Lancer out until they were ready to make a move, making the Lancer play on the Rebel's timetable. Now if you get stuck playing against the Lancer on Smuggler's Base, or the outside of Ravaged Base, or something like that, the Rebel player has to hustle to do some damage before the Lancer takes him apart. This problem with the maps also applies to Yobuck, but to a lesser extent.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:03:37 AM
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Here is a thought that just popped into my head as Bastilla keeps being brought up as the Rebels main problem.

A new Yoda with Force Cancel 2, that is board wide.

Bastilla Player: ABM this round.

Rebel Player: Yoda says not today.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:13:34 AM
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R5Don4 wrote:
Here is a thought that just popped into my head as Bastilla keeps being brought up as the Rebels main problem.

A new Yoda with Force Cancel 2, that is board wide.

Bastilla Player: ABM this round.

Rebel Player: Yoda says not today.

I like that idea. Although it should be called Force Defense 5 or something like that. On a related note, Force Absorb and Force Defense should have had the same name (one with a "1" and one with a "3").

At any rate...

Force Defense Force 3: Cancel a Force power used by a character within 6 squares
Force Defense 4 Force 4: Cancel a Force power used by a character within line of sight
Force Defense 5 Force 5: Cancel a Force power used by another character
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 4:45:02 AM
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All of the rebels best was based in CE's

their survivablity (mobile evade and actiavtion control) and their power (essentially Leia added 1/3rd to 1/2 to their power).

Without those they cannot rely on individually weak figures like Han Smuggler to do the damage.

However, there are many figures in the Rebels that can do damage and have a resonable amount of in-built survivability.
(Landspeeder, Snowspeeder, Han Scoundrel, Chewie RH etc).

So what they really lost was their top end of power as they used to bae able to kill problem figs before losing their weak pieces (i.e. Yodabuck would die fast from 110 from han smug/leia, then a ERC on the start of the next round for a dead yobuck). Basically, losing Leia was the biggest downfall and with the introduction of Leia's CE in the OR, the cannon squads were taken from the rebels and given to the OR because they not only gained the counter to the cannon squad (ABM) but they also gained the cannon. So the Rebel cannon squad is dead unless something can be introduced that allows Rebels cannons to compete with the OR (Interestingly, the rebels have a bevy of good disruptive so they can combat OR cannons with the right tactics like a levitated Crix or Juno). In other words the rebels need to be able to beat the big meat of the OR without Leias (or reikeens) CE.

So basically, rebels need to get a source of increased power that isn't from a CE because there are figures in the rebels that have internal survivability and (although TINT won't like this) the simplest way is though a form of synergy. The best candidate is Leia (because all her figs are now sup-par in the meta) and she is the perfect candidate to dish out an extra attack, or dmg boost, or whatever (i can think of several things that would bring them back without really hurting any other factions) via a special abilty. Whether its to one fig specifically or to a group (like Rebel Heros, or Rebel Uniques etc). Regardless of how its done giving something out via SA is never going to equate to CEs. Its never disruptable but so long as you design right its range will never be extandable (the Vong should ALWAYS be the exception) so it comes with the cost of having to keep the figure in harms way to get the best out of it and i think its a decent trade of because whereas you can't disrupt the piece you should be able to get close enough to kill it.

The idea of a board wide force cancel is interesting but you are just keeping the same rebel cannons and adding a fig they must play to beat OR.

If you add in an extra attack then you recreate what leia brought (as any twin attack fig in the rebels get to see the board again) but you also alter how they play.

Adding a Yoda that can levitate big things will also give you additional movement breakers that is rebel themed and puts these large double twin attackers into LOS for a forceful volley.

The rebels have great figures and this hasn't changed, what has change is that Princess Leia, Dodonna and Reikeen are unable to form the bedrock of the squad anymore because they lose too much when disrupted. But there are plenty of Rebel figures with Twin, evade, mobile etc so you shouldn't need to rely on the commanders. I think another reason people don't play rebels is because they arn't sure how to approach the faction without them but they have a lot of great figures and tactics and they only need a little boost to bring them back up to the level of any other faction. The big fear should be adding too much to quickly because they havn't lost all that much.
I fully expect rebel squads in the future to have many of the same old faces but less of the 3-4 commanders that they were tied too.
Perhaps Reikeen or Crix or Leia but not all of them.

Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 5:17:18 AM
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fingersandteeth wrote:

The idea of a board wide force cancel is interesting but you are just keeping the same rebel cannons and adding a fig they must play to beat OR.

Boardwide Force Cancel should be expensive enough in Force points that it can't be used continuously. If Bastila skips round 1, she can activate ABM at the beginning of round 2, 4, and 6 - for nearly continuous ABM. Only exception being if she's outactivated at the end of rounds 3, 5, 7 (or of course if you can get to her to turn it off).

Consider a Yoda like this:

Force 4
Force Renewal 1
Force Defense 5

This Yoda would only have the Force Points to stop ABM once in the first 5 rounds.

Or this:

Force 2
Force Renewal 2
Force Defense 5

This Yoda wouldn't be able to stop it until round 3. In either case, Bastila has ABM active at least half the time. Certainly helps the Rebels to get their CEs for half the time, but it doesn't restore them to their former glory, especially if you have to bring along a Yoda for 20-40 points.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 7:56:26 AM
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Just a thought - could a new Leia have something similar to Paelleon's ability to swap out a commander? That way, if you did go up against an ABM or Lancer squad, you could swap out something for something. Haven't thought out the specifics of that (as I'm s'posed to be doing assigments...)...
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:33:06 AM
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An example of how I'd prefer Synergy be used in regards to the Rebel Big 4:

A new Leia that has Synergy(an allied Rebel[optional] character whose name contains Han or Solo gains Protective +X0(Leia))
This benefits old and new Hans, and offers a modest damage boost under the right conditions.

Then perhaps making a new Han with Protective (or whatever ability Synergy grants) built-in but has Synergy that grants Luke something. This route would make it more encouraging to mix in the old with the new rather than just fielding all the new characters.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:31:26 PM
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Lord_Ball wrote:
Sithborg wrote:
In the end, just slapping on Synergy and Rapport is just so boring, and is not truly representative of the Big 4's relationship. Make them more effective when you team them up.

Boring? Maybe, but it is efficient in accomplishing the desired task.

I don't see how it doesn't represent their relationship though, afterall, each of your own custom abilities has some element of the Synergy ability.

Some, but Synergy isn't really to be used for anything than a stat bonus. And it doesn't allow for some truly creative options. What I posted was spur of the moment creations. You can create something truly unique with time, rather than same ol' same ol' stat bonus or Rapport, neither has been really big game changers.

Edit: To be clear, I am only advocating SAs to boost the big 4, not for the Rebels to get around Bastilla in general. We don't need to create a new Vong issue.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:45:10 PM
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Agree with Sithborg's Edit a gazillion percent.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 4:25:28 PM
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I think the general consensus of the community is that Bastilla was a much needed addition towards balancing the game. However, it is much more unclear on where we go from here.

I think there are two issues. The first deals with what to do with the rebels. I play rebels more than anyone, and frankly I am not excited about making Slow cannon playable. In fact, I think the “massive army/out activate/deal damage” strategy is better for a separatist droid army, or Storm troopers/Vader. When I think rebels, I think about the core crew from “A New Hope”, not waves of mouse droids and rodian brutes!!! So, this could be a great opportunity to move Rebel in a new direction. The new rebel tier 1 could be a lower activation squad of higher costed uniques from the OT with alot of synergy. Avoid giving the rebels a traditional beatstick. Let them rely on interactions like Winter/NR Leia, but with a Rebel flavor.

The 2nd issue concerns the OR: My real fear is that OR becomes too strong, and many interesting and fun squads that rely on commander effects will become uncompetitive, which will overly constrict the meta. One possible solution: The designers should cautiously limit the improvement of the OR faction in the next few Vsets. So again, I am not worried about the Rebels necessarily, as I am the OR faction.

Anyway, thanks again to the Vset crew.
Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:23:04 PM
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Sithborg wrote:

Some, but Synergy isn't really to be used for anything than a stat bonus. And it doesn't allow for some truly creative options.

Before the Vsets I probably would agree that Synergy was reserved for strickly stat bonuses, but when Jaster Mereel's Synergy added Jango-specific Mandalorian Conscription to the ability the game changed and I see no reason why synergy couldn't be used to grant an SA or Force Power or even a CE (though that would be kind of goofy IMO).

They could create a new ability, but if it can be handled with creative use of an existing ability then why not go with the existing one.

Edit: Just looked at the CW WOTC rulebook and it says +4 Attack - well WOTC itself changed that when they added + to Defense (which oddly enough was in the CW set...) so the inclusion of gained abilities is just a natural step in the abilities evolution.
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